Application of Low Calorific
Value Gaseous Fuels in Gas
Turbine Combustors
By Peter Dirk Jilles Hoppesteyn
December 1999
Delft University Press
ISBN: 90-407-1982-9
289 pages, Illustrated, 6 1/2" x 9 1/2"
$72.00 Paper Original
The investigation described in this Doctoral Dissertation is aimed at: (1) the influence of pressure on the combustion efficiency and the pollutant emission or low calorific value (LCV) fuel gas turbine combustors under operating conditions representatives for and at a scale directly relevant to industrial practice and (2) the validation of models describing turbulent steady state combustion of these fuels. The latter requirement, made possible by the availability of a 1.5 MW pressurized gasification test rig, included the necessity to use probe based measurements of gas temperatures and species concentration. This implicates the exclusion of non-intrusive measurement techniques.
Fluid Mechanics
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