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Coronet Books

A - Z Listing

This is not a comprehensive list of Coronet titles.
Prices are subject to change and titles may go out of print without warning.
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1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D³ and Its Analogues as Immunomodulators in Autoimmune
Type 1 Diabetes: Mechanisms of Actions and Preclinical Applications

3rd International Sakharov Conference on Physics, 2 volumes
5 Men & Ideas: Building National Identity
12p Translocations in Acute Leukaemia: Transforming Properties
of CIZ Fusions and Molecular Analysis of a Slag Fusion

21st Century Malaysia: Challenges & Strategies in Attaining Vision 2020
a-Oxidation of 3-Methyl-Branched Fatty Acids
a-Oxidation of 3-Methyl-Branched Fatty Acids: A Revised Pathway


Ab Aquilone
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi: Revivalist of an Intellectual Tradition
About Zion I Will Not Be Silent
Abraham Calov's Doctrine of Vocatio in its Systematic Context
Abstraction & Authority in Textbooks
Accepting the Yoke of Heaven: Commentary on the Weekly Torah Portion

Accountability for Crimes of the Past & the Challenges of Criminal Prosecutions
Accountants Without Standards
Accounting for Overheads

Achieving True Globalisation
Acid-Base Disorders
Acid-Base Interactions, Volume 2
Acoustical Perspective on Raga-Rasa Theory

Acquarossa Vol. I, Part 1
Acquarossa Vol. I, Part 2
Acquarossa Vol. II, Part 1
Acquarossa Vol. II, Part 2
Acquarossa Vol. III
Acquarossa Vol. IV
Acquarossa Vol. V, Part 1
Acquarossa Vol. VI, Part 1
Acquarossa Vol. VI, Part 2
Acquarossa Vol. VII
Acquiring Intercultural Communicative Competence From Textbooks
Acta Cypria, Part 1
Acta Cypria, Part 2
Acta Cypria, Part 3
Acta Hyperborea
Action and Mechanism of Action of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3
on the Proliferation and Differentiation of Malignant Cells

Activities in Space - Appropriation or Use?

Acts & the Isaianic New Exodus
Acute Compartment Syndrome, a Complication of Fractures
and Soft Tissue Injuries of the Extremities

Acute Glaucoma
Additions & Corrections to the World Catalogue
of Genus-Group Names of Geadephaga (Coleoptera)

Adequate Education Law for Modern Russia
Adhesion Aspects of Thin Films, Volume 1
Adhesion Measurement of Films and Coatings
Adhesion Measurement of Polymeric Coatings, Vol. 2
Adhesion of Porphyromonas Gingivalis and Periodontitis
Adhesive Joints: Formation, Characteristics & Testing, Vol 2.
Adi Granth: Or the Holy Scriptures of the Sikhs
Adolescents at Risk of Persistent Antisocial Behavior & Alcohol Problems
Adoption and the Care of Children
Adoption as Sons of God
Adoption: The Continuing Debate
ADP-Ribosylation, DNA Repair and Cancer
Adult Participation in Swedish Higher Education
Adults in Higher Education
Adults with Autism & Mental Retardation
Advanced Composite Materials and Structures
Advances in Amphibian Research in the Former Soviet Union, Vol. 3
Advances in Amphibian Research in the Former Soviet Union, Vol. 5
Advances in Molecular Toxicology
Advances in Protein Phosphates, Vol. 1
Advances in Protein Phosphates, Vol. 2
Advances in Protein Phosphates, Vol. 3
Advances in Protein Phosphates, Vol. 4
Advances in Protein Phosphates, Vol. 5
Advances in Protein Phosphates, Vol. 6
Advances in Protein Phosphates, Vol. 7
Advances in Protein Phosphates, Vol. 8
Advances in Protein Phosphates, Vol. 9
Advances in Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Advances in Solid Earth Sciences
Aegean and the East, The
Aegean Frescoes of Religious Character
Aegyptiaca From Late Bronze Age Cyprus
Aesthetics of Play
Aesthetics of the Popular Arts
Aesthetics of Vulnerability: The Sentimentum & the Novels of Graham Swift
African Focus, An
African National Congress Meets Eastern Europe
African Renaissance: Challenges, Solutions & the Road Ahead
After Consensus
After Poland
After the Fall of Darkness
AGA Gas Handbook
Against a Rising Tide: Racism, Europe & 1992
Against False Apologetics: Wilhelm Herrmann and Ernst Troeltsch in Conflict
Age and Days in Cyprus
Aging and Old Age Among Chinese in a Singapore Urban Neighborhood
Aging and Spatial Memory
Agrarian Economy of Sixteenth-Century Sweden
Agreement with Collective Nouns in English
Agriculture and Horticulture in Central Asia in the
Early Years of the Twentieth Century With an Excursus on Fishing

Agriculture in Ancient Greece
Agrippa I
Ahimsa: Buddhism & the Vegetarian Ideal
Ahmed Dogan & the Bulgarian Ethnic Model
Aid Dependence and Governance
Aid Dependence. Issues and indicators
Aid Relationship in Zambia, The
Aim of Laboratory Analyses of Ceramics in Archaeology
Air Power of the Kingdom of Bulgaria, 4 Vol. Set [English & Bulgarian]
Air Transport Liberalisation in the European Community 1987-1992
Akeydat Yitzchak, 3rd edition, 2 volumes
Commentary of Rabbi Yitzchak Arama on the Torah

Alasia Problems
Albanians in the Republic of Macedonia, 1945-1995
Albert Einstein, Bertrand Russell: Manifesto 50
Alberuni's India
Albinus, Alcinous, Arius Didymus
Albnius and the History of Middle Platonism
Album Vilmorin: The Vegetable Garden. Facsimile Folio Portfolio
Alcohol and Criminal Violence
Alcohol in Postwar Europe
Algebraic Calculation of the Rainbow
Allergic Contact Dermatitis to Ingredients Used in Topically
Applied Pharmaceutical Products and Cosmetics

Almost Homogeneous Functions
Along the Path of Music
Altruism, Society, Health Care
Alva Myrdal In International Affairs
Amazon Fish Parasites, 2nd edition. [In English & Spanish]
Amazonian Arachnida & Myriapoda:
Identification keys to all classes, orders, families,
some genera and lists of known terrestrial species

Ambassadors for Christ
Ambiguous Artefacts

America & the Bulgarians: Till the Constituent Assembly of 1879
American Business Law
America's Gulag: Full Spectrum Dominance Versus Universal Human Rights
America's Social Revolution
Among the Interculturalists
AMPA Receptor & ALS
Amphibians & Reptiles in Bulgaria
Amphibians of Belarus
Amphibians of the Caucasus
Amphibians of the Former Soviet Union
Amphibians of the Russian Far East: Advances in Amphibian Research, Vol. 8
Amphibiotic Insects of the Northeast of Asia
Amyloidogenesis and the Cholinergic System in Alzheimer's Disease:
From in Vitro Analysis to Transgenic Mice Models
Anabaptist Beginnings, 1523-1533
Analysis of Amyloid Precursor Protein in Cells and in Brain of
Transgenic Mice as the Biochemical Coorelate for Their Phenotype

Analysis of Imaging Spectrometer Data with Lake Environment Applications

Analysis of Systematic and Random Differences
Between Paired Ordinal Categorical Data

Analysis of the English Poetry of St. Thomas More
Analysis of the Panamax Bulkcarrier Chartermarket, 1989-1994,
in Relation to the Design Characteristics

Analysis of WNT/b-Catenin Signaling in Desmoid Tumors
Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Vol. 4
Analytic Semigroup Approach to Convolution Volterra Equations
Analytical Bibliography of the Prehistory and the
Early Dynastic Period of Egypt and Northern Sudan

Analytical Chemistry of Minerals
Analytical Methods in Nonlinear Wave Theory

Analytical Study of Four Nikayas, 2nd Edition
Analyzing the Photochemotherapeutical Principle in the Treatment of Psoriasis
Anarchy Within
Anatomical Study of Lung Mechanics in Man
Anchorage of Imagination
Ancient Arcadia
Ancient Geography of India
Ancient Greek Cult Practice from the Archaeological Evidence
Ancient Greek Cult Practice From the Epigraphical Evidence
Ancient Greek Hero Cult
Ancient Indian Magic & Folklore
Ancient Indian Massage: Traditional Massage Techniques Based on the Ayurveda
Ancient Near Eastern Glyptic
Ancient Indian Ports
Ancient Rome and India
Ancient Sculptures in the Royal Museum
Ancient Stones
Ancient Synagogue: From Its Origins Until 200 C.E.
Ancillary Literature of the Atharva-Veda
Androgen Receptor-Interacting Proteins
& their Role in Androgen Regulated Transcription

Androgen-Induced Activation of Sterol Regulatory Element-Binding
Proteins (SREBPs) & Enhanced Lipogenesis in Tumor Cells
Angel Among Men: Impressions from the Life
of Rav Avraham Yitzchak Hakohen Kook zt"l

Angel Veneration and Christology
Angiogenesis & Bone
Anglo-Irish and Irish Literature
Anglo-Saxon & Later British Coins
Animal Experimental Study to Improve the Success Rate
of Oral Implants in Bone of Low Density

Animated Clay: Artistic Ceramics in the Bulgarian Lands
Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, or the Central
and Western Rajpoot States of India, 2 Vols.

Annotated Bibliography on Ibn Sina (1970-1989)
An Annotated List of the Birds of Hungary
Anomalies in Quantum Field Theory
Anonymous Skeptics
Antarctica: The Extreme South
Antedatings and Additions for the Oxford English Dictionary from the
Catalogue of Prints of Political and Personal Satire in the British Museum

Anthology of Bulgarian Folk Musicians, 3rd Edition
Anthromorphic Representations in Prehistoric Cyprus
Anti-Liberalism 2000
Antiquity & Humanity
Anti-Representational Response
Anticipating Behaviour in Supervisory Vehicle Control
Antwerp & the World: Richard Verstegan
& the International Culture of Catholic Reformation

Apocalypse Soon: The Spokesman, No. 86
Apocalypticism in the Mediterranean World and the Near East, 2nd Edition
Apology for Capitalism?
Apostasy and Reform in the Revelations of St. Birgitta 7
Apple World
Application of Chemical Vapour Deposition in Catalyst Design
Application of the Polymerase Chain Reaction to Forensic DNA Analysis in Belgium
Application of the Virtual Crack Closure Technique to Calculate Stress Intensity Factors
for Through Cracks With an Oblique Elliptical Crack Front

Applications of Mathematics in Engineering & Economics
Applications of Technical Devices in Archaeology
Applied Logic
Applying Sun Tzu's Art of War in Managing Your Children
Applying Sun Tzu's Art of War in Managing Your Marriage
Applying Sun Tzu's Art of War in Managing Your Money
Appointed Festivals of YHWH
Appointment in Cordoba: Defending Peace & Human Rights
Approaching English Language Research
Approaching Religion
Approaching the Culture of Toys in Swedish Child Care
Appropriating King Arthur
Approximation Methods for Solutions of Differential and Integral Equations
Approximation Theory: A Volume Dedicated to Borislav Bojanov
Aquinas and Problems of His Time
Aram as the Enemy Friend
Arbitrator's Mandate
Archaeological and Historical Aspects of West-European Societies
Archaeological Investigations in Southern Etruria
Archaeology & Natural Science, Volume 1
Archaeology & Natural Science, Volume 2
Archaeology of the Cultural Landscape
Archaeology: Artifacts and Artifiction
Archaeology from the Earth
Archaeology: More Artifacts and Artifiction
Archaic Economy and Modern Society
Archaic Greek Temenos
Architect Sigurd Lewerentz
Architectural Heritage of Himachal Pradesh
Architecture and Society in Hecatomnid Caria
Architecture Decorated with Architecture:
Later Medieval Temples of Karnataka, 1000 - 1300 AD

Arctic and Alpine Mycology, Volume 5
Argolid 800-600 BC
Aristotle in the Greek Gnomological Tradition
Aristotle's Animals in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Aristotle's Concept of Soul, Sleep and Dreams
Aristotle's Zoology & its Renaissance Commentators (1521-1601)
Armies of the Hasmonaeans and Herod
Arms for Oil
Around the Family: Song & Prayers for the Jewish Home. Pocket Edition
Around the Family Table [In English & Hebrew]
A Comprehensive "Bencher" & Companion for Shabbat & Festival
Meals & Other Family Occasions with Insights & Commentary

Art of Encouraging Invention
Art of Kathakali
Art of Sanskrit Poetry
Art of War in Medieval India
Art, Politics, & Cultural Identification in Sudan
Art, Reason and Tradition
Arte Militare E Architettura Nuragica
Arthropods in Baltic Amber [In German & English]
Artifacts & Artificial Science
Artificial Intelligence Applications to Traffic Engineering
Aryans Revisited
As It Is… An Ode to a Decade of Hidden Issues
Ascia Symbol on Latin Epitaphs
Asea Valley Survey
Asean Towards 2020
ASEAN Towards the 21st Century
Asean's Non-Interference Policy
Ashvaghosha: The Awakening of Faith, 2nd Edition
Asia-Pacific's Security Dilemma
Asian Economic Recovery
Asian Wisdom for Effective Management: From Lao Tzu to Miyamoto Musashi
Asine II, Fasc. 1
Asine II -- Results of the Excavations East of the Acropolis 1970-1974, Fasc. 1
Asine II -- Results of the Excavations East of the Acropolis 1970-1974, Fasc. 2
Asine II -- Results of the Excavations East of the Acropolis 1970-1974, Fasc. 3
Asine II -- Results of the Excavations East of the Acropolis 1970-1974, Fasc. 4-1
Asine II -- Results of the Excavations East of the Acropolis 1970-1974, Fasc. 4-2
Asine II -- Results of the Excavations East of the Acropolis 1970-1974, Fasc. 4-3
Asine II -- Results of the Excavations East of the Acropolis 1970-1974, Fasc. 6-2
Ask the Rabbi: Responsa on Modern Issues
Aspects of Ancient Egyptian Curses and Blessings
Aspects of Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium
Aspects of Macro-Sociological Methodology
Aspects of Morphological & Stylistic Variation of the Verb in Erotokritos
Aspects of Multilingualism
Aspects of Palynology & Palaeoecology
Aspects of the Epidemiology and Prevention of Suicide
Aspects of Women in Antiquity
Aspects on the Johannine Literature
Asrama System: The History & Hermeneutics of a Religious Institution
Assessment of Human Cerebral Ischemia Using
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Techniques

Assessment of Human Vertebral Strength
Assessment of Schoolchildren's Performance in Dance
Assessment of Twentieth-Century Historiography
Association of HLA Class II Antigens with Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
Association Studies Between HLA Class II, CD3 and CD4 Polymorphisms
and Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis and Schizophrenia

Astadhyayi of Panini, Vol. VI
Asteroids, Comets and Meteors, Vol. 3
Asymptotics in Statistics and Probability
At the Crossroads of Russian Modernism
Atlas: Birds of Moscow City & the Moscow Region
Atlas of Fossil Plant Anatomy in China
Atlas of Medical Parasitology
Atlas of Oriented Sectional and Surface Anatomy of the Living Person
Atlas of Orogenic Processes and Three-Dimension Litospheric
Framework of Qinling Orogenic Belt

Atlas of Selected Galaxies
Atlas of the Cerambycidae of Europe & the Mediterranean Area
Atlas of the Distribution of Reptiles in the Czech Republic [In Czech & English Languages]
Atlas of the Distribution of the Butterflies in Bulgaria
Atlas of the Geographic Distribution of the Arvicoline Rodents of the World
Atlas of the Helminth Parasites of Cichlid Fish of Mexico
Atlas of the Millipedes (Diplopoda) of Britain and Ireland
Atlas of the Reptiles of North Eurasia.
Taxonomic Diversity, Distribution, Conservation Status

Atomic Defects & Crystal Structure of Minerals, 2nd Edition
Atomistic Society in Shatin - Hong Kong Valley
Atoms and Molecules in Electric Fields
Attack and Other Papers
Attic Moses
Attitudes Towards Social Limits, Undersocialized Behavior,
and Self-Presentation in Young People

Attraction of Peyote
Auditory and Vestibular Organs of Marine Mammals
Augustinian Perspectives in the Renaissance
Aurelius Augustinus. De Musica Liber VI:
A Critical Edition with a Translation & an Introduction

Australasian Caliciales
Authentic Chinese Christianity: Preludes to its Development Authoritarianism, Democracy and Adjustment
Autoimmune Disease
Autonomous & the Passive Progressive in 20th-Century Irish
Autonomy & Conflict: Ethnoterritoriality & Separatism
in the South Caucasus - Cases in Georgia

Autonomy Coping and Defense in Small Work Groups
Availability & Sales of Alcohol: Experiences from Canada & the U.S.
Avatars of Modernity: Vasco da Gama's Discovery & Indian Identities in Perspective
Aviation Safety
Avicenna & His Heritage
Awkward Warrior
Ayia Paraskevi and Vasilia
Ayia Triadha Sarcophagus


Back From the Brink
Bad Breath
Balancing Rocks
Baltic Cities
Baltic Countries 1900-1914, 2 vols.
Baltic Countries Under Occupation
Baltic Democracy at the Crossroads
Baltic in International Relations Between the Two World Wars
Baltic Sea Region Environmental Protection
Band Director's Handbook:
A Guide for College & Secondary School Music Directors in Southeast Asia

Banners of Belonging: The Politics of Indigenous Identity in Bolivia & Guatemala
Baptism and Resurrection
Baptist Traditions & Q
Bar Kokhba War Reconsidered: New Perspectives
on the Second Jewish Revolt against Rome

