Archaeology & Natural Science,
Volume 2
Edited By Paul Astroms Forlag
November 2003
Paul Astroms Forlag
ISBN: 91-7081-199-7
35 pages, Illustrated, 6 ½" x 9 ½"
$29.50 Paper Original
The elemental patterns of six herds from Hala Sultan Tekke, Cyprus, dating to the period Mye IIIA2, have been measured by Neutron Activation Analysis to determine their production places. Five sherds, archaeologically classified as being Mycenaean, are found to be imports from the Peloponnese, the one Cypro-Mycenaean vessel, a three handled jar decorated with reversed curved-stemmed spirals has a different composition and was probably made locally, as a comparison with other Cypriot patterns suggests. Contents include: Neutron activation analysis results of six Mycenaean Sherds from Hala Sultan Tekke, Cyrpus, Artifact from Hala Sultan Tekke, and Global and regional variations - a comprehensive review and comments on problems and errors in the determinations.
Ancient & Medieval Philosophy Series 1, No. 31
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