Atlas: Birds of Moscow City & the Moscow Region
[In English & Russian]
Edited by G. Groot Koerkamp & S.I. Golovach
September 2006
Pensoft Publishers: Faunistica Series, No. 54
Distributed by
ISBN: 9546422622
372 pages, Illustrated, 8 1/2 x 12"
$149.50 Hardcover
This beautifully illustrated atlas, with full color plates, is a complete collection of distribution maps of all 273 breeding, migrant, nomadic, and wintering bird species recorded in Moscow City and the Moscow region during 1999-2004.
The maps are accompanied by brief texts characterizing their status in the region.
Graphs illustrate their seasonal presence, along with 900 photographs of all species.
The book summarizes the data collected by 401 bird watchers & professional ornithologists during the six years of field work.
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