Barbarian Philosophy
Baroque Dreams: Art & Vision in Sweden in the Era of Greatness
Basic Chinese For Everyone
Basic Japanese Vocabulary: An Explanation of Usage
Basic Principles of Indian Philosophy of Language
Basin Analysis and Global Sedimentary Geology
Bastiat's 'The Law'
Battle of the Granicus
Battle Stalin Lost
ß-Catenin Target Genes in Desmoid Tumors
Becoming Jinja: The Production of Space and Making of Place in an African Industrial Town
Becoming Swedish-American
Bees of the Family Halictidae (Excluding Sphecodes) of Poland
Before Beveridge
Beginners Read Aloud:
High versus Low Linguistic Levels in Swedish Beginner's Oral Reading

Behavior Therapy
Behavioural Research for Transport Policy
Being Religious and Living Through the Eyes
Belarus Remembers [In Belarusian, English, Russian, German]
Belarusian Exotics [In Belarusian & English]
Belgian Archaeology in a European Setting, Vol. 1
Belgian Archaeology in a European Setting, Vol. 2
Belgian National Income During the Interwar Period: Reconstruction of the Database

Belgium & the Holy See From Gregory XVI to Pius IX
Belonging to Others
Beloved Communities
Bending the Kuznets Curve: Wrenching & Levelling Forces
during Agricultural Transformation in Taiwan & Chile

Benedictine Culture, 750-1050
Benefit Dependency
Bengal Under Akbar and Jahangir
Berbati, Vol. 2
Berbati Limnes Archaeological Survey
Bernoulli Society, U.S.S.R., 2 vols.
Better Off Out? New Edition
Between Facts & Norms: An Ethical Analysis of the Relationship between Empirical
& Normative Approaches in Bioethics with a Focus on Carrier Testing in Minors

Between Peace and Justice
Between Rome & Babylon: Studies in Jewish Leadership and Society
Between Technology & Humanity:
The Impact of Technology on Health Care Ethics

Between Water and Heaven
Beyond Conflict & Reduction
Beyond Degrees
Beyond Empiricism on Criterea for Educational Research
Beyond Taijiquan: Supremacy of the Tai-Chi Mind
Beyond the Controversy
Beyond the Noise of Time:
Readings of Marina Tsvetaeva's Memories of Childhood

Beyond Universities
Beyond Wage Slavery
Bhakti and the Bhakti Movement
Bhartrihari's Satakatrayam, New Edition
Bhilsa Topes or Buddhist Monuments of Central India
Bible and Medieval Culture
Bible in the Works of Thomas More
Bible Reading in Sweden
Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations on Hong Kong
Bibliography of Keys to European Insects (1996-2000)
Bibliography of Memory
Bibliography of Scholarship on Plautus
Bibliography to the Classical Tradition in English Literature
Bilateral Shipping & Trade: Swedish-Finnish Experiences in the Post-War Period

Binding Force of Treaties Under International Law
Biochemical Characterization & Validation of the Yeast Saccharomyces
Cerevisiae as Model System for the Function of Human Protein Tau

Biochemical & Immuno-Histochemical Analysis of APP-Processing
& Amyloid Pathology in Single & Multiple Transgenic Mice as Models for Alzheimer's Disease

Biochemical, Molecular and Functional Properties of the
Ca2+ Homeostasis in Renal Cells in Culture

Biocompatibilisation of Coronary Artery Stents
Biodegradation & Durability of Materials under the Effect of Microorganisms
Biodegradation of Xenobiotics
Biodiversity & Ecological Status Along the Northern Coast of the Sea of Okhotsk
Biodiversity and Evolution of Glacial Water Ecosystems in the Rila Mountains
Biodiversity Conservation in Asean
Biodiversity Conservation in Russia
Biodiversity of Eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria & Greece)
Biodiversity of Shabla Lake System
Biodiversity of the Caucasus Ecoregion
Biodiversity of the Srebarna Biosphere Reserve
Biogeochemical Exploration for Mineral Deposits
Biogeochemical Migration of Technogenic Radionuclides in Forrest Ecosystems
Biological Psychiatry
Biology and Evolution of Social Insects
Biology of Vanda Miss Joaquim
Biomes of Brazil: An Illustrated Natural History
Biopharmaceutical Relevance of Human
Nasal Primary Cell Culture Systems

Biophysical Environmental of Singapore
Biosphere Reserves in Poland
Biosystematics in the Nordic Flora
Biotic Type Antioxidants
Bipolar Transistors for Use in Monolithic Bandgap References
and Temperature Transducers

Birds of Azerbaijan
Birka V
The Birth, The Life & the Death of Firms
Birth of Religion Among the Balanta of Guinea-Bissau
Birth of the Ballad
Birth Report Genre in the Hebrew Bible

Birthright and the Blessing
Bitter Bread
Black International
Black Market Exchange Rates
Blair Revelation: Deliverance for whom?
Blasphemy and Exaltation in Judaism and the Final Examination of Jesus
Blessing for the Nations & the Curse of the Law
Blindness & the Multi-Sensorial City
Blocks on the Road to Instructional Design Prescriptions
Blowing Her Own Trumpet
Body and Space
Boeotian and West Greek Tombstones
Bombay in Transition
Bonds and Boundaries in Northern Ghana and Southern Burkina Faso
Bone Mineral Measurements by Photon Absorptiometry
Book of Giants From Qumran
Book of Hours of Johannete Ravenelle
& the Parisian Book Illumination around 1400
Book of Ser Marco Polo
Books on Military Architecture Printed in Venice
Bookshop of the World
Boreal Forest of Canada & Russia
Boris Pasternak
Born from Above
Brain-Mind Problem
Bread for the People
Breaking Down the Barriers: Why Europe Needs More Free Trade
Bridewealth, Women and Land
Bridge of Words
Brief History of the Czech Lands to 2004
Bright Lights Grow Fainter:
Livelihoods, Migration & a Small Town in Zimbabwe

Britain and Sweden
Britain in Crisis
Britain in the 21st Century
Britain's Relative Economic Performance 1870-1999
British as Rulers, The
British Economic Opinion
British Imperialism and Afghanistan's Struggle for Independence 1914-1921
Brittle-Ductile Deformation Behaviour in the Middle Crust
Broadband Communication
Broadcasting & Convergence: New Articulations of the Public Service Remit
Bronze Age Aegean Seals in Their Middle Phase (ca. 1700-1550 BC)
Bronze Age Anthropomorphic Figurines in the Cesnola Collection
at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Bronze Age Ashlar Masonry in the Eastern Mediterranean
Bronze Age Metalwork in Southern Sweden
Bronze Age Necropolis at Ayia Paraskevi (Nicosia)
Bronze Age Population Fluctuations in the Argolid From
the Evidence of Mycenaean Tombs

Bronze Age Pottery From the Kastro at Paros
Bronze Age White Painted I Ware in Cyprus
Bronzework of Mainland Greece From C. 2600 BC to C. 1450 BC
Broyd Papers
Bruc Ealles Well: Archaeological Essays Concerning
the Peoples of North-West Europe in the First Millenium AD

Buckingham at 25
Buddha & the Gospel of Buddhism
Buddhacarita or Acts of the Buddha
Buddha's Ancient Path
Buddhism: A Religion of Salvation
Buddhism Among Tamils in Pre-Colonial Tamilakam & Ilam, 2 Volumes
Buddhism & Buddhist Literature in Early Indian Epigraphy
Buddhism in Chinese Culture
Buddhism in Perspective
Buddhism: Its Essence and Development
Buddhist and Freudian Psychology
Buddhist Art in India, Ceylon, and Java
Buddhist Divinities
Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar & Dictionary, 2 Volume Set
Buddhist India
Buddhist Records of the Western World
Buddhist Texts Through the Ages
Buddhist Thought in India
Buddhist Woman's Path to Enlightenment
Building a World Class Construction Industry
Building Maintenance Technology in Tropical Climates
Building Technological Capabilities of Local
Auto Parts Firms Under Contrasting Industrial Policies:
A Comparative Study of Malaysia & Thailand 1960-2000

Building the Nation Back Up
Bulgaria [In English & Bulgarian]
Bulgaria, 2nd Revised & Expanded Edition
Bulgaria: An Illustrated Histrory
Bulgaria: Guide Book, 2nd Revised Edition
Bulgaria & the Vatican
Bulgaria Guide Book, 2nd Edition
Bulgaria: History Retold in Brief
Bulgaria: Known & Unknown
Bulgaria Collection: The Unique Bulgarian Nature, Churches,
Monasteries, Wall-Paintings, Icons, Towns, Architecture

Bulgaria in the European Cartographic Concepts until XIX Century
Bulgarian: Beyond the First Steps

Bulgarian Antarctic Research
Bulgarian Antarctic Research: Life Sciences, Volume 3
Bulgarian Antarctic Research: Life Sciences, Volume 4
Bulgarian Antarctic Research: Life Sciences, Volume 5
Bulgarian Church Woodcarving, 14th-19th Century
Bulgarian Coins Catalog [In English & Bulgarian]
Bulgarian Cuisine
Bulgarian-English Dictionary (Gaberoff Publishers)
Bulgarian Folk Costumes
Bulgarian Folk Music
Bulgarian Language in Practice [In English & Bulgarian]
Bulgarian Opera Myth: The Three Bassos, The Three Sopranos
Bulgarian Parliament & Bulgarian Statehood
Bulgarian-English Dictionary
Bulgarians: Civilizers of the Slavs
Bulgarians: The First Europeans
Bulgarians & the Americans [In English & Bulgarian]
Bureaucratic Restructure in Reforming China
Business Dictionary: English-Croatian
Butterflies Fauna Sinica: Lycaenidae
[In English & Chinese]

Butterflies (Hesperioidea & Papilionoidea) of
North Asia (Asian Part of Russia) in Nature, Vol. 1

Butterflies of Eastern Europe, Urals & Caucasus
Butterflies of Kyrgyzstan: (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera)
Butterflies of Ladak: (N.-W. India) (Lepidoptera, Rhodpalocera)

Butterflies of Russia: Classification, Genitalia, Keys for Identification
Butterflies of Tajikistan
Butterflies of the Czech Republic [2 Volume Set]
Butterflies of the World Vols, 1-12 & 14
Butterflies of the World: Part 13: Parnassius Apollo. Plates
Butterflies of the World, Part 15: Nymphalidae VI, Euriphene
Butterflies of the World: Part 16: Nymphalidae VII, Pseudacraea
Butterflies of the World: Part 17: Papilionidae IX,
Papilionidae of the Philippine Islands

Butterflies of the World: Part 18: Nymphalidae VIII, Lexias
Butterflies of the World: Part 19: Kurt Rumbucher
& Oliver Schaffler: Papilionidae X: Troides III

Butterflies of the World:
Baronia, Euryades, Protographium, Neographium, Eurytides

Butterflies of the World: Part 20: Nymphalidae IX, Amathusiini of the Philippine Islands

Butterflies of the World: Part 21: Papilionidae XI, Troides Hubner, 1819, Part 4

Butterflies of the World, Part 22: Nymphalidae X, Charaxes I
Butterflies of Transbaikal Siberia
Butterflies of Turkmenistan
Butterflies of Uzbekistan
Butterflies of Vietnam: Volume 1: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae
By the Water: Archaeological Perspectives
on Human Strategies Around the Baltic Sea

Byron: East & West, Proceedings of the 24th International Byron Conference
Byzantine History Vol. I
Byzantine History Vol. II 610-867
Byzantine Military Unrest
Byzantium and Islam in Scandinavia


Cahier "M": A Brief Morphology of Electric Sound
Calendar and Hunting Mosaics of the Villa of the Falconer in Argos
Calibration and 3D Reconstruction for Multicamera
Marker Based Motion Measurement

Calukya Architecture, 3 Volume Set:
Medieval Temples of Nothern Karnataka built during the
rule of the Calukya of Kalyana & Thereafter, AD 1000-1300

Cambodia's Economic Development
Campaign of Pharaoh Shoshenq I into Palestine
Can a Consequentialist Be a Real Friend? (Who Cares?)
Can De-Industrialization Seriously Damage Your Wealth?
Can Malaysia Transit into the K-Economy?
Cancer Risk Assessment at the Workplace
Capacity Building, Institutional Crisis, and the Issue of Recurrent Costs
Capital Control & the Malaysian Economy
Capital Controls: A 'Cure' Worse Than the Problem?
Capital Formation in Belgium, 1900-1995
Capitalism, Morality & Markets
Capricious Earth: Models & Modelling of Geologic Process & Objects
Captain of Our Salvation
Captive Local State
Captive Party: How Labour Was Taken Over by Capital
Carabidae of Switzerland
Cardioselective Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene Transfer to Target Myocardial Ischemia
Carlebach Haggadah
Carta Bible Atlas, 4th Edition
Carta’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem
Carthage [In Swedish & English]
Carthage: Results of the Swedish Excavations 1979-1983. Volume 1. A Roman Bath
Carvaka - Lokayata
Case Against War, 2nd Ed: The Essential Legal
Inquiries, Opinions & Judgments Concerning War In Iraq

Case of Nikolai Bukharin
Case to Answer: A First Report on the Potential Impeachment of the Prime
Minister for High Crimes and Misdemeanours in Relation to the Invasion of Iraq

Casebook European Family Law
Cassava Production and Marketing in Zaire
Castella Maris Baltici II
Catalogue & Key to the Centipedes (Chilopoda) of Bulgaria
Catalogue of Books Printed in the XVth Century Now in the British Library
Catalogue of Ceutorhynchinae of the World, with a Key to Genera
Catalogue of Rove Beetles
Catalogue of Spiders of the Czech Republic
Catalogue of the Archival Collections
Catalogue of the Braconid Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
Isolated from Various Phytophagous Insect Hosts in Bulgaria

Catalogue of the Carabidae of the Iberian Peninsula [In Spanish & English]
Catalogue of the Coins in the Prince of
Wales Museum of Western India Bombay

Catalogue of the Fauna of Bialowieza Primeval Forest
Catalogue of the Ground-Beetles of the Republic of Moldova
(Insecta, Coleoptera: Carabidae)

Catalogue of the Jewel Beetles of Bulgaria (Coleoptera: Buprestidae)
Catalogue of the Jumping Spiders of Northern Asia
(Arachnida, Araneae, Salticidae)

Catalogue of the Malaysian Chrysomelidae (Insecta: Coleoptera)
Catalogue of the Weevils (Coleptera, Curculionoidea) and
Their Host Plants in the Republic of Moldova

Catalogus Faunae Bulgaricae 5: Diptera: Fannidae, Muscidae & Stomoxydidae
Catheter Sleeve
Caveolins & Lipid Rafts
Cave Rocky Relief and its Speleogenetical Significance
Caves and Speleology in Bulgaria
Celebrations of Death and Divinity in the Bronze Age Argolid
Celestina: An Annotated edition of the First Dutch Translation (Antwerp, 1550)
Celestine Priory at Leuven: From Monastery to Library
Cell & Cell Division
Cell Surface Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans as
Co-receptors for Fibroblast Growth Facto

Central Philosophy of Buddhism: A Study of Madhyamika System
Central Places in the Migration & Merovingian Periods
Centrality - Regionality: The Social Structure of Southern Sweden during the Iron Age
Ceramic Icon in Medieval Bulgaria
Ceramics in Context
Cercopid Spittle Bugs of the New World: (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Cercopidae)

Chaitanya Movement
Challenge: A New System of Values for Malaysia
Challenges of Native Americans Studies
Challenges to the Nation-State in Africa
Chance & Providence: Discourses on the Inner Meaning of Purim
Change in Ecology and Biodiversity After a Nuclear Disaster in the Southern Urals
Changing Fortunes of Economic Liberalism, 2nd Edition
Changing Genders in Intercultural Perspectives
Changing Identities: Language Variation on Czech Television

Changing Phases of Malaysian Economy
Changing schools/ Changing Practices
Changing the Game: Consociational Theory &
Ethnic Quotas in Cyprus & New Zealand

Chaos, Management and Economics
Chaotic Hydrodynamics of Fluidized Beds
Chaotic Hydrodynamics of Large and Small Circulating Fluidized Beds
Characterization of the Glypican Receptor Receptor Function
Characterization of the Presenilin 1-Telencephalin
Interaction & Implications for Alzheimer's Disease

Charge Transport in Polydiacetylenes
Charles August Lindberg Sr.
Charles Murray and the Underclass
Charters of Foundation & Early Documents of the Universities of the Coimbra Group, 2nd Revised Edition

Chechenya: Political & Geographic Portrait
Checklist of Eumolpinae, Chrysomelinae, Alticinae, Hispinae & Cassidinae
(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Republic of Macedonia

Checklist of Lepidoptera of the Czech & Slovak Republics (Insecta Lepidoptera)
Checklist of the Metazoan Parasites of Fishes of the
Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic (1873-2000)

Chemical Physics of Nanostructured Semiconductors
Chemical Prospecting in the Malaysian Forest
Chemistry & Chemical Techniques in India

Chemistry in the Freeboard of a Coal-Fired Presssurized Fluidized Bed Combustor
Cherished Moments: Engaging with the Past in a Swedish Parish
Child Language Development in Singapore and Malaysia
Child Mortality During the Demographic Transition
Child-Parent Relationship in the New Testament & its Environment
Children & Media
Multidiscipilinary Approaches

