Amphibians of the Caucasus

By David N. Tarkhnishvili & R. K. Gokhelashvili
September 1999
ISBN: 9546420476
239 pages, illustrated
$79.50 paper original

The first detailed, completely original review of the amphibians of the Caucasus compiled since A.M. Nikolsky's (1913) treatise is given. A brief overview of the physiography of the Caucasus and a historical of amphibian research, as well as keys to all species at the main ontogenetic stages are presented. All species or subspecies as well as their habitats are richly illustrated with colour and black-and-white pictures. Species accounts include the current name, synonymy if any, type territory, taxonomic status, geographical, landscape and vertical distribution patterns, a detailed morphological description, mode(s) of life, reproduction, embryonic, larval and postmetamorphic development, feeding, predators, parasites and defensive reactions, population structure and dynamics, main constraining factors restricting the distribution, and conservation measures.

Advances in Amphibian Research in the Former Soviet Union, Vol. 4

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