Atlas of the Helminth Parasites of Cichlid Fish of Mexico

By Victor Manuel Vidal-Martínez, María Leopoldina Aguirre-Macdeo, Tomás Scholz,
David González-Solís, and Edgar Fernando Mendoza-Franco
December 2001
ISBN: 80-200-0820-9
165 pages, illustrated
$59.50 hardcover


The Atlas brings together all the available information on the helminth parasites of the cichlid fish of Mexico. It is based on the extensive experience gained by the authors during the last decade and represents an exhaustive overview of existing knowledge in the field of parasitology. It is presented in a format accessible to both specialists and the general public. The book is intended for parasitologists, biologists, veterinarians, workers in libraries, university students. It would be also of interest to ichthyologists and museum curators.

Parasitology; Marine Biology

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