Children and Media
Image, Education, Participation
Children and Media Violence
Children & Youth at Risk & Urban Education
Children in the New Media Landscape
Children of Maria
Children, Young People & Media Globalisation
Children's Way of Handling and Experiencing Numbers
Children's World of Learning 1480-1880, 3 volumes
China After the Fifteenth Party Congress
China After the Ninth National People’s Congress
China and the ASEAN States
China & the Bomb
China: Two Decades of Reform and Change
China Business Guide 2006
China Foreign Enterprise Directory, 2nd Edition

China's Economy and the Asian Financial Crisis / No. 4
China's Emerging New Economy: The Internet & E-Commerce
China’s New Oil Development Strategy Taking Shape
China's Political Economy
China's Regional Economic Disparities Since 1978
China's WTO Accession and the Impact on Its Large Manufacturing Enterprises
Chinese Adaptation and Diversity
Chinese Dilemma
Chinese Dimensions: Their Roots, Mindset & Psyche
Chinese Economy in Transition
Chinese Foreign Investment Laws

Chinese Plant Symbolisms: A Guide to the Symbolic Value of Plants in Chinese Culture

Chinese Tea Culture: The Origin of Tea Drinking
Chinese Temple Architecture in Singapore
Choice, Contract, Consent
Choice of Corals
Christ as Example
Christ, Plato, Hermes Trismegistus
Christian Art in Bulgaria
Christian Concept of History in the Chronicle of Sulpicius Severus
Christian Democracy in the European Union (1945-1995)
Christian Democratic Parties in Europe Since the End of the Cold War
Christian Mission in China in the Verbiest Era
Christology of the Fourth Gospel: Its Unity and Disunity in the Light of John 6

Christopher Plantin's Books of Hours
Chronique Du Toumet-Ortos [In English & French]
Chronic Myocardial Hibernation in Sheep
Chronic Reversible Myocardial Dysfunction: Clinical and Experimental Studies
Chronicles: News of the Past, 4th Edition [3 Volume Set]

Church and Law in the Balkan Peninsula During the Ottoman Rule
Church and Racial Hostility
Church Paintings of Gottfried Hendtzschel in Norway -
Past & Future Conservation [CD-ROM Included]: Part I & II

Church Politics in Seventeenth-Century Rome
Circulatory Effects of Brain Death
City and the Forest
City of Hope: Jerusalem From Biblical to Modern Times
Civil Procedure in Sweden
Civil Society & David Blunkett: Lawyers vs. Politicians
Civilizations of Nomadic & Sedentary Peoples of Central Asia [In English & Russian]

Class and Social Organization in Finland, Sweden and Norway
Classic Law of India
Classical Music of North India, Volume 1: The First Years of Study
Classrooms for Distance Teaching and Learning: A Blueprint
Cleanthes’ Hymn to Zeus: Text, Translation & Commentary
Client Participation in Community Residential Facilities in Mental Health Care
Climate Change
Clipped Microvascular Anastomosis
Clocks, DBMs & States in Timed Systems
Close Reading New Media: Analyzing Electronic Literature
Coefficient Inverse Problems for Parabolic Type Equations and Their Application
Coins of India, Volume I
Coins of the Indian Sultanates
Coins of the Sikhs, 2nd Edition
Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae
Coleoptera of "Evolution Canyon" Lower
Nahal Oren, Mount Carmel, Israel

Collaborative Strategies & Multi-organizational Partnerships
Collateral Damage or Unlawful Killings? The Amnesty International Report
Collective Identities in an Era of Transformation
Collective Reinterpretation in the Psalms: A Study of the Redaction History of the Psalter

Collusion & Resistance: Women Writing in English
Colonisation & Settlement of Cyprus: Investigations at Kissonerga-
Mylouthkia 1976-1996. Lemba Archaeological Project, Cyprus Volume III.1

Colour Guide to Dangerous Animals in the Asia-Pacific Region
Combating Social Exclusion Through Education
Commentary on Ovid Metamorphoses II
Commentary on the Apocalypse of St. John
Commercial Arbitration Under Chinese Law

Commodity Futures and International Market Stabilization
Common French Expressions & Idioms
Common Ownership
Communicating Justice Providing Legitimacy:
The Legal Practices of Swedish Administrative
Courts in Cases Regarding Sickness Cash Benefit

Communication, Life, Mega-Evolution
Communicative Competence in Persons with Profound Mental Retardation
Community & State in the Japanese Farm Village
Community, Law & Mission in Matthew's Gospel
Community Under Attack
Community Without Politics
Compact Constraints for Verification of Well Quasi-Ordered Programs
Companion to North Indian Classical Music
Companion to Samaritan Studies
Company Law: Scandinavian Studies in Law, Vol. 45
Comparative Etymological Studies in the Western Neo-Syriac (Turoyo) Lexicon
Comparative Planetology, Geological Education and History of Geosciences
Comparative Studies on Alcohol-related Problems in Postwar Western Europe
Compatibility of International and National Environmental Law
Competition Regulation the British Way
Competitiveness of the Singapore Economy
Complete English-Hebrew Dictionary, New Enlarged Edition [3 Volume Set]
Complete Hebrew-English Dictionary, New Enlarged Edition [2 Volume Set]
Complex Analysis and Differential Equations
Complex Motion Processing in the Human Cerebral
Cortex as Studied by Functional Imaging

Composite Type Equations and Inverse Problems
Comprehensive English-Russian Automotive Dictionary
Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary of Religious Terminology
Comprehensive English-Russian Scientific & Technical Dictionary [2 Volume Set]

Comprehensive History of Assam
Comprehensive Persian-English Dictionary
Comprehensive Russian-English Medical Dictionary, 3rd Edition
Computer Aided Text-Reconstruction and Transcription
Concept of Grace in the Radical Reformation
Concept of Russia: Patterns for Political
Development in the Russian Federation

Concept of Theft in Classical Hindu Law
Conceptions of Afterlife in Jewish Inscriptions
Concise Flora of Singapore
Concord and Peace
Condemning the Use of Force in the Gulf Crisis, 2nd Edition
Confessions of a Terrorist
Conflict and Cooperation in Managing Maritime Space in Semi-enclosed Seas
Conflict Resolution Theories in Practice:
Case of Bosnia & Lebanon Examined

Conflict Prevention: Methodology for Knowing the Unknown
Conflict Prevention through Development Co-operation
Conformal Symmetries & Constrained Critical Phenomena
Confucianism in Chinese Culture
Conodonts From the Guinutan Formation (Llanvirnian)
in Hubei and Hunan Provinces, South-central China

Conscience in Philo & Paul: A Conceptual History of the Synoida Word Group
Consequences and Management of Capital Inflows: Lessons for Sub-Saharan Africa
Conservation and the Countryside
Conservation Information System
Conservative Government's Economic Record, The: An End of Term Report
Conservator Urbis Suae
Consolidating Legal Reform in Central & Eastern Europe
Conspicuous Compassion: Why Sometimes it Really is Cruel to be Kind
Constantin Meunier: A Dialogue with Allan Sekula
Constitutionalism in Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania: A Study in Comparative Constitutional Law

Construction Industry
Construction of an Identity Discourse: Oriya Literature & the Jagannath Cult (1866-1936)
Consuls, Corsairs, & Commerce: The Swedish Consular Service & Long-Distance Shipping, 1720-1815
Contact Angle, Wettability & Adhesion, Vol. 2
Contact Angle, Wettability & Adhesion, Vol. 3
Containers, Containerships & Quay Cranes
Contemporary American Society, 5th Edition
Contemporary English-Russian Dictionary [CD-ROM Included]
Contemporary Lithospheric Motion in Seismic Geology
Contemporary Russian-English Law Dictionary

Contesting the Frontiers: Media & Dimensions of Identity
Context-Dependency of Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone
System Genes in Relation to Left Ventricular Structure

Continuity for Centuries: A Ceremonial Building & Its Context at Uppakra, Southern Sweden
Contra Iudaeos
Contraction in British Newspapers in the Late 20th Century
Contribution of British Writers Between 1560 and 1830
to the Interpretation of Revelation 13.16-18

Contributions to Circumpolar Studies
Contributions to Lichen Taxonomy & Biogeography
Contributions to Systematics & Biology of Beetles:
Papers Celebrating the 80th Birthday of Igor Konstantinovich Lopatin

Contributions to the Geology of Belgium & Northwest Europe
Contributions Towards a Dictionary of English Book Collectors
Controlling Weapons of Mass Destruction
Control of the External Environment of Buildings in Tropical Climates
Control of Nitrogen Removal in Activated Sludge Processes
Convention on the Rights of the Child, 3rd Edition
Converging World Views: The European Expansion &
Early-Nineteenth-Century Anglo-Swedish Contacts

Conversation with Harris & Seldon
Cooperatives Revisited
Co-Operatives That Work
Co-ordination, Co-operation, and Competition
Copper and Bronze Working in Early Through Middle Bronze Age Cyprus
Copper Production and Divine Protection
Coram Deo
Core & Periphery in Late Medieval Urban Society
Corporate Governance
Corporate Strategies to Internationalise the Cost of Capital
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 2
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 3
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 5
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 6
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 7
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 8
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 10
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 11
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 12
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 13
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 14

Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 16
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 20
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 21
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 22
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 23
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 24
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 25
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities, No. 26
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities, No. 27
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities, No. 28

Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities, No. 29
Corpus of Cypriot Artefacts of the Early Bronze Age, Part I
Corpus of Cypriot Artefacts of the Early Bronze Age, Part II
Corpus of Cypriote Artefacts of the Early Bronze Age, Part III:1
Correspondance D'Erasme
Corrosion of Charity
Cosmic Christology in Paul & the Pauline School
Cost Too Far: An Analysis of the Net Economic
Costs and Benefits for the UK of EU Membership

Cost-effective Design & Operation of Variable Speed Wind Turbines:
Closing the Gap between the Control Engineering & the Wind Engineering Community

Countering Civil Rights
Crane: The Bird of Hope
Creating Bodies: Childbirth Practices in Pre-Modern Karelia
Creating Creation
Creating Spaces for Action
Creating Theatrical Dreams: A Taoist Approach to Molander's,
Bergman's & Wilson's Productions of Strindberg's A Dream Play

Creation & Christology
Creation & Composition: The Contribution of the Bavli Redactors (Stammaim) to the Aggada
Creation & Re-Creation in Jewish Thought
Crediting Marvels in Seamus Heaney's Seeing Things
Crime & Civil Society: Can We Become a More Law-Abiding People?
Crime Prevention the Sun Tzu Way
Crisis, Covenant & Creativity: Jewish Thoughts for a Complex World
Crisis in Korea
Critical Evaluation of Strategies for a Successful Termination of
Cardiopulmonary Bypass During Cardiac Surgery

Criticism and Ideology
Critique of Epistemological Reason
Croatia's Undersea World
Crocker Range: National Park Sabah, Vol. 1: Natural Ecosystem & Species Components
Crocker Range: National Park Sabah, Vol. 2: Socio-Cultural & Human Dimension
Cromwell & Communism: Socialism & Democracy in the Great English Revolution
Crone Library: Books on the Art of Navigation left by Dr. Ernst Crone to the
Scheepvaart Museum in 1975 and Books on the same subject acquired by the Museum previously

Crop Loan System and Overdues
Cross-Cultural Window on Consumer Behavior
Crossroads in Africa
Crust-Mantle Thermal Structures and Tectonothermal Evolution of the Tibetan Plateau
Crux of Election: Paul’s Critique of the Jewish Confidence in the Election of Israel
Crystal Habits of Minerals
C.S. Peirce Categories to Constantinople
Cuirass Tomb and Other Finds at Dendra, The, Part I
Cuirass Tomb and Other Finds at Dendra, The, Part II
Culex Pipiens Pipiens Mosquitoes
Cults of Apollo at Sparta
Cults, Myths, Oracles, and Politics in Ancient Greece
Cultura Baltica
Cultural & Historical Reserves in Bulgaria [In English & Bulgarian]
Cultural Contestations: Meditating Identities in a Changing Malaysian Society
Cultural Property Risk Analysis: Development & Application
to Preventive Conservation at the Canadian Museum of Nature

Culture, Religion & Spirituality in Coping
Cultural Rhythms in Emotions, Narratives & Dance
Culture Unbound
Current Developments in European Integration: Financial Services / Transport Policy
Current Situation in Cuba
Current State of Business Disciplines, 6 volumes
Current State of Economic Science, 5 volumes
Cutaneous Clues to Systemic Diseases
Cutting Edge of Socialism
Cutting the Costs of Crime
Cyberlaw & Its Implications
Cypriote Antiquities in the Medelhavsmuseet, Stockholm
Cypriote Archaeology in Göteborg
Cypriote Bronze Age Pottery Found in Egyp
Cypriote Pottery in New Zealand Collections
Cypriote Ships From the Bronze Age to C. 500 BC
Cypro-Aegean Relations in the Early Iron Age
Cypro-Geometric Pottery
Cytoplasmic Interaction of the Syndecans


Dairy Development Through Co-Operative
Dance, Music, Art and Religion
Dark Age Pottery of Messenia
Dark Lantern
Dark Times: Torture
Dasam Granth: The Second Scripture of the Sikhs
David Nyvall and the Shape of an Immigrant Church
Dawn of Indian Civilization Up to 600 BC

Dawn of the Written Vernacular in Western Europe [In English & French]
Day Care and Children's Development
Dead Sea New Jerusalem Text
Dealing with Flood Risk: Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Seminar
on the Regional Implications of Modern Flood Management

Dealing with Integration
Dealing With Integration, Volume 2
Dear Commissioner
Death in the Eastern Mediterranean (50 - 600 A.D.)
Death of Jesus
Death Rituals in South-East Scandinavia AD 800-1000: Decolonizing the Viking Age, Vol.2
Debating Pensions: Self-interest, Citizenship & the Common Good
Decentralization & Democratic Governance:
Experiences from India, Bolivia & South Africa

Deciphering the Meaning of Revealed Law
Decolonizing the Viking Age, Volume 1
Deeds and Misdeeds in Classical Art and Antiquities
Deep Seismic Studies In the Western Part of The Baltic Shield
Deep-Water Traction Current Deposits
Defending Malaysia: Facing the 21st Century
Deflationism: A Use-Theoretic Analysis of the Truth-Predicate
Deliciae Fictiles
Delphi and Olympia
Demand, Segmentation, & Rationing in the Rural Credit Markets of Puri, India
Democracy and Deep-Rooted Conflict
Democracy and Leadership
Democracy in Burkina Faso
Democracy in Guatemala
Democracy in Romania
Democracy in the Mines
Democracy, Legitimacy & the European Union
Democracy Reconsidered: The Prospects of its Theory and Practice
during Internationalisation – Britain, France, Sweden, and the EU

Democratic Governance in the Transition from
Yugoslav Self-Management to a Market Economy

Democratic Peace-Building and Conflict Prevention
Democratic Values and the Currency
Demographic Analysis of East Africa
Demonology and Witchcraft
Denationalisation of Money
Dentofacial Growth and Growth Hormone Treatment in
Short Children Born Small for Gestational Age

Depleted Uranium: Deadly, Dangerous & Indiscriminate
Derhetorizing Paul
Descent to the Chariot, The
Description of Ancient Greece
Descriptive Grammar of Dakkhini

Design & Characterization of a Chromosomal Vector for Transgenesis in Higher Eukaryotes
Design & Experimental Evaluation of Allergen-Derived Peptides
for Specific Immunotherapy of Allergic Diseases

Design Procedure & Predictive Models for Solution Crystallisation Processes
Designing Space-Time Codes Using Orthogonal Designs
Destroyer & the Lamb: The Relationship between Angelomorphic
and Lamb Christology in the Book of Revelation

Destruction of the Palace at Knossos
Destructive Preservation
Detection of Hepatitis C Virus-Core & Envelope (E2) Proteins in the Liver
Detente and Socialist Democracy
Deuteronomy & the Meaning of 'Monotheism'
Development and Evaluation of Controlled Release
Nasal Drug Delivery Systems of Apomorphine

Development and Evaluation of Solid Dispersions of the Antiviral Thiocarboxanilide UC-781
Development & Potentials of Ecotourism on Balkan Peninsula [3 Volume Set]
Development in the Early Buddhist Concept of Kamma/Karma
Development of Greek & the New Testament:
Morphology, Syntax, Phonology, & Textual Transmission

Development of Hindu Iconography
Development of Roof Revetment in the Peloponnese
Development Patterns in the Commonwealth Caribbean
Developmental Dynamics of Virgin Forest Reserves
in the Czech Republic, Volume 1 [with Map Inserts]

Developmental Neuropathology in Etiology and Pathogenesis of Human Malformations
Dialogue for Democratic Development
Dialogue in Pursuit of Development
Diaries of Rabbi Ha'im Yosef David Azulai
Diary of Travels & Adventures in Upper India, 2 Volumes
Diaspora & Identity: The Sociology of Culture in Southeast Asia
Dictionary of Basic Biblical Hebrew: Hebrew - English

Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms: with Sanskrit and English Equivalents & a Sanskrit-Pali Index
Dictionary of Foreign Words & Phrases
Dictionary of Hinduism:
Its Mythology, Folklore & Development 1500 BC - AD 1500

