Asean's Non-Interference Policy
Principles Under Pressure?
By Kao Kim Hourn
December 2000
ASEAN Academic Press
ISBN: 1-901919-24-2
109 pages, Illustrated, 5 3/4" x 8 3/4"
$62.50 Hardcover
In recent years, especially since the financial crisis hit the region in July 1997, several Asean leaders have challenged the regional grouping's policies and have called for a change, if not a departure, from the uncompromising hallowed principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of member states which has been a guiding principle of the regional grouping since its founding in 1967. The call for a change in this principle is, as some have argued, legitimate and timely. They contend that now that Asean has reached a level of political maturity, the world has become increasingly interdependent, and there is thus an urgent need to help the newer members of Asean. Should Asean play a more vigorous role in the post-Cold War world? Is there a need for change from Asean's principle of non-intervention towards one of "constructive intervention"? This book assesses whether Asean has abided by its longstanding sacrosanct policy of non-interference or has shifted to what is now termed "flexible engagement" or "enhanced interaction". It also examines a number of issues such as the challenges of the Asian crisis for Asean and Cambodia. Besides contributing to a better understanding of the changing dynamics of relations between Cambodia and Asean, it also charts the constant evolution of Asean as a regional entity amidst emerging developments in the region.

Politics; Economics
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