Atlas of the Millipedes (Diplopoda) of Britain and Ireland
Faunistica, No. 59
By P. Lee
With a contribution from Paul T. Harding.
Photographs by Steve Hopkin
Species descriptions, maps, color photos of many species, bibliography, index.
November 2006
Pensoft (Sofia-Moscow)
Distributed by
ISBN: 9546422770
216 pages, Illustrated
$92.50 Hardcover
Foreword - by R.D. Kime - Acknowledgements - Introduction - Millipede recording in Britain and Ireland - by P.T. Harding - Check list - Distribution maps and species accounts - Alien Species - Data analysis - Conservation - Future recording - Appendices - 1. Combination of habitat categories from - RA13 and RA59 recording cards - 2. Summary table of species records from 191 each habitat category - 3. Summary tables of species records for 195 each environmental factor - References - Species index"The publication of the Atlas of the Millipedes of Britain and Ireland less than twenty years after the appearance of the Preliminary Atlas in 1988 has been made possible by the maintenance of a most efficient recording scheme, in combination with the dedication and initiative of the myriapodologists collecting data in the field. This new volume will be of great value in conservation work, allowing research workers and planners to see in which types of habitat and microhabitat the different species may be found and which of these require to be protected in order to maintain viable populations of the species in which they are interested. A further feature and major strength of this volume is the placing of the British and Irish fauna in a European context, evidently permitting abetter understanding of the species' distributions and the relative importance of the British and Irish populations globally. Because of the attention paid to sound ecological principles and its bio-geographical attributes this atlas should appeal to a broader field of readers than the title might indicate. It reveals distribution patterns that are mirrored in other groups of organisms and is a model of its kind." ---- Desmond Kime
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