Dictionary of Medicinal Plants [Latin, English, German, Russian]
Dictionary of Old and Middle Chinese
Dictionary of Oriental Philosophy
Dictionary of the Pali Language
Diet of John the Baptist: "Locusts and Wild Honey" in Synoptic and Patristic Interpretation
Dietary Imbalances, Metabolism and Disease
Differential Diagnosis in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Dignity Beyond Death: The Jewish Preparation for Burial
Dilemma of Democracy
Dilemmas of Exile
Dimensions of Love: Jewish Foundations of Love & Marriage
Diminished Responsibility
Dionysos in Etruria. The Ivy Leaf Group
Diplopods of Serbia, Montenegro, & the Republic of Macedonia
Directory of Personal Names in the Indian History from the Earliest to 1947
Disabled People: Citizenship & Social Work
Disarming the New World Disorder
Discrete Alternating Current Regulators and Stabilizers
Displaced by Development
Displaced Literature: Images of Time and Space in Latvian
Novels Depicting the First Years of the Latvian Postwar Exile

Displacements of Deconstruction: The Deconstruction
of Metaphysics of Presence, Meaning, Subject & Method

Dissenting Opinion of Judge Ad Hoc Kreca in Genocide Case
Distance Education and the Training of Primary School Teachers in Tanzania
Distributed Problem-Based Learning: Studies of a Pedagogical Model in Practice

Distribution & Phytocoenology of Selected Woody Species of North Korea (D.P.R.K.)
Distributional Atlas and Catalogue of the Leaf Beetles of Bulgaria (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Diversified Future
Diversity in Pre-Exilic Hebrew
Divine Judgement and Divine Benevolence
Divine Providence in Philo of Alexandria
Divine Revelation and Divine Titles in Pentateuchal Targumim
Do We Need Mass Immigration?:
The Economic, Demographic, Environmental, Social & Developmental
Arguments Against Large-Scale Net Immigration to Britain

Docto Peregrino
Doctors in the East: Where West Meets East
Doctrine of Liberation in Indian Religion

Dodonæus in Japan
Does Advertising Increase Smoking?
Does Schooling Make Sense?: A Household Perspective on the Returns
to Schooling for Self-Employed, Farmers & Employees in Egypt

Does the Past Have a Future?
Does the West Know Best?
Dolssor Conina
Domain Structure & Function of Nucleotide Pyrophosphatases/ Phosphodiesterases (NPPs)
Domenico Bollani, Bishop of Brescia
Domestic Environment & Lifestyle Determinants of Asthma in Palestinian Children
Domination or Dialogue?
Down to Earth
Down to Earth II
Dr. Johnson's Printer
Drapery Production in the Late Medieval Low Countries
Drug Eluting Stents: Anti-Inflammatory Approach
to Prevent Restenosis After Stent Implantation

Duodenal Calcium Absorption & Steroid Hormones
Durga Rahasya
Dutch Diamond?
Dutch Language Press in America
Dutch Printer's Devices 15th-17th Century
Dutch-American Bibliography 1693-1794
Dynamic Detective
Dynamics of European Nuclear Disarmament
Dynamics of Parenting
Dynamo or Dynamite: Cambodia's Future in Asean


Early Bronze Age 2 in the Aegean
Early Bronze Age Burial Habits in the Cyclades
Early Buddhism & its Origins
Early Christian Authors on Samaritans & Samaritanism
Early Christians in Ephesus from Paul to Ignatius
Early Greek Cult Practice
Early Helladic Architecture and Urbanization
Early History of the Swedish Avifauna:
A Review of the Subfossil Record & Early Written Sources

Early Minoan Tombs of Lebena, Southern Crete
Early Pottery in Greece
Early Prehistoric Burials in Cyprus
Early Printed Editions of Aeschylus (1518-1664)
Early Rome IV
Early Rome V
Early Rome VI
Early Sanctuary of Athena Alea at Tegea
East African Bugs
East Pediment of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia
EC State Aid Rules Applied to Taxes
Echoing Texts: George Chapman's Conspiracy & Tragedy of Charles Duke of Byron
Ecofeminism & Environmental Ethics: An Analysis of Ecofeminist Ethical Theory
Ecological Aspects of Polymer Flame Retardancy
Ecological Specificity of Amphibian Populations:
Advances in Amphibian Research in the Former Soviet Union, Vol. 7

Ecology of the City of Sofia: Species & Communities in an Urban Environment
Economic & Social Changes in Czech Society After 1989
Economic Con-Game: Development: Fact or Fiction
Economic Crises in Malaysia
Economic Development of Burma
Economic Fallacies Exposed
Economic Growth, Energy Consumption
& CO2 Emissions in Sweden 1800-2000

Economic History of the Balkan Counties
Economic Interests vs. Political Interventions
Economic Nationalism and Industrial Growth State and Industry in Estonia 1934-39
Economic Science Before the Challenges of the XXI Century, [2 Volume Set]
Economics & Law: Russian-English Dictionary
Economics of Cult in the Ancient Greek World
Economics of Information Technology & the Media
Economics of Interfirm Networks
Economics of the Caribbean
Economics of Transport
Economy, Geography, and Provincial History in Later Roman Palestine
Edicts of Asoka
Education for Citizenship

Education for Peace
Education in Multicultural Societies: Perspectives on Education in Malaysia
Education, Labor Force Participation & Changing Fertility Patterns:
A Study of Women & Socioeconomic Change in Twentieth Century Sweden

Education Without the State
Eduction Concept of Earth's Expansion: Main Grounds,
Space-Geodetic and Paleomagnetic Evidence, Metallogenic Consequences

Educational Research in Europe
Effect of Calcium Channel Blockers on the Incidence of Restenosis after
Coronary Balloon Angioplasty & on the Progression of Coronary Artery Disease

Effect of Tamoxifen on the Uterus in Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Patients
Effect of Testosterone on Craniofacial Growth in the Human and the Rat
Effective Staff Development
Effects of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 & Analogues on UVB-Irradiated Human Keratinocytes
Effects of Clearfelling, Slash Removal and Prescribed Burning
on Amounts of Plant Nutrients in Biomass and Soil

Effects of Cytokines & Intestinal Inflammation on Enteric
Neuronal Behavior & Neurotransmitter Release

Effects of Exercise Training & Acute Exacerbations on Muscle
Function in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Effects of Left Ventricular Dysfunction on Respiratory
and Limb Muscles in Different Animal Models

Effects of Melanocortins and N-Terminal Proopiomelanocortin
on Cardiovascular Function and Autonomic Dynamics

Effects of Planned Change on Estonian Morphology
Efficient Implementation of Concurrent Programming Languages
Efficient Partitioning of Dynamic Structured Grid Hierarchies
Egyptian Historical Inscriptions of the Nineteenth Dynasty
Egyptian Historical Inscriptions of the Twentieth Dynasty
Elateridae of the Czech and Slovak Republics
Elder Care Policies in China
Election Law of Bosnia & Herzegovina [In English & Bosnian]
\ Electrochromism in Nickel-Based Oxides
Electromagnetic Wave Diffraction by Conducting Screens:
Pseudodifferential Operators in Diffraction Problems

Electrophysiological Studies of CFTR Function
Element -Stow in the History of English
Elements of the Theory of Inverse Problems
Elephants and Ivory
Eleven-Headed Avalokitesvara
Eleventh Hour for Europe
Emancipation's Dead-End Roads?
Studies in the Formation and Development of the
Hungarian Model for Agriculture and Gender
Embodied Rituals & Ritualized Bodies [Includes CD ROM]:
Tracing Ritual Practices in Late Mesolithic Burials

Embracing Change
Empire No More! …the Lion and Wolf Shall Cease
Empire Resounds
Employees & the Law
Employment Tribunals: Their Growth & the Case for Radical Reform
Employment, Unemployment, Marginalization
Enabling Interaction & Quality: Beyond the Hanseatic League
Encounter with Buddhism: A Study of the Evolution of Buddhist Thought

Encyclopedia Judaica, 2nd edition, 2006, 22 volume set

Encyclopedia of Indian Archaeology

End of Macro-Economics
Endohelminth Fauna of Barbel, Barbus barbus (L.),
Under Ecological Conditions of the Danube Basin in Central Europe

Energy and Mineral Resources for the 21st Century:
Geology of Mineral Deposits and Mineral Economics

End to Welfare Rights
Ending Dependency
Endoscopic Feto-Placental Surgery: From Animal Experiments
to Early Human Applications

Engineering Geology
England & the Need for Nations, 2nd edition
England vs. Scotland: Does More Money Mean Better Health?
English Complex Prepositions of the Type in Spite
of & Analogous Sequences [In English & Czech]

English for Sale: A Study of the Language of Advertising
English in Spoken Swedish
English-Bulgarian Dictionary
English-Bulgarian Dictionary (Colibri Publisher)
English-Bulgarian Dictionary [2 Volume Set]
English-Bulgarian Dictionary, Millennium Edition
English-Bulgarian Dictionary of English Idioms
English-Bulgarian Military Dictionary
English-Bulgarian Study Dictionary
English-Russian & Russian-English Automobile Dictionary, 5th Ed.
English-Russian & Russian-English Dictionary of Forestry & Forest Industries
English-Russian & Russian-English Dictionary of Viticulture, Wine & Spirits
English-Russian & Russian English Medical Dictionary
English-Russian Dictionary of Abbreviations in Computer Technologies
English-Russian Dictionary of Abbreviations in Telecommunications
English-Russian Dictionary of Advertising & Marketing
English-Russian Dictionary of Chemistry & Chemical Technology
English-Russian Dictionary of Economics & Law
English-Russian Dictionary of Electrical & Power Engineering, 4th Ed.
English-Russian Dictionary of Energy, 2 Volumes
English-Russian Dictionary of Food Industry, 5th Edition
English-Russian Dictionary of Geology
English-Russian Dictionary of Optics
English-Russian Dictionary of Patents & Trademarks, 4th Revised & Enlarged Edition
English-Russian Dictionary of Petroleum Chemistry & Processing
English-Russian Dictionary of Politics

English-Russian Dictionary of Psychology, 3rd Edition
English-Russian Dictionary of Security, with Russian Index
English-Russian Dictionary of Telecommunications
English-Russian Dictionary on Aircraft Equipment & Onboard Systems [2 Volume Set]
English-Russian Dictionary on Computer Systems & Information Technologies
English-Russian Dictionary on Oil & Gas, 2nd Edition
English-Russian Law Dictionary
English-Russian Medical Dictionary
English-Russian Metallurgical Dictionary, 4th Edition
English-Serbian & Serbian-English Dictionary
English-Serbian & Serbian-English Dictionary & Grammar
English-Serbian & Serbian-English Dictionary of Economics
English-Serbian Illustrated Dictionary
English-Serb - Serbian-English Diplomatic Dictionary
Enhancing Health Among Drug Users in Prison
Enhancing Work Resumption of Patients on Sub-Acute Sickness Absence
Enlightening the Listener

Enmity in Cornith
Enoch-Metatron Tradition: Texts & Studies in Ancient Judaism, No. 107
Entering the Kingdom of Heaven
Entertaining on the Jewish Holidays
EnviroMT - A New Controlled Source/Radio Magnetotelluric System
Environment & Conflict: Analysing the Developing World
Environment of the Kyrgyz Republic: Statistical Compendium
Environmental Education
Environmental Geology
Environmental Management in Southeast Asia
Environmental Regulation of Fetal Mineralization
Environmental Trap: The Ganges River Diversion,
Bangladeshi Migration & Conflicts in India

Envisioning American Women
Ephemeroptera of South America
Aquatic Biodiversity of Latin America, Volume 2

Epidemic Versus Sporadic MRSA: Relative Importance in an
Endemic Situation and Relationship to Nasal Adherence

Epidemiological Study of Possible Health Effects Due to Passive Asbestos Exposure
Epikarst - A Promising Habitat: Copepod Fauna, Its Diversity
& Ecology: A Case Study from Slovenia (Europe)

Epistle of Barnabas
Epistle of Barnabas & Deuteronomic Tradition:
Polemics, Paraenesis, & the Legacy of the Golden-Calf Incident

Epithelial & Stromal Cultures of the Human Prostrate
Epochs & Styles: Selected Writings on the New Testament,
Greek Language & Greek Culture in the Post-Classical Era

Equal Opportunity or More Opportunity?
Equality Lost: Essays in Torah Commentary, Halacha, & Jewish Thought
Erasmus and His Catholic Critics
Erasmus Grandescens
Erasmus in the Nederlands to 1617
Ergodic Theorems and Related Problems
Erik XIV: Oratio de Iniusto Bello Regis Daniae
anno 1563 contra Regem Sueciae Ericum 14 Gesto

Eros, Logos, and (Fictional) Masculinity
Erotic Pathos, Rhetorical Pleasure
Erotographic Metafiction: Aesthetic Strategies
and Ethical Statements in John Hawkes's 'Sex Trilogy'

Erotopaegnion, a trifling book of love, of Girolamo Angeriano
Eschatology in Galatians: Rethinking Paul's Response to Crisis in Galatia
Eschatology in the Greek Psalter
Essay on Copper Flat Axes
Essay on Thomas Reid's Philosophy of Science
Essays in Zen Buddhism: First Series
Essays in Zen Buddhism: Second Series

Essays in Zen Buddhism: Third Series
Essays on Chinese Literature
Essays on Culture & Trade: Monograph Series, No. 49
Essays on Imperialism
Essays on Literature and Society in Southeast Asia
Essays on Plato's Republic
Essentials of Modern Literary Tibetan
Established & Emerging Business Genres
Estimation of Hydrophobicity of Insulating Surfaces by Studying Sessile Water Drops
Estimation Problems in Array Signal Processing, System Identification, & Radar Imagery
Estimation Using Low Rank Signal Models
Estonian Lepidoptera [In English & Estonian]
Eternal Katun: Gypsy Stories
Ethical Particularism: An Essay on Moral Reasons
Ethics and the Arms Trade
Ethics in Business & Management: Islamic & Mainstream Approaches
Ethics in the Mahanharata
Ethnic Dimension in Politics & Culture in the Baltic Countries 1920-1945
Ethnicity, Religion and Politics
Ethnography of the Gospel of Matthew: A Critical Assessment of
the Use of the Honour & Shame Model in New Testament Studies

Ethnology of India
Étienne Dolet, the Martyr of the Renaissance, 1508-1546
Etienne Fourmont (1683-1745)
Oriental & Chinese Languages in Eighteenth-Century France

Etiopathogenesis of Uterine Sarcomas:
A Study on Genetic, Hormonal & Ethnic Factors

Etruscan Imagery
EU/EC: Collection of Treaties & Other Instruments [In French & English]
Eucharist in Theology & Philosophy
Eurocrats at Work: Negotiating Transparency in Postnational Employment Policy
Europe: An Ever Closer Union
Europe - What's in a Name?
Europe: Political Union Through Common Money?
Europe at Peace?
Europe Can Afford to Work
European Challenge
European Dawn: After the Social Model
European Fauna of Oedemeridae
European Frontier [In English & German]:
Clashes & Compromises in the Middle Ages

European Recovery Programme
European Union & Central & Eastern European Countries
European Union, United States & Asean:
Challenges & Prospects for Cooperative Engagement in the 21st Century

Europeanization of Defence Industry Policy

Europe's Welfare Burden: The Case for Reform
Euthanasia for Death Duties
Evaluation of a Preventative Program in Young Children
With Rampant Caries Treated Under General Anaesthesia

Evaluation of Information in Longitudinal Data
Everyday Economy in Russia, Poland & Latvia
Everyday Extraordinary: Encountering Fetishism with Marx, Freud & Lacan
Evocatio Deorum
Evolution and Progress
Evolution of Early Karst Aquifiers
Evolution of Ethiopian Absolutism
Evolution of Hindu Sects Up to the Time of Samkaracarya

Evolution of Karst: From Prekarst to Cessation
Evolution of Raga and Tala in Indian Music
Evolution of Shrews
Evolution of the Amphibian Skull: Advances in Amphibian Research in the Former Soviet Union, Vol. 9
Excavations at Aigion -- 1970
Excavations at Helgo XV: Weapon Investigations, Helgo and the Swedish Hinterland
Excavations at Helgo XVI: Exotic and Sacral Finds from Helgo
Excavations at Kalopsidha and Ayios Iakovos in Cyprus
Excavations on the Acropolis of Midea:
Results of the Greek-Swedish Excavations, Vol. I

Exchange of Cotton
Excluding for Inclusion? Negotiating School Careers & Identities in Pupil Welfare Settings in the Swedish School

Exegesis & Empire in the Early Byzantine Mediterranean [In English & Latin]
Exegetical Writings
Expecting Miracles: Finding Meaning & Spirituality in Pregnancy Through Judaism
Experiencing History Through Archives
Experiencing Landscapes: A Study of Space & Identity
in Three Marginal Areas of Medieval Britain & Scandinavia

Experimental and Clinical Evaluation of Perfusion and Metabolism
With Positron Emission Tomography in Acute and Chronic Coronary Disease

Experimental & Modelling Study of Natural-
Circulation Boiling Water Reactor Dynamics

Experimental Evaluation of the Host Immune Response to
Xenogenic Bio-Derived Collagen Grafts in Rodent Models

Experimental Investigation of the Pulmonary
Toxicity of Polyvinyl Chloride Particles

Experimental Research on Radiofrequency Tissue Ablation
as an Alternative in Cancer Therapy

Experimental Studies of Neutron Emission Induced by Heavy-Ion Scattering
Explaining Coalitions: Evidence & Lessons from Studying
Coalition Formation in Swedish Local Government

Explanation and Deduction
Explorations of American Culture
Exploring English Grammar, 2nd Edition
Export-Oriented Industrialization in Developing Countries
Expositiones Sequentiarum [In English & Latin].
Medieval Sequence Commentaries & Prologues. Editions with Introductions

Expression of Human Apolipoprotein E4 in the
Central Nervous System of Transgenic Mice

Expression of the Alpha-2-Macroglobulin Receptor System
and the Amyloid Precursor Protein Family
in Embryos and in Adult Brain of Wild Type and Transgenic Mice

