Analysis of Amyloid Precursor Protein in Cells
and inBrain of Transgenic Mice as the
Biochemical Coorelate for Their PhenotypeBy Ilse Dewachter
December 1999
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 90-5867-006-6
134 pages
$60.00 paper original
The continuous increase in our life expectancy, following the success of modern hygiene and medicine, leads to an increase in the prevalence of senile dementia. The disease process named dimentia affects our most valuable human qualities: language and reasoning, learning and memory, family and social life. Senile dementia already ranks as the fourth leading cause of death in our western society, presenting one of the most common health problems in the aging population. The disease is not only detrimental for the patient as a human being but also - or even more so - affects his relatives and the society at large. It is an important social and economical problem and will become even more so for all further generations.
Medical Sciences
Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia
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