Aspects of Morphological
& Stylistic Variation of
the Verb in Erotokritos
By Vassilios Sabatakakis
December 2004
Almqvist & Wiksell
ISBN: 9122020713
163 pages, 6" x 8 ¾"
$72.50 Paper OriginalOUT OF PRINT
The aim of the present study is to examine the polytypia (morphological variation and semantic differentiations of the verb in Vitsentzos Kornaros Erotokritos, to understand how these shape poetic style. Such variation typically occurs in the stems and endings of the imperfective active forms.
Also, the augmented verb forms are highly relevant, since Kornaros allows a noticeable degree of poetic license in the use of the augment in the past-tense forms, varying between e- and i- augments and also using non-augmented forms. Some word forms take a specific position in the line according to the number of syllables and stress.
This study aims to discover how commonly this occurs. The formulaic character of the language is also closely linked to the position of words in the line, and the study analyses the different kinds of formulae or repetitions - because all repetitions are not formulae - to find out how widespread is the sue of this device. Finally, the positioning in the line of synonymous verbs is investigated.
In Erotokritos there exists the tendency to use two or more synonymous verbs in the same line or in the same context, a stylistic feature typical of the oral tradition. The conclusions support the view that Kornaros is very attentive to the interplay of metre and style, employing different word forms, including both dialectical and non-dialectical verbs, partly for metrical and partly for euphonic reasons, while actively exploiting their polytypia to produce or rework formulaic expressions, in his striving to create a rich and varied language.
Language Studies
Studia Graeca et Latina Lundensia, No. 9
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