Expressions of Future in Present-Day English: A Corpus-based Approach
Expressions of Politeness and Gratitude: Towards a General Theory
Extending the Tracks
Extinctive Prescription and Applicable Law in Interstate Arbitration
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy in Chronic Achilles & Patellar Tendinopathy
Eyes to See: Recovering Ethical Torah Principles Lost in the Holocaust
Eyewitness in Hungary


Fac et Spera: Joannes Maire: Publisher, Printer and Bookseller
in Leiden, 1603-1657. A Bibliography of his Publications. With CD-ROM

Face to Face with the Absent Buddha
Faces of the Chariot
Facing Arab Women
Facts or Fiction as Evidence in Court
Failure of Britain's Police: London & New York Compared
Faith in Education
Faith in Jesus & Paul
Faith, Obedience, and Perseverance
Fallujah: Shock & Awe
Families Without Fatherhood, 3rd Ed.
Family (1993)
Family (1998)
Family Policy, Family Changes: Sweden, Italy & Britain Compared
Fantastic Years on Cyprus
Farewell to the Family?
Fascinating Insects: Some Aspects of Insect Life
Fate, Predestination and Human Action in the Mahabharta
Fathers of the World
Fatigue Specimens for Sheet and Plate Material
Fatty Acid Synthase: A Novel Target for Antineoplastic Therapy?
Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Federalism: Choices in Law, Institutions & Policy
Female Corporeal Performances: Reading the Body in Byzantine Passions and Lives of Holy Women
Female Licentiousness Versus Male Escape?
Essays on Intoxicating Substance Use, Sexuality & Gender

Female Quest in Christina Stead's For Love Alone
Female Reader at the Round Table
Feminine Matters
Feminist Ethics: Perspectives, Problems & Possibilities
Feminist Thought: Androcentrism, Communication & Objectivity
Ferdinand Verbiest, S.J. (1623-1688) & the Chinese Heaven
Fetal Membrane Healing: Experimental Models & Preventive Strategies
Fictions of In Betweenness
Fifteen Treasures From Bulgarian Lands
Fifty Economic Fallacies Exposed
Fighting Closures
Fighting on Land and Sea in Greek Geometric Art
Figurines on Cypriote Jugs Holding an Oinochoé
Final Collapse of Santorini (Thera)
Financial Markets and Institutions in Singapore
Financial Services & Financial Markets in Europe
Financial Sourcebook for Southeast Asia and Hong Kong
Financing for Entrepreneurs and Business, 2nd ed.
Fingerprints and Archaeology
Fire in Our Hearts
Fire Resistant & Thermally Stable Materials Derived from Chlorinated Polyethylene
First International Congress on Adhesion Science and Technology
First Results of 1999 Total Eclipse Observations
Fiscal Policy and the Family: How the Family Fares in France, Germany & the UK

Fish & Dolphin Swimming
Fishing for Solutions
Fishing in the Prehistoric Aegean
Flemish Tapestry Weavers Abroad
Flight and Integration
Flint: A Scanian Hardware
Floating Nuclear Power Plants in Russia, 3rd Ed.
Flora of the Carpathians
Focal Point of the Sacred Space, Revised Edition
Folia Heyrovskyana: An Illustrated Summary of the Higher
Classification of the Superfamily Buprestoidea (Coleoptera)

Folicolous Lichens of Japan
Food & Celebration From Fasting to Feasting:
Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the International
Commission for Ethnological Food Research

Food Insecurity & Coping Strategies in Semiarid Areas
Food Offered to Idols in Roman Corinth
Food, Poverty & Power
Fool-Proof Relations
For Games or For Gods?: An Investigation of Minoan Cup-Holes
Forces by Which We Live: Religion & Religious Experience
from the Perspective of a Pragmatic Philosophical Anthropology

Forces of Tradition, The Vol. 1
Foreign Devils, Dictatorship, or Institutional Control:
China's Foreign Policy Towards Southeast Asia

Forensic Odontology
Forests, Farmers and the State
Forest and Dragonflies
Form & Intertextuality in Prophetic & Apocalyptic Literature
Form and Philosophy in Sándor Weöres' Poetry
Form, Function and Context
Form, Function, and Historical Significance of the
Rabbinic Story in Yerushalmi Neziqin

Formation of the Early Church
Forms of Knowledge & Sensibility: Ernst Cassirer & the Human Sciences
Formulas in Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems
Fortification Towers and Masonry Techniques in the
Hegemony of Syracuse, 405-211 BC

Forward & Inverse Problems for Hyperbolic, Elliptic & Mixed Type Equations
Founder: Andre Oscar Wallenberg (1816-1886) Swedish Banker, Politician & Journalist
Founders of Hilander in Orthodox Chant with Audio CD [In English & Serbian]
Four Decades of Uppsala Business Research
Four Eighteenth-century Medical Dissertations
under the Presidency of Nils Rosen

Four Topics in Mathematics
Fourth Century B.C. Magna Graecia
Fragile Monument: On Conservation & Modernity
Fragmenting Family, The: Does it Matter?
Framing a Vision of the World
François de Rougemont, S.J., Missionary in Ch'ang-shu (Chiang-nan)
Free-Market Feminism
Free Movement & Tax Treaties in the Internal Market
Free Trade, "Fairness" and the New Protectionism
Freedom and Fairness
French East India Company and the Trade of the Indian Ocean
Fresh & Brackish Water Fishes of West Africa [In English & French] [2 Volume Set - Includes CD-ROM]
Fresh Ideas in ELT
Freyr's Offspring: Rulers & Religion in Ancient Svea Society
Frogs of Australia: An Introduction to their Classification, Biology & Distribution
Frogs of New Guinea and the Solomon Islands
From Biblical Theology to Biblical Criticism
From Bronze to Iron
From Colonial Expression to Export Commodity
From Common Market to Social Europe?
From Ethnic Response to Clan Identity
From Huts to Houses
From Indifference to Activism
From Institutional Life to Community Participation
From Interaction to Grammar: Estonian Finite Verb Forms in Conversation
From Jewish Magic to Gnosticism
From Martyr to Mystic: Rabbinic Martyrology & the Making of Merkavah Mysticism

From Messiah to Preexistent Son: Jesus' Self-Consciousness
& Early Christian Exegesis of Messianic Psalms

From Rulers' Dwellings to Temples
From Swords to Sorrow
From the Lost Teaching of Polycarp:
Identifying Irenaeus’ Apostolic Presbyter & the Author of Ad Diognetum

From Tom Paine to Guantanamo
From Welfare to Work
Frontier Tests of QED and Physics of the Vacuum
Frontiers and Tasks of Catalysis Towards the Next Century
Fruits of Capitalism: Modernisation of Chilean Agriculture 1950-2000
Full Employment
Full Employment - A European Appeal
Full Employment for Europe
Full Spectrum Absurdity
Function and Regulation of Nucleotide
Pyrophosphates/Phosphodiesterases in Rat Liver

Function of the Minoan Palaces
Function of the "Minoan Villa"
Functional Anatomy of Visual Processing in the Cerebral Cortex of the Macaque
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies of
Visual Motion Processing in the Human Brain

Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Animal Cell Cultivation
Fundamentals of Electroweak Theory
Funerary Portraiture of Roman Palestine
Fur and Freedom
Future of Cultural Studies

Future of Orthodontics
Future of Technology
Future of the European Union in the Light of the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference


Galilee and Gospel
Game of Chess: Marco Girolamo Vida's Scacchia Ludus. With English verse
translation and the text of the three earlier versions edited with Introduction and Notes

Gates and Gods
Gazetteer of Aegean Civilisation in the Bronze Age, A, Vol. I
Gender, Cult, & Culture in the Ancient
World From Mycenae to Byzantium

Gender Difference in Patterns of Knowledge
Gender Dimensions in Family Life: A Comparative Study of Structural Constraints & Power in Sweden & Japan
Gender Justice in India
Gender Relations in the Kyrgyz Republic
Gendered Practices
Gendering the Sociology Profession: Sweden, Britain & the US
Gendering UN Peacekeeping: Mainstreaming a Gender
Perspective in Multidimensional Peacekeeping Operations

Gene Therapy and Ethics
Genera of Australo-Pacific Rhadinocybinae and Myrmacicelinae
General Distribution of the Flea Beetles in the Palearctic Subregion
(Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae: Alticinae) Supplement

Generalized Net Interpretations of Ivan Dimitrov's Informational Theory of Diseases
Generalized Nets in Artificial Intelligence: Generalized Nets and Expert Systems
Generalized Nets in Artificial Intelligence: Generalized Nets and Machine Learning
Generalized Nets in Child Neurology
Generalized Nets in General and Internal Medicine, Volume 1
Generalized Nets in General and Internal Medicine, Volume 2
Generalized Nets in General and Internal Medicine, Volume 3
Generalized Nets Modelling of Biotechnological Processes
Generalized Poisson Models & Their Applications in Insurance & Finance
Generation & Characterization of a Mouse Model for a Sodium Channel
Based Long QT Syndrome (LQT3), an Inherited Arrhythmogenic Disease

Generic Approach to Schedulability Analysis of Real-Time Systems
Generic Classification of the Beetle Family Tetratomidae (Coleoptera, Tenebrionoidea)
of the World with Description of New Taxa

Genesis of Air Power
Genetic Analysis of Herpesvirus Entry Receptors
& Host Susceptibility to Herpes Simplex Virus Infection

Genetic and Functional Studies of the CU/ZN Superoxide
Dismutase Gene in Belgian Patients
With Familial or Sporadic Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Genetic Immune and Molecular Predisposition to Hypertension
Genetic Modulators of Pulmonary Function in Cystic
Fibrosis & Genetic Susceptibility Factors of Emphysema

Genetic Profile of Marginal Zone B-Cell Lymphoma
Genetic Variation & Environmental Factors in Biological & Arterial Ageing
Genomic & Biochemical Characterisation of the B'/PR61
Regulatory Subunit Family of Protein Phosphate 2A

Genus Carabus L. in Europe
Geochemical Methods of Prospecting for Non-Metallic Minerals
Geochemistry of Noble Gases in Natural Gases
Geochemistry of Skarn and Ore Formation in Dolomites
Geochemistry of Strata-Bound Deposits in China
Geographical Dictionary of Ancient and Medieval India
Geological Development of the East African Coastal Basin of Tanzania
Geological Guide to the Lockne & Dellen Impact Structure
Geology and Tectonics of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau
Geology of Burkina Faso [In Czech & English]
Geology of Fossil Fuels: Coal
Geology of Fossil Fuels: Oil and Gas
Geology of the East China Sea
Geometry, Continua & Microstructures
Geosciences and Human Survival: Environment,
Natural Hazards and Global Change

German Social Democracy
Gershom Scholem's Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism 50 Years After
Get Acquainted With Macedonia [In English and Macedonian]
Getting It Together:
A Genre Analysis of the Rhetorical Structure of Open
University Television Programmes in Science & Technology

Ghana in Search of Development
Gilbertus Universalis Glossa Ordinaria in Lamentationes
Ieremie Prophete. Prothemata Liber I [In English & Latin]

Global Artworld, Inc.: On the Globalization of Contemporary Art
Global Cement Industry
Global Changes & New Challenges of 21st Century
Global Education Industry, 2nd Edition
Global Eduction Tectonics of the Expanding Earth
Global Ethic or Global Hegemony: Reflections on Religion, Human Dignity & Civilisational Interaction
Global Governance in the 21st Century:
Alternative Perspectives on World Order

Global Greens, Global Governance
Global Maritime: Programmes & Organisations
Global Tectonic Zones, Supercontinent Formation and Disposal
Global Warming
Globalisation & Its Impact on Asia:
Sharing Knowledge, Ideas & Information

Globalisation & the New Realities:
Selected Speeches of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia

Globalist Manifesto for Public Policy
Globalization & City Ports: The Response of City Ports in the Northern Hemisphere,
Globalization Urban Form & Governance, No. 9

Globalization & City Ports: The Response of City Ports in the Southern Hemisphere,
Globalization Urban Form & Governance, No. 10

Globalization, Urban Form & Governance
Globalization, Urban Form & Governance:
Globalization & Urban Transformation

Gnostic Tragedy
Goals of Medicine in the Course of History & Today.
A Study in the History & Philosophy of Medicine

God as a Remover of Obstacles
God as an Alternative?
God as Problem & Possibility: A Critical Study of Gordon
Kaufman's Thought toward a Spacious Theology

God in the Fourth Gospel
Gog and Magog: Ezekiel 39-39
Gold is Illusion:
The Garimpeiros of Tapajos Valley in the Brazilian Amazonia

Golden Bells & Pomegranates: Studies in Midrash Leviticus Rabbah
Golgi: a Transition Point in Membrane Lipid Composition & Topology
Good Death: On the Value of Death & Dying
Gourmet Dictionary [Russian, English, French, German Languages]
Government Consumption and Investment in Belgium, 1830-1940
Government Control Over Public Enterprise
Government: Whose Obedient Servant?
Grammar of the Arabic Language, 3rd Edition
Grammatical Dictionary of Sanskrit (Vedic)
Graphic Novel
Grappling with Patriarchies: Narrative Strategies of Resistance in Miriam Tlali’s Writings
Grasses That Have No Fields:
From Gerald Murnane's Island to a Phenomenology of Isogonic Constitution

Gravity, Astrophysics & Strings @ the Black Sea
Great Britain, the United States, and the Security of the Middle East
Great Men & Women of Puranas
Great Power of God in the San Juan Valley
Great Trajanic Frieze
Greece, Anatolia & Europe
Greece and Cyprus in History
Greece and Gender
Greek Geometric and Archaic Pottery Found in Cyprus
Greek Hymns, 2 Volumes
A Selection of Greek Religious Poetry from the
Archaic to the Hellenistic Period
Greek Iron Age Architecture
Greek Jewish Texts from the Cairo Genizah
Greek of the Ancient Synagogue
Greek Sacrificial Ritual, Olympian & Chthonian
Greek Science: Its Meaning to Us
Greek Studies in England 1700-1830
Greeks in India

Greek-Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini
Square Kastelli, Khania 1970-1987 & 2001, [2 Vol. Set]

Green Goods?
Greening Education
Gregory Bar-Hebraeus's Commentary on the Book of Kings
From His Storehouse of Mysteries [English & Syriac Languages]

Groot Begijnhof of Leuven
Groundless Knowledge
Growth Accumulation Crisis: With New Macroeconomic Data for Sweden 1800-2000
Growth & Business Cycles:
Swedish Manufacturing Industry 1952-2001

Growth Mechanisms During Homoepitaxial Growth of Silicon
Growth, Trade and Integration in Latin America
Guide to a Corpus of English Dialogues 1560-1760

Guide to Condominium Housing in Singapore, Central Vol. I
Guide to Condominium Housing in Singapore, Central Vol. II
Guide to Swedish Architecture
Guide to the Ajanta Paintings, Volume 1
Guide to the Ajanta Paintings, Volume 2
Guide to the Butterflies of Russia and Adjacent Territories, Volume 1
Guide to the Butterflies of Russia and Adjacent Territories, Volume 2
Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region, 4th edition
Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region, Part I: Nymphalidae
Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region, Part I: Pieridae
Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region, Part II: Lycaenidae
Gul u Nawruz: A Romantic Epic
Gustavian Non-Academic Criticism 1772-1809
Gypsy Narratives: From Poverty to Culture


Hachut Hameshulash, 6 Vol. Set: Commentaries on the Torah
Haematogenic Metastases
Haketav Vehakabbalah, 7 volumes
Torah Commentary by Rabbi Yaakov Tzevi Macklenburg
Hala Sultan Tekke 1
Hala Sultan Tekke 2
Hala Sultan Tekke 3
Hala Sultan Tekke 4
Hala Sultan Tekke 5
Hala Sultan Tekke 6
Hala Sultan Tekke 7
Hala Sultan Tekke 8
Hala Sultan Tekke 9
Hala Sultan Tekke 10
Hala Sultan Tekke 11
Han-Mongol Encounters & Missionary Endeavors:
A History of Scheut in Ordos (Hetao) 1874-1911

Handbook of Archaeology, A, Vol. 1
Handbook of Archaeology, A, Vol. 2
Handbook of Archaeology, A, Vol. 3
Handbook of Archaeology, A, Vol. 4
Handbook of Pali Literature, A
Handmade Burnished Wares of the Late Bronze Age in Cyprus
Handmaiden of Trade
Has Man a Future?
Havor Hoard: The Gold -The Bronzes -The Fort
Hayek, Currency Competition and European Union
Head and Hand in Ancient Greece
Head Reconstruction by the Skull
Health Care in France & Germany
Health of the Environment
Heart & Soul of the Party: Candidate Selection in Ghana & Africa
Heavenly Trumpet
Hebrew Incunabula in Public Collections
Hebrews Commenting from Erasmus to Beze 1516-1598
Hellenistic Polis of Kos: State, Economy & Culture
Hellenistic Sculpture of Rhodes
Helping the Poor
Hemostatic System and Continuous Venovenous Hemofiltration: Mutual Effects
Henrici De Gandavo Summa I-V
Henricus Bate: Speculum Divinorum et Quorundam Naturalium (Parts XX-XXIII)
Henricus Bate: Speculum Divinorum et Quorundam Naturalium (Parts XIII-XVI)
Henry of Ghent & the Transformation of Scholastic Thought
Herakles and the Sea-Monster in Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painting
Heresies: Resist Much, Obey Little
Hermeneutic and Composition in I Peter
Hermetic Piety of the Mind: Semiotic & Cognitive
Study of the Discourse of Hermes Trismegistos

