Anthology of Bulgarian Folk
Musicians, 3rd Edition

VOLUME 1[book cover]
By Todor Bakalov
TRANSLATED from the Bulgarian by R. Ivanova & S. Kyosseva
June 2002
St Kliment Ohridski University Press
ISBN: 954-07-1650-0
303 pages, illustrated
$108.00 hardcover

VOLUME 2[book cover]
By Todor Bakalov
TRANSLATED from the Bulgarian by R.I. Mihaleva & S.V. Kyosseva-McCullough
June 2002
St Kliment Ohridski University Press
ISBN: 954-07-1651-9
340 pages, illustrated
$108.00 hardcover

Richly illustrated with black & white and color photographs, along with musical notations, this publication highlights the masters of Bulgarian folk music throughout the ages up to the present time. Featured are individuals and groups producing folk music, as well as wedding & concert music. Biographies are provided for various folklore regions, including Thracian, Macedonian, Rhodope & Northern regions. The author has a background in musical pedagogy. He is a composer and conductor, as well as the author of 21 books and 300 articles and essays.

Music; Biography

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