Accuracy 2000
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Spatial
Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resource and Environmental Sciences:

Edited by G.B.M. Heuvelink andM.J.P.M. Lemmens
December 2000
Delft University Press
ISBN: 90-407-2085-1
772 pages, illustrated
$183.00 paper original


The biannual symposium from which these papers are drawn brings together experts from the environmental sciences, spatial statistics and geographic information science. The aim is to further develop the theory and practical application of methods for handling spatial uncertainty in the environmental sciences and natural resource management. Over 90 papers are included in this book. Topics include: Error Propagation in Wildfire Behaviour Modeling. Accuracy in Prediction of Soil Orders using Different Classification Algorithms. Neurofuzzy Systems in Landslide Hazard Assessment. An Algebra for Spatial Data Quality Assurance Routines.

Environmental Science

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