Herodes Atticus Reflected in Occasional Poetry of Antonine Athens
Herodian Judaism & New Testament Study
Heterogeneous Catalysis
Heterological Ethnicity: Conceptualizing Identities in Ancient Greece
Heymericus de Campo: Dyalogus Super Reuelacionibus Beate Birgitte [English & Latin]
Hidden Way: A Study in Modern Religious Esoterism
Hide & Seek: Jewish Women & Hair Covering
High, Middle or Low?, Part 1
High, Middle or Low?, Part 2
High, Middle or Low?, Part 3
Higher Education for Girls in North American College Fiction 1886-1912

High-mountain Lakes in the Eastern Part of the Julian Alps
[In English & Slovenian Languages]

High Pressure Research in the Biosciences and Biotechnology
High Strain Rate Tests on Fibre Metal Laminates
Higher Education for Everyone
Hindu Castes and Sects
Hindu Concept of Life & Death
Hindu Diaspora
Hindu Deities: A Mythological Dictionary with Illustrations

Hindu Quest for the Perfection of Man
Hinduism & Buddhism, 3 Volume Set
Hinduism & its Sources: Vedic Literature - Tradition & Social & Religious Laws
Hindustani Raga-S Index
HISCO: Historical International Standard Classification of Occupations
Histoire Critque de l'Ecole Alexadrie
Historian-Filmmaker's Dilemma: Historical Documentaries
in Sweden in the Era of Hager & Villius

Historical Jesus & the Final Judgment Sayings in Q

Historical Patterns of Globalization
Historical Perspectives on East Asian Science, Technology & Medicine
Historical Study of Indian Music, 2nd Edition
Historical Topography of Kition
Historiography and Humanism in the Age of Erasmus
History & Eschatology in John Scottus Eriugena & His Time
History & Literature of Buddhism

History and Literature of Buddhism
History, Culture and Truth

History of Bhopal State
History of British Socialism, 2nd Edition
History of Buddhist Thought
History of Education in Ancient India
History of Footwear in Norway, Sweden and Finland
History of Interpretation of Hebrews 7,1-10 from the Reformation to the Present
History of Islam & Inter-Religious Relations in Bale, Ethiopia
History of Islamic Peoples
History of Non-Printed Science
History of Pilgrimage in Ancient India
History of Swedish Art
History of the Sikhs, 5 volume set
History of the Relations Between the Low Countries & China in the Qing Era (1644-1911)
History of the Third World in Nordic Research
History of Zen Buddhism

History Under Siege: Intensive Agriculture in the Mbulu
Highlands, Tanzania, 19th Century to the Present

Hittite History and Absolute Chronology of the Bronze Age
HIV & AIDS in Schools
Holidays of the Bulgarians in Myths & Legends, 2nd Edition
Holistic Haggadah [In English & Hebrew]
Holocaust Heritage: Inquiries into European Historical Cultures

Holocene Environmental Change of Southern Oland, Sweden
Homer or Moses?
Homeric Hymns
Homer's World
Horizons and Styles
Horror as Pleasure: Aesthetics of Horror Fiction
Hospital is a Uterus
Household in Late Medieval Cities, Italy & Northwestern Europe Compared
How Do You Do It Anyway? A Longitudinal Study of Three
Translator Students Translating from Russian into Swedish

How Markets Work
How to Create a Competitive Market in Pensions
How to Lose a War
How to Pay for Health Care
How to Tackle Unemployment, 2nd edition
Human Airway Smooth Muscle Cells:
Role in Chronic Inflammatory Disorders of the Lung

Human Annexin V
Human Dimensions of Global Change in Bulgaria:
First International Conference 22-24 April 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria

Human Melioidosis
Human Rights [In English & Swedish]:
From the Frontiers of Research

Human Rights and Homosexuality in Southern Africa
Human Rights in Cultural and Religious Traditions
Human Rights in the World
Humanistica Lovaniensia
Humanistica Lovaniensia 1999
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies Vol. LI - 2002
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies Vol. LII - 2003
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies Volume LIII - 2004
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies,Volume LIV - 2005
Hume's Law: An Essay on Moral Reasoning
Huntington's Disease: Early Detection & Progression of Cognitive
Changes in Patients & Asymptomatic Mutation Carriers

Husbands, Lovers, and Dreamlovers
Hybrid Solvers for the Maxwell Equations in Time-Domain

Hydrogeophysics of Tropical Africa
Hylas, the Nymphs, Dionysos & Others: Myth, Ritual, Ethnicity

Hypericin as a Phototherapeutic Tool in Bladder Cancer


I Am He
I Am Myself Alone
I am Tsunki: Gender & Shamanism among the Shuar of Western Amazonia
"I Can Do Nothing Against the Wish of the Pen":
Studies in the Short Stories of Widad Sakakini

I Will Give You Rest
ICEST 2003: Proceedings of the XXXVIII International
Scientific Conference on Information, Communication & Energy Systems & Technologies

Iconography of Attic Late Geometric II Pottery
Icons in Bulgaria
Icons of Monastery Chilander
ICT-Related Transformations in Latin American Metropolises
Identification & Evaluation of Candidate Tumour
Suppressor Genes on Chromosome Region 12P12-13

Identification for Control Design with Application to a Compact Disk Mechanism
Identification of CYK, A Cyclin B2 Kinase as a Novel Calcium, Calmodulin-Dependent
Protein Kinase II and Its Role During Xenopus Laevis Oocyte Maturation

Identification of Stochastic Continuous-Time Systems
Identity & Difference: Essays on Music, Language & Time
Identity of Proofs
Identity Through the Other
Igor Stravinsky's Orchestrations of Beethoven's & Mussorgsky's Song of the Flea
IEA Yearbook of Government Performance 2002/2003
Igneous Petrology
ilam<sihala? An Assessment of an Argument
Ill-Posed & Inverse Problems: Dedicated to Academician Mikhail Lavrentiev
Ill-Posed & Non-Classical Problems of Mathematical Physics & Analysis
Ill-Posed Problems with A Priori Information
Illustrated Catalogue of the Genus Carabus of the World (Coleoptera: Caribidae)
Illustrated Multi- Lingual Dictionary of Verbs, in English, French, German, Spanish, Hebrew, and Russian
Image Culture: Media, Consumption & Everyday Life in Reflexive Modernity
Image of the Jew in Flavius Josephus' Paraphrase of the Bible
Images in Science
Images of Illness in the Gospel of Luke: Insights of Ancient Medical Texts
Images of Southeast Asia in Children's Literature
Image of the Judaeo-Christians in Ancient Jewish & Christian Literature
Imagination in Power
Imagines Sanctae Birgittae, [2 Volume Set]
Immanence & Transcendence in Thomas Pynchon's Mason & Dixon
Immediacy & Reflection in Kierkegaard's Thought
Immigrant Employment & Structural Change in Sweden
Impact of World War II on Policing in North-West Europe
Impact of Yom Kippur on Early Christianity
Impatient for Change: European Attitudes to Healthcare Reform

Implementing Human Rights in Africa: The African Commission on
Human & Peoples' Rights & Individual Communications
Implicit and Explicit Norm in Contemporary Russian Verbal Stress
Implicit Epistemology in the Letters of Paul: Story, Experience and the Spirit

Important Bird Areas in the Czech Republic
In a Common Rejoicing
In My Childhood
In Pursuit of Ethnic Politics
In Search of an Order: Mutual Representations in
Sweden & Russia During the Early Age of Reason

In Speechless Ecstasy: Expression & Interpretation of
Mystical Experience in Classical Syriac & Sufi Literature

In the Best Interests of Children & Youth: International Perspectives

In the First Person and in the House
In the Maze of Displacement: Conflict, Migration & Change
In the Service of the European Union
In Vivo Analysis & Characterization of Myocardial Ischemia & Infarction: Experimental MRI-Studies
Incomplete Solution: Weathering of Cave Walls & the Production, Transport & Deposition of Carbonate Fines
Inconsistency in Paul?
Increased Lipogenesis in Human Tumors
Incunabula in Dutch Libraries, 2 volumes
Incunabula Printed in the Low Countries: A Census
Independence and Exegesis
Independence or Stagnation?
India - USA: Diplomatic Relations 1940 - 2002
India: Studies in the History of an Idea
India Dreams: Cultural Identity Among Young Middle Class Men in New Delhi
India’s Interaction with Southeast Asia: History of Science,
Philosophy & Culture in Indian Civilization, Vol. 1, Part 3

India’s Overland Trade with Central Asia & Persia:
During the Thirteenth & Fourteenth Centuries

Indian Alchemy: Soma in the Veda
Indian Craftsman, 2nd Edition
Indian Epigraphy
Indian Migration to the Middle East
Indian Muslims
Indian Perspectives on the Physical World:
History of Science, Philosophy & Culture in Indian Civilization, Vol. IV, Part 3

Indian Shipping
Indian Stage, 4 Vols. in 2
Indian Theatre
Indian Villages in Transformation:
A Longitudinal Study of Three Villages in Uttar Pradesh

Individual, Corporate & Judicial Status in European Cities
Indigenous Peoples and International Organizations
Induction of Tolerance by Genetically-Engineered
B Cells & Cytotoxic T Cells in Allergic Diseases

Industrial Development in Tanzania
Industrial Minerals: Resources, Characteristics & Applications
Industrial Policy, Innovation and Economic Growth:
The Experience of Japan and the Asian NIEs

Industrial Syndicalist
Influence of Middle Minoan Pottery on the Cyclades
Informal Finance & Microfinance in Jamaica & Trinidad & Tobago

Information Technology and Singapore Society
Initial Buckling of Flat and Curved Fiber Metal Laminate Panels
Innovations & Industrial Performance in Finland 1945 - 1998
Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications
Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis: Volume I: Eastern Europe
Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis: Volume II: Kleinasien
Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis: Volume III: Syria & Cyprus
Insecta Coleoptera Chironidae [In French]
Insecta Diptera Culicidae [In French - Includes CD-ROM]: Faune de Madagascar, No. 91
Inside the Crusader Fortress
Instead of Flowers
Institutional Injustice: The Family Courts at Work
Instrumentation to Handle Thermal Polarized Neutron Beams
Integral Equations and Iteration Methods in Electromagnetic Scattering
Integral Geometry and Inverse Problems for Kinetic Equations
Integrated Rural Development
Integrating Eco-Efficiency in Rail Vehicle Design
Integrating Jewish Women into Second Temple History
Integrating Reliability, Availability & Maintainability (RAM) in Conceptual Process Design
Intellectual Property: Cumulative Index Vol. 1-41
Intellectual Property in the Conflict of Laws
Intellectual Property Protection Reforms
Intellectuals and Socialism
Inter Disciplinas Ars
Interaction Between S. Pneumoniae & In Vitro Human Nasopharyngeal Epithelium
Interaction of the Protein Phosphatase-1 Regulator NIPP1 with Pre-mRNA Splicing Factors
Interaction of Ultrasonic Waves and Tissues
Intercultural Communication
Interdisciplinary Studies in Science, Technology, Philosophy and Culture
Intermittent Ischemia-Reperfusion as Operative Technique for CABG-Surgery
International Aspects
International Business and Political Crisis
International Commercial Transactions
International Comparative Perspective on Children & Youth at Risk
International Criminal Court
International Criminal Law, 2 Volume Set
International Intervention: New Norms in the Post-Cold War Era?
International Labour Standards - A Conference Report
International Response to the Democracy Movement in Burma Since 1962
International Science Programme Uppsala University 1961-2001
International Trade in the Low Countries (14th-16th Centuries)
Interpretation of Speech in the Pentateuch Targums
Intertwinements of Law and Medicine
Intracellular Ca2+-Release Channels as Cellular Targets for Immunophilins
Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections
Introduction to Bharata's Natyasastra
Introduction to Buddhism
Introduction to Genetic Engineering, Life Sciences & the Law
Introduction to Hindi and Urdu
Introduction to Identification Problems via Functional Analysis
Introduction to Indian Art
Introduction to Nematodes: General Nematology
Introduction to Nematodes: Plant Nematology
Introduction to Phylogeny & Systematics of Flowering Plants
Introduction to Statistical Analysis of Random Arrays
Introduction to Superstring Theory
Introduction to the European Convention on Human Rights, 4th Edition
Introduction to the Study of Hindu Doctrines

Introduction to the Study of Musical Scales
Introduction to Tumor Biology
Introductory Hindi Course [with Companion Audio CD]
Intuitive Formation of Meaning
Invention of Permanent Poverty
Inventory of National Election Studies in Europe, 1945-1995
Inventory of Ottoman Turkish Documents About Waqf Preserved in the
Oriental Department at the St St Cyril and Methodius National Library

Inventory of Political Attitude & Behavior Surveys in East
Central Europe & the Former Soviet Union 1989-1997

Inverse and Ill-Posed Sources Problems
Inverse Modelling of the Rainfall-Runoff Relation
Inverse Problems of Vibrational Spectroscopy
Involuntary Action
Involvement of Children & Teacher Style
Ionic Influence in Archaic Sicily
Iranun & Balangingi:
Globalization, Maritime Raiding & the Birth of Ethnicity
Iranians in Sweden
Irish Scene & Sound: Identity, Authenticity & Transnationality among Young Musicians
Iron Age Culture of Latium, The I
Iron Age Culture of Latium, The II
Iron Age Necropolis of Sorbo at Cerveteri
Irony & Religious Belief 1
Irrevocable Call of God: An Inquiry into Paul's Theology of Israel
Irrigation Water Management
Is Intervention Humanitarian?: Protecting Human Rights & Democracy Abroad
Is Japan Still Number One?
Is Russia a European Power?
Is There a Third Way?
Islam & Business
Islam in India & Pakistan: A Religious History of Islam in India & Pakistan
Islam in Malaysia
Islamic Gold Dinar
Islands of Karpathos, Saros and Kasos in the Neolithic and Bronze Age
Islands Under Influence
Isometric and Isoinertial Force Exertion in Product Handling
Israel as a Tax Haven for the European Corporate Investor?
Issues in East Asian Crisis
IT Law
Italian Communists Speak for Themselves
Italian Expedition to the Himalaya, Karakoram & Eastern Turkestan (1913-14)
'Its Appeal is to the Middlebrow'
Iudaea -- Palestina
Iustus Lipsius Europae Lumen et Columen


Jaina Art
Jaina Sources of the History of Ancient India, 2nd Edition

Japan Must Swim or Sink:
A Unique Insider's View of the Social, Cultural &
Economic Challenges Facing Japan in the 21st Century

Japan in Asia 1942-1945
Japan's Green Comeback: Future Visions of the Men Who Made Japan
Japan's Military Export Policy
Jean Gerson and 'De Consolatione Theologiae' (1418)
Jeno Platthy and Antiquity
Jesus and His 'Works'
Jesus & Purity Halakhah: Was Jesus Indifferent to Impurity?
Jesus and Scribal Authority
Jesus & the Impurity of Spirits in the Synoptic Gospels
Jesus, the Tribulation, & the End of the Exile:
Restoration Eschatology & the Origin of the Atonement

Jesus' Attitude Towards the Law
Jesus' Predictions of Vindication and Resurrection
Jewish Emancipation Reconsidered: The French & German Models
Jewish Identity and Society in the Seventeenth Century
Jewish Identity in Modern Israel
Jewish Legal Writings by Women
Jewish Literacy in Roman Palestine
Jewish Manumission Inscriptions of the Bosporus Kingdom
Jewish Rights in the Roman World
Jewish Worship in Philo of Alexandria
Jewish-Christian Controversy from the Earliest Times to 1789
Jews and Christians in Dialogue II
Jews and Hellenistic Cities in Eretz-Israel
Jews, Idumaeans, and Ancient Arabs
Jews in the Weimar Republic
J.G. Sparwenfeld's Diary of a Journey to Russia 1684-87
Johan Ihre on the Origin and History of the Runes
Johann Sebastian Bach Christmas Oratorio (BWV 248)
Johannes Boekholt (1656-1693): The first Dutch publisher of John Bunyan and other English authors
Johannes Gutenberg
Johannes Hildebrandi: LIBER EPISTULARIS (Cod. Upsal. C 6)
Johannine Approach to Mission
Johannine Paraclete in the Church Fathers
Johannine Sabbath Conflicts as Juridical Controversy
John Atanasoff: The Father of the Computer
John Barclay, Euphormio's Satyricon, 1605-1607
John's Relationship with Mark: An Analysis
of John 6 in the Light of Mark 6-8

Joining the Modern World: Inside & Outside of China
Joint Action for Jobs
Jordan Structures in Geometry & Physics
Josephus Geographicus: The Classical Context of Geography in Josephus
Journal of a March from Delhi to Peshawur & from thence
to Cabul with the Mission of Lieut-Colonel Sir C.M. Wade

Journal of a Route Across India, Through Egypt to England
Journal of Neo-Latin Studies
Journal of Neo-Latin Studies, 2000
Journal of Prehistoric Religion, Volume XVI-XVII
Journal of Prehistoric Religion, Volume XVIII
Judaism for the Rite Reasons:
Concepts & Customs, Sources & Reasons. Illustrated

Judaism on Trial, 2nd Edition
Judas & the Choice of Matthias
Julius Africanus and the Early Christian View of Magic
Jummoo and Kashmir Territories
Jurisdiction in USA v. Noriega

Just a Piece of Paper?
Justice in War-Time
Justification of Minority Protection in International Law


Kadmeia I
Kampuchea Between China and Vietnam
Karl Barth's Theological Exegesis
Karma, Causation and Retributive Morality
Karma & the Rebirth of Consciousness

Kautiliya Arthasastra Revisited
Keeping Patients in the Dark
Kent State University Expedition to Episkopi Phaneromeni, Part 2
Key and Catalogue of the Tribe Clivinini from the Oriental Realm
Key to European Union, The (five parts)

Khurasan & Sistan
King Arthur in the Medieval Low Countries
King Henry's Bible, MS BODLEY 277: The Revised Version of the Wycliff Bible
Volume I: Genesis-Ruth
King Henry's Bible, MS BODLEY 277: The Revised Version of the Wycliff Bible
Volume II: Kings-Psalms
King Henry's Bible MS BODLEY 277: The Revised Version of the Wyclif Bible
Volume III: Proverbs - II MacCabees

King Henry's Bible: MS BODLEY 277, The Revised Version of the Wyclif Bible
Volume IV: The New Testament

Kinyras (1982)
Kinyras (1983)
Klavdhia-Tremithos: A Middle & Late Cypriote Bronze Age Site
Know Your Interest
Knowledge & Survival in the Novels of Thomas Hardy
Knowledge Base of an Industrial Economy
Koprivshtitsa: History & Architecture
Kuomintang Movement in British Malaya 1942-1949
Kyrgyz Musical Instruments


Labour Market & Social Policy in Poland
Labour Market Development and Structural Change
Labraunda, Vol. 1, Part 3
Labraunda, Vol. II, Part 2
Labraunda, Vol. II, Part 3
Labraunda, Vol. II, Part 5
Labraunda, Vol. III, Part 2
Lamb Christology of the Apocalypse of John:
An Investigation into Its Origins & Rhetorical Force

Land Called Bulgaria
Land Management
Land Management and Survival
Land of Israel as a Political Concept in Hasmonean Literature
Land of the Ancient Corinthians
Land Revenue Administration Under the Mughals
Land Transportation Engineering
Landscape of Left-Overs:
Changing Conceptions of Place & Environment among Mi'kmaq Indians of Eastern Canada

Landscape Planning in Singapore
Language Choice & Code-Switching in the Azerbaijani Community in Tehran
Language in Society
Language of Color in the Mediterranean
Language Learning: A Process View
Language Structure and Variation
Lankavatara Sutra: A Mahayana Text
Lapis Lazuli in Archaeological Contexts
Lapis Lazuli in Geological Contexts and in Ancient Written Sources
Lasers in Neurosurgery
Last Days of the Palace at Knossos
Last Frontier: Preparing War in Space
Late Cypriot Terracotta Figurines
Late Helladic Pottery From Prosymma
Late Helladic I Pottery of the Southwestern Peloponnesos
and its Local Characteristics

Late Minoan III Burials at Khania
Late Minoan III Period in Crete
Late Punic Epigraphy
Latin Aristotle
Laughter and Derision in Petronius' Satyrica
Law & Child Labour in Malaysia
Law and the Prophets
Law and Wisdom from Ben Sira to Paul
Law, Social Sciences and Public Policy
Lawyer and Language
Le Peuplement Animal du Mont Nimba
[In French & Contains CD-ROM]

Leading Cities in Educational Renewal
Leafhoppers & Planthoppers of Germany (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha)
Learning About Videoconferencing
Learning & the Reform of Chinese Foreign Policy
Learning Computer Systems in a Distributed Project Course
Learning Disabilities: A Challenge to Teaching & Instruction
Learning from Capitalists
Learning Idiomaticity: A Corpus-Based Study of
Idiomatic Expressions in Learners' Written Production

Learning in Development Co-operation
Learning to Read Midrash
Learning-in-Context: An Ethnographic Investigation of
Meditated Learning Experiences among Ethiopian Jews in Israel

Lectures on Regulatory & Competition Policy
Lee Kong Chian Art Museum Catalogue
Left Catholicism:
Catholics & Society in Western Europe at the Point of Liberation, 1943-1955

Left in France
Legacy of Franz Rosenzweig [In English & German]
Legacy of the Jaguar Prophet
Legal and Historical Commentary to Cicero's
Oratio Pro C. Rabirio Perduellionisreo

Legal Contributions to the Structure of Civil Society
Legal Dictionary: English-French-Serbian
Legal History & a Common Law for Europe: Mystery, Reality, Imagination
Legal Issues of the Late 1990s
Legal Perspectives
Legal Protection of Biotechnological Inventions
in Europe and in the United States

Legal Theory
Lembra Archaeological Project, Vol. I
Lembra Archaeological Project, Vol. II-1A
Lembra Archaeological Project, Vol. II-2
Leonhard Culmann: A literary Biography and an Edition of five Plays,
as a Contribution to the Study of Drama in the Age of the Reformation

Lepidoptera of Poland
Les Colias du Globe, Two Volumes
Les Longicornes des Petites Antilles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) [In French]

Less Than Zero
Lessons for EMU from the History of Monetary Unions
Lessons of Chile
Let the People Think
Let Them Journey: True Stories Uniting the Past with the Future
Stories of Jewish Migration in the 21st Century

Letter to Antony van Leeuwenhoek About the Animals
Which are Sometimes Found in the Liver of Sheep

Leuven: Town & Gown
Leuven in Books - Books in Leuven
Leuven University Library: 1425-2000
Levellers and the English Revolution, 2nd Edition
Lexicon of Jewish Names in Late Antiquity, Part I
Liber Iuratus Honorii:
A Critical Edition of the Latin Version of the Sworn Book of Honorius

Liber Usuum Fratrum Monasterii Vadstenensis:
The Customary of the Vadstena Brothers [In English & Latin]

Liberating Women From Modern Feminism
Libraries, Globalisation & Cooperation
Lie Theory & its Applications in Physics, Volume VI
Life After Death in Early Judaism: The Evidence of Josephus

Life of Bertrand Russell in Pictures & In His Own Words
Life of John Wheatley
Life of Buddha
Life of Hiuen-Tsiang:
With an Introduction Containing an Account of the Works by I-Tsing

Life of St Philaretos the Merciful Written By His Grandson Niketas
Life of the Buddha:
According to the Ancient Texts & Monuments of India

Life Science Inventions: The Hurdles of Law
Life, Thought & Culture in India (From c. 600 BC to c. AD 300),
History of Science, Philosophy & Culture in Indian Civilization
Vol. I: The Dawn & Development of Indian Civilization, Part 2
Lifetime Companion to the Laws of Jewish Family Life

Ligand & Electrically Induced Activation Patterns in Myenteric Neuronal Networks
Light of Redemption: A Passover Haggadah Based Upon the Writings of Rav Kook. Hebrew with English Commentary
Lightfoot the Historian
Limited and Universal Salvation
Limits of Government
Limits of Orthopedagogy, Parts 1 and 2
Limits of National Claims in the South China Sea
Linear & Non-Linear Dynamics of Cardiovascular Variability
Linear Sobolev Type Equations & Degenerate Semigroups of Operators
Linguistics Images of Emotions in Translation from Polish into Swedish
Liouville Space Formalism in Atomic Spectroscopy
Lipomatous Tumors
List of Orchid Hybrids of Singapore and Malaysia 1960-1980
Little Gift Book of Bulgaria
Little Sandhurst: A Military Love Affair
Living by Zen
Living Down the Past
Living with Bad Surroundings:
War & Existential Uncertainty in Acholiland, Northern Uganda

Loca Sanctorum Macedoniae:
The Cult of Martyrs in Macedonia from the 4th to the 9th Centuries

Local Control of Sertoli Cell Function
Local Institutional Innovation & Pro-Poor Agricultural Growth
The Case of Small-Woolgrowers' Associations in South Africa

Localization of Genetic Factors for Nonspecific
and Syndromic X-Linked Mental Retardation

Loca Sanctorum Macedoniae
Logic of Life: Heidegger's Retrieval of Aristotle's Concept of Logos
London Industrial Strategy
Long Range Air Pollution: From Models to Policies
Long Struggle of Eritrea for Independence & Constructive Peace
Long-Term Clinical Pharmacokinetic Study of Tacrolimus & Mycophenolic
Acid & Metabolites in De Novo Renal Allograft Recipients

Looking at Birds in Kyrgyz Republic Central Asia
[In English & Russian]

Looking at Mammals in Kyrgyzia [In English & Russian]
Lord Bolingbroke (1678-1751) & History:
A Comparative Study of Bolingbroke's Politico-Historical Works
& Selection of Contemporary Texts as to Themes & Vocabulary

Losing the Rat Race, Winning at Life
Lost Visions and New Uncertainties
Love Without Pretense
Low-Temperature Geochemistry
Loyalty in the Spirituality of St. Thomas More
Lucian's Atticism
Lucknow Daily: How a Hindi Newspaper Constructs Reality
Luke Acts: Angels, Christology and Soteriology
Luke-Acts & Rhetoric of History
Luke’s Portrait of Gentiles Prior to Their Coming to Faith
Luminario: An Introduction to the Italian writing-
books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries

Luminescence and Scintillation of Ce3+ Doped
Inorganic Materials for Gamma-Ray Detection

Luminescent Spectra of Minerals: Reference-Book

Lundstrom Collection of Terra Sigillata in the Museum of the Department
of Classical Archaeology and Ancient History Goteborg University

Lung Viability After Circulatory Arrest
Luni Sul Mignone, Vol. 2, Fasc. 1
Luni Sul Mignone, Vol. 2, Fasc. 2
Luther's Approach to Scripture as Seen in His 'Commentaries' on Galatians


Macedonia: Yesterday & Today
Macroeconomics of Financing Government Expenditure
Madan Lal Puri, Selected Collected Works, Vol. 1
Madan Lal Puri, Selected Collected Works, Vol. 2
Madan Lal Puri, Selected Collected Works, Vol. 3
Mahathir Mohamad: A Visionary & His Vision of Malaysia's K-Economy
Major Armed Conflicts in 1987
Major Varieties of English
Makhteshim Country: A Laboratory of Nature
Making a Lottery of Good Causes
Making Democracy Work
Making Just Rights?
Mainstreaming Women’s Human Rights & a Gender Perspective

Making Meteorology: Social Relations & Scientific Practice
Making Music Together
Making of Malaysia Inc.: A 25-Year Review of the
Securities Industry of Malaysia & Singapore

Making of the Labour Movement
Making Targeted Sanctions Effective:
Guidelines for the Implementation of UN Policy Options

Malaria & the DDT Story
Malariology, With Special Reference to Malaya
Malay Business
Malaysia & South-South Cooperation During Mahathir's Era: Determining Factors & Implications
Malaysia & the Islamic World
Malaysia in Transition: Politics, Economics & Society
Malaysia's Economic Challenges: A Critical Analysis
of the Malaysian Economy, Governance & Society

Malaysia's Economic Sustainability
Malayan Chinese & China: Conversion in Identity Consciousness, 1945-1957
Malaysian Management Styles: Policy, Practice & Human Resource
Malaysian Private Higher Education
Malaysian Women in Rural Development & Entrepreneurship:
From Rural Producers to Urban Entrepreneurs

Malaysian-American Partnership
Male or Female?
Male Susceptibility and Female Emancipation
Malstria - Malena
Mammals of Australia: An Introduction to
their Classification, Biology & Distribution

Man Makes Himself
Managing Construction Industry Development
Managing Mercury
Managing Partnerships: Unlocking Economic Potential
for Growth & Development in Muslim Countries

Managing Transformations in Eastern Europe
Man and His Becoming
Manichaeism in the Later Roman Empire and Medieval China
Manifest in Flesh
Manners of Ghosts: A Study of the Supernatural in Thomas Hardy's Short Poems
Manticora: A Monograph of the Genus
Manual of Bamboo Hybridization
Manual of Zen Buddhism

Manual on Gender Mainstreaming at Universities
Manuel Bibliographique des Sciences Psychiques Ou Occultes
Manumission of Slaves in Early Christianity
Many Faces of Murukan: The History & Meaning of a South Indian God
Mapping Study on International Migration

Maratha Confederacy
Mare Nostrum. Neogene and Anthropic Natural History of the Mediterranean Basin, with Emphasis on the Levant
Marine Geology and Palaeoceanography
Maritime Boundaries of the Indian Ocean Region
Maritime India
Maritime & Transport Law: Bar Associations
Mark & Mission
Markers and Meaning in Paul
Marketing Research in the Global Construction Industry
Markets and the Media
Markets in the Firm
Markets, Politics and Globalization
Marks and Makers
Maroni De Chypre
Marriage in Motion: A Study on the Social Context & Processes of Marital Satisfaction
Martial, Book IX
Martingale Approximations
Martyrdom of St. Paul
Marxism and Reform in China
Mary Wollstonecraft's Journey to Scandinavia: Essays
Mathematical Geology and Geoinformatics
Mathematical Models for Particle Dissolution in Extrudable Aluminum Alloys
Matter of Context: Social Inequalities in Incidence of Myocardial Infarction
Maturational and Electrophysiological Properties of
CFTR Proteins Carrying In Vitro Mutagenized R Domains

May Day Manifesto: Defending the Welfare State. Mr. Blair's "Reforms"
Meals in a Social Context
Meaning and Argument
Meaning & Interpretation: Conference held in Stockholm, September 24-26, 1998
Meaning in Ancient North Arabian Carvings
Meaning-Making Variations in Acculturation & Ritualization
Measurement of CYP 3A4 & P-GP Activity in Vivo using Dynamic Breath & Urine Analysis
Measurements and Estimations of Forest
Stand Parameters Using Remote Sensing

Measuring Socioeconomic Status & its
Effects at Individual & Collective Levels

Mechanical Behavior & Diffusion of Gas During Neutron
Irradiation of Actinides in Ceramic Inert Matrices

Mechanism & Role of Cyclooxygenase-2 Up-Regulation By Photodynamic Therapy
Mechanisms of Excitation Contraction Coupling in Myocytes
From Normal & Chronically Ischemic Pig Myocardium

Mechanisms of Growth Hormone & Insulin-Induced
Alterations in Metabolism During Critical Illness

Media & Political Culture in the Eighteenth Century [In English & French]
Media Fascinations: Perspectives on Young People's Meaning Making
Mediaeval Researches, 2 volumes
Mediaeval Sinhalese Art
Medieval Book Fragments in Sweden: An International Seminar in Stockholm 13-16 November 2003

Medical Dictionary [In English, German, French, Italian, & Russian]
Medical Pluralism & Lay Therapy Management in Kinshasa
Medicinal Plants of Southeast Asia
Medicine & Life Sciences in India,
History of Science, Philosophy & Culture in Indian Civilization,
Vol. IV: Fundamental Indian Ideas of Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences & Medicine, Part 2
Medicine Prices and Innovations
Medieval Aristocracy on Mount Athos
Medieval Narrative Sources: A Gateway into the Medieval Mind

Medieval Slavic Manuscripts & SGML
Meeting Mathematics
Megaron During the Aegean and Anatolian Bronze Age
Meiji Protestantism in History and Historiography
Melanges de Litterature Grecque
Melons, Fruits & Vegetables as Medicine: Traditional Chinese Medical Therapies

Memoir on Pauperism
Memoria Bosniaca [In English & Serbian]:
References of Bosnia & Herzegovina

Memories of a Giant: Eulogies in Memory of Rabbi Dr. Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Men & Women: Gender, Judaism & Democracy
Men's Family Relations
Mental Disorders and the Law
Mental Health & Hindu Psychology
Mental Revolution: Promoting Economics,
Education & Religion in Malaysia

Merchant & the State: The French
in India, 1666-1739 [2 Volumes]

Merchant Houses of Stockholm c. 1640-1800
Mesoscopic Approach to the Study of Thin Protective Coatings
by Positron Beam Analysis & Scanning Electron Microscopy

Mesoscopic Charge Density Wave Wires
Mesozoic Corals of Slovenia
Mesozoic Volcanic-Intrusive Complexes
and Their Metallogenic Relations in East China

Messiah and Christos
Messiah and Throne
Messiah, the Healer of the Sick:
A Study of Jesus as the Son of David in the Gospel of Matthew

Metabolism & Biological Activities of Sphingosine-1-Phosphate
Metallized Plastics 5&6: Fundamental and Applied Aspects
Metatheater and Sanskrit Drama
Metazoan Parasites of Salmonid Fishes of Europe

Methods for Solution of Nonlinear Operator Equations
Methods for Solving Operator Equations
Metropolitan Growth and Migration in Peru
Michael and Christ: Michael Traditions
and Angel Christology in Early Christianity

Micromachined Microwave Devices & Circuits
Micromachining Techniques Using Layers Grown in an Epitaxial Reactor
Microstructural and Electrical Properties of Resolidified Submicron AI Lines
Microstructure-related Quality of Conversion Coatings on Aluminium Alloys
Microsurgical Thrombosis
Middle Cypriot White Painted Pottery
Middle English Words for "Town"
Middle Minoan III
Middle Voice in Gadamer's Hermeneutics
Midrash of Rabbi Moshe Alshich on the Torak, 2nd ed., 3 vol.
Mid-Winter Numbers of Waterbirds in Bulgaria (1977-2001)
Migration to Sashemene
Military Technology & US-Japan Security Relations:
A Study of Three Cases of Military R&D Collaboration, 1983-1998

Millipedes (Diplopoda) of the Asian Part of Russia
Mimicry, Aposematism and Related Phenomena in Animals and Plants
Mind and Muscle
Mind in Early Buddhism
Mineralogy and Geology of Rare Earths in China
Mining & Metallurgy in Ancient India
Minoan Architecture
Minoan Conical Cups
Minoan Crafts, Volume One
Minoan Crafts: Tools & Techniques, Volume Two
Minoan Religion
Minoan Religion as Ritual Action
Minoan Sacrificial Ritual
Minority Languages in Scandinavia, Britain and Ireland
Miracle and Mission
Miscellanea Celtica in Memoriam Henrich Wagner
Miscellanea Philosophica et Historia Graece
Misguided Virtue: False Notions of Corporate Social Responsibility
Mishnah and Tosefta (2 volumes)
Mission of the Early Church to Jew & Gentiles
Missionary Approaches & Linguistics in Mainland China & Taiwan
Mission-Commitment in Ancient Judaism & in the Pauline Communities
"Mithras Liturgy": Text, Translation, & Commentary
The Mitzvot: The Commandments & Their Rationale, 2nd ed.
Moadim LeSimcha: Explorations Into the Jewish Holidays
Moats in Ancient Palestine
Mobile Messages: Young People & a New Communication Culture
Mobilising the Novel: The Literature of Imperialism and the First World War
Modality Reference and Sense
Mode of Action and Development of Resistance to Human Immunodeficiency
Virus Inhibitors That Are Targeted at Early Stages of Infection

Mode in Ancient Greek Music
Model-Based and Matched-Filterbank Signal Analysis
Model-based Methods in Motion Capture
Modeling & Control of Bilinear Systems: Application to the Activated Sludge Process

Modeling of Hyperphosphorylation of
Protein Tau by Tau Kinases in Brain of Transgenic Mice

Modeling Route Choice Behavior in Multimodal Transport Networks
Modelling & Inversion of Pulsed Eddy Current Data
Modelling of Georelief & its Geometrical Structure Using DTM
Modelling Passenger Flows in Public Transport Facilities
Modern Chinese II

Modern English-Hindi Dictionary
Modern English-Russian Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering & Industrial Automation
Modern Museum and Swedish Museum of Architecture in Stockholm
Modern Theory of Summation of Random Variable
Modernity and Its Discontents
Modernization and Chinese Entrepreneurship / No. 3
Modes of Thought
Modular Tool Architecture for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis
Modulation of Androgen Receptor Activity by P160
Coactivators & a Study of Environmental Contaminants

Modulation of CFTR & ENaC Channel Function By Interacting Proteins & Trafficking
Modulation of Nitric Oxide / Cyclic GMP
Signal Transduction in the Injured Vascular Wall

Moen Collection of Eastern Turki (New Uighur) Popular Poetry
Mohammedan Bulgarians (Pomaks)
Molecular and Clinical Characterization of NF1 Gene Microdeletions
Molecular Cytogenic Analysis of Adipose Tissue Tumors
With Chromosome 12q13-q15 Involvement

Molecular Dynamics of Additives in Polymers
Molecular Genetic Analysis of the Glypicans, a Family of
Cell Surface Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans

Molecular Modes of Action of 1a,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 & Analogs
Mollusca (Gastropoda et Bivalvia) aquae dulcis
Mon Van Genechten (1903-1974). Flemish Missionary & Chinese Painter
Monarchic Principle
Monetary and Banking Development of Singapore and Malaysia
Money and Finance in Hong Kong
Money & Finance in Transition:
Research in Contemporary & Historical Finance

Money, Credit and Inflation
Monitor Lizards
Monograph of the Afrotropical Cassidinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Moral Perspectives
Morals and Markets
Morphology of Debt
Mort et Esperance selon la Bible Hebraique [In French]

Mortal Beings: On the Metaphysics & Value of Death

Moscow Photo Album
Moses, God & the Dynamics of Intercessory Prayer
Most Dangerous Decade
Motilin Receptor, The: Localization and Modulation By Inflammation
Motion Processing in Macaque Middle Temporal Area
Mountain Salamanders of the Genus Ranodon
Mouse Model for Chemical-Induced Asthma
Mousterian Bone Flute & Other Finds from Divje Babe I Cave Site in Slovenia
Mozambique - A Dream Undone
Mughal Painting
Multi-anode Linear SDDs for High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy
Multiclass Continuum Modelling of Multilane Traffic Flow
Multidimensional Assessment of People with Chronic Pain
Multidimensional Statistical Analysis and Theory of Random Matrices
Multi-Frequency Nonlinear Profile Inversion Methods
Multimedia Super Corridor: A Journey to Excellence in Institutions of Higher Learning
Multiple Approaches to Inhibit Restenosis After Percutaneous Coronary Interventions
Multiple Hot-Wire Probes:
Measurements of Turbulent Velocity & Vorticity Vector Fields

Multi-Service Schools
Munuscula Romana
Music in the Aegean Bronze Age
Musical Heritage of India
Music of the Nations: A Comparative Study
Muslim Revivalist Movements in Northern India in the 16th and 17th Century
My Sister China
Mycenaean Athens
Mycenaean Citadels
Mycenaean Cult Buildings
Mycenaean Decorated Pottery
Mycenaean Fortifications, Highways, Dams & Canals
Mycenaean Palace at Knossos
Mycenaean Pottery III
Mystery of China's Falun Gong
Its Rise & its Sociological Implications
Mysteries of Righteousness
Mysterious Life of the Body
Mystical Prayer in Ancient Judaism
Mysticism in Maharashtra: Indian Mysticism
Myth and Cult
Myth and Epos in Early Greek Art
Myth & Symbol I: Symbolic Phenomena in Ancient Greek Culture
Myth & Symbol II: Symbolic Phenomena in Ancient Greek Culture

Myth Become Reality, A Vol. 1
Myth Become Reality, A Vol. 2
Myth, Cult & Symbols in Sakta Hinduism
Mythic Images & Shamanism: A Perspective on Kalevala Poetry
Myths of the North-East Frontier of India


Na+ Reabsorption and Cl- Secretion Across Cultured Renal Epithelia (A6)
Nabataeans-- Their History, Culture and Archaeology
Naked Consumer Today: Or an Overview of Why Consumers
Really Buy Things, & What this Means for Marketing

Name of God and the Angel of the Lord
Names without Faces:
From Polemics to Flirtation in Islamic Chat-Room Nick-Naming

Nanoscale Magnetic Oxides & Bio-World
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology '02:
Nanostructured Materials Application & Innovation Transfer

Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Vol. 3
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Volume 4:
Nanostructured Materials Application & Innovation Transfer

Nanostructural Study of Raney-Type Nickel Catalysts
Nanosystems in Ceramic Oxides Created by Means of Ion Implantation
Nanxun Legacy and China's Development in the Post-Deng Era
Narrative of Various Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, & the Punjab,
1826 to 1838, Volume IV: Kalat

Narrative Technique in Ancient Greek Romance
Nation & Novel: A Study of Persian & Kurdish Narrative Discourse
Nation Conceived: Learning, Education, and Nationhood in American Historical Novels of the 1820s
National Atlas of Sweden, 19 Vol. Set
National Atlas of Sweden, Vol. 05: Agriculture
National Atlas of Sweden, Vol. 14: Climate, Lakes & Rivers
National Atlas of Sweden, Vol. 19: Public Health & Health Care
National Frontiers and International Scientific Cooperation
National Security & the European Convention on Human Rights
Natural History and Applied Ecology of Carabid Beetles
Natural History of the Ground-Beetles
(Coleoptera: Carabidae) of America north of Mexico

Natural Language Processing in Medicine
Natural Mineral Forms: Exhibit in Fersman
Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Science

Navier-Stokes Equations and Related Nonlinear Problems
Navigation and Mobile Telecommunications Technologies for
European Road Freight Operations in the Late 1990s

Near Eastern, Mediterranean and European Chronology
Necropolis of Kaloriziki
Negotiating Wilderness in a Cultural Landscape:
Predators & Saami Reindeer Herding in the Laponian World Heritage Area

Nelson and Helen Glueck Collection of Cypriot Antiquities, Cincinnati
Nematodes of Freshwater Fishes of the Neotropical Region
Neo-Latin Literature in Sweden in the Period 1620-1720
Neolithic of South Sweden
Neonatal Analgesia: Towards an Integrated Approach
Netherlandish Splendour in Churches of the Stockholm Region
Neural/Neuroendocrine Compartment of the Liver
Neurochemical Markers of Degenerative Nervous Diseases and Drug Addiction
Neutron Activation Analysis of Inhomogeneous Large Samples
Never Kneel Down: Drought, Development & Liberation in Eritrea
New American Century?
New Challenges in Catalysis II:
Accepted at the Meeting of Department of Chemical & Biological Sciences on October 29th, 1999

New Deal for Asia
New Design for Nuclear Disarmament
New Directions in Software Engineering
New Directions in Symbolic Model Checking
New English-Russian Biological Dictionary
New English-Russian Dictionary of Electronics [2 Volume Set]

New English-Russian Medical Dictionary [CD-Rom Included]
New Englishes
New Framework of Special Education in the Russian Federation
New Halos: A Hellenistic Town in Thessalia, Greece
New Labour's Attack on Public Services
New Logic of Organizing: Causes and Processes
New Method of Impregnating PEI Sheets
for the In-Situ Foaming of Sandwiches

New Panorama of Animal Evolution
New Perspective on Paul: Collected Essays
New Perspectives on Martin Buber
New Research on Old Material from Asine & Berbati
New Russian-English Law Dictionary
New Strategies for the Treatment of Coxsackievirus-Induced Myocarditis
New Technologies for Learning
New Technology for Geosciences
New Tendencies in Translation Studies: Selected Papers
from a Workshop Goteborg 12 December 2003

New Testament Logia on Divorce
New Testament Moses: Christian Perceptions of Moses
& Israel in the Setting of Jewish Religion

New Venture, Survival, Growth: Continuance, Termination and Growth
of Business Firms and Business Populations in Sweden During the 20th Century

New Woman & the Aesthetic Opening
New Working Class
New Zealand's Remarkable Reforms
Newcomers to Power
News in a Globalized Society
Nicola Pio as a Collector of Drawings
Nightmares of Eminent Persons (By Bertrand Russell)
Nikolaus von Amsdorf, 1483-1565
Nineteenth-Century Studies in Lund & Copenhagen:
Proceedings of a Symposium Organized by the Department of English, Lund University

NIPP1, an Interactor of Protein Phosphatase-1, Displays
Endoribonuclease & Transcriptional Repression Activities

Nitovikla Reconsidered
No More Hiroshimas: Poems & Translations
No One Seeks for God
No, Prime Minister!
Nobel Prizes 1995
Nobel Prizes 1996
Nobel Prizes 1997
Nobel Prizes 1999
Nobel Prizes 2000
Nobel Prizes 2001
Nobel Prizes 2002
Nobel Prizes 2003
Nobel Prizes 2004 [Les Prix Nobel].
Nobel Prizes, Presentations, Biographies & Lectures

Noblemen and Kinsmen
The Noctuids (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) of Central Europe
Nomadini (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Anthophoridae) of Poland
Nomenclator Generum et Familiarum Diplopodorum II
Nomina Carabidarum, 2nd edition
A Directory of the Scientific Names of Ground Beetles

Nonclassical and Inverse Problems for Pseudoparabolic Equations
Nonclassical Linear Volterra Equations of the First Kind
Non-Invasive Measurement of the Neonatal Cerebral
& Splanchnic Circulation by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

Non-Invasive Study of Mammalian Populations
Nonverbal Language of Prayer: A New Approach to Jewish Liturgy
Nordic Data Protection Law
Norm, Variation and Change in Language
Normal Approximation: New Results, Methods and Problems
North America & the Asia-Pacific in the 21st Century
North Indian Temple Sculpture
Northern Cyprus in the Transition From the Early to the Middle Cypriot Period
Norwegian Institute at Athens
Notes on Eastern Cretan Phonology
Nothing That Is:
The Structure of Consciousness in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens

Notions of America: Swedish Perspectives
Nova Supplementa Entomologica Volume 15 - 2002:
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Trichoptera

Nova Terminologia Medica Polyglotta et Eponymica
[In Latin, Bulgarian, Russian, English, French, German & Spanish]

Novel Non-Surgical Porcine Model of Chronic Left Ventricular Dysfunction
N-Terminal Fragment of Proopiomelanocortin:
Structural Polymorphism & Structure-Bioactivity Characterization

Nuclear Spins in Quantum Dots
Nuclear Theory: Proceedings of the XXI International Workshop on Nuclear Theory
Nuclear Theory: Proceedings of the XXII International Workshop on Nuclear Theory
Nuclear Theory: Proceedings of the XXIII International Workshop on Nuclear Theory
Nuclear Theory: Proceedings of the XXIV International Workshop
Numerical Analysis of Systems of Ordinary and Stochastic Differential Equations
Numerical Formulation for Masonry Creep, Shrinkage and Cracking
Numerical Formulation for Moisture Migration in Masonry
Numerical Modelling of Hydrogen Transport in Steel
Numerical Modelling of Transients in Electrical Systems
Numerical "Particle-in-Cell'' Methods
Numizmatic Heritage of Kyrgyzstan
NuSAP, a Novel Microtubule- Associated Protein (MAP) Involved in Mitotic Spindle Organization
Nyaya Sutras of Gotama


Obedience of Faith
Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus
Object-Oriented Enterprise Modelling with MERODE
Obscure Language, Unclear Literature:
Theory & Practice from Quintilian to the Enlightenment

Octavia Hill and the Social Housing Debate
Office of Saint Olav
Old is Better: New Testament Essays in Support of Traditional Interpretations
Old Testament Yaweh Texts in Paul's Christology
Old World Journey: National Identity in Four American Novels from 1960 to 1973

Olive Oil Processing in Cyprus
Omneagens Agit Sibi Simile
On Assessing Distributional Properties of Multidimensional Variables
On Classes of Min-Max-Plus Systems and Their Applications
On Creat!vity: Awakening the Creative Mind
On Modelling Nonlinear Variation in Discrete Appearances of Objects
On Opium, Pots, People & Places
On Parade: Making Heritage in Lindsborg, Kansas
On Smart Dither by Absolute One-Bit Coding for Noise-Shaped PCM
On Statistical Surveillance: Issues of Optimality & Medical Applications
On Suicide in European Countries
On System Identification & Acoustic Echo Cancellation
On the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast
On the Circulation of the Blood
On the Complete System Approach to Demand Analysis
On the Design of Chemical Processes with
Improved Controllability Characteristics

On the Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution in Modeling Volatility in the Financial Markets
On the Path to Virtue: The Stoic Doctrine of Moral Progress & Its reception in (Middle-) Platonism

On the Rycroft Painter and Other Athenian Black-Figure
Vase-Painters With a Feeling for Nature

On the Use of the Perfect and Pluperfect in Modern Greek
On Turning Point Detection in Cyclical Processes
One for All or All for One?: A Study of Pentagon
Tapping of Foreign Science & Technology

Oneness Motif in the Fourth Gospel
Only for You!: Brazilians & the Telenovela Flow
Only Human
Onset of Ethnic War as a Bargaining Process
Onychiurinae of Poland
Opera Selecta (1986)
Opera Selecta (1998)
Optical Dissertation on Vision 1746: Facsimile of the original Latin text
Optical Microsystems in Silicon Based on a Fabry-Perot Resonance Cavity
Optical Monitoring of Myenteric Neuronal Activity
Optimal Stop and Line Spacing for Urban Public Transport Networks
Optimal Surgical Approach for Elective Reconstruction
of the Infra- and Juxta-Renal Abdominal Aorta

Optimisation of Methods and Procedures for the Analysis of mtDNA Sequences
and Their Applications in Molecular Archaeological and Historical Finds

Optimum Cruise Performance of Subsonic Transport Aircraft
Optimum Nutrition and Nitrogen Saturation in Scots Pine Stands
Opto-Electronic Properties of Conjugated Molecular Wires
Opus Mixtum
Opuscula Atheniensia V
Opuscula Atheniensia VI
Opuscula Atheniensia VII
Opuscula Atheniensia VIII
Opuscula Atheniensia IX
Opuscula Atheniensia X
Opuscula Atheniensia XI
Opuscula Atheniensia XII
Opuscula Atheniensia XIII
Opuscula Atheniensia XIV
Opuscula Atheniensia XV
Opuscula Atheniensia XVI
Opuscula Atheniensia XVII
Opuscula Atheniensia XVIII
Opuscula Atheniensia XIX
Opuscula Atheniensia XX
Opuscula Atheniensia XXI
Opuscula Atheniensia XXIV
Opuscula Atheniensia XXV-XXVI
Opuscula Atheniensia XXIX

Opuscula Romana V
Opuscula Romana VI
Opuscula Romana VII
Opuscula Romana VIII
Opuscula Romana IX
Opuscula Romana XI
Opuscula Romana XII
Opuscula Romana XIII
Opuscula Romana XIV
Opuscula Romana XV
Opuscula Romana XVI
Opuscula Romana XVII
Opuscula Romana XVIII
Opuscula Romana XIX
Opuscula Romana XX
Opuscula Romana XXIV
Opuscula Romana XXV-XXVI
Opuscula Romana: XXVII
Opuscula Romana XXVIII
Opuscula Romana XXIX

Or Hachayim, 5 Volumes. Commentary on the Torah
Oral Tradition & Literary Dependency: Variability & Stability in the Synoptic Tradition & Q
Order & Disorder: Music-Theoretical Strategies in 20th Century Music
Order in Progress

Order Structures in Functional Analysis, Vol. 4
Origin & Growth of Feudalism in Early India
Oriental Commerce
Orientation on Quantitative IR-Thermografy in Wall-shear Stress Measurements
Origen's Hexapla and Fragments
Origin and Distribution of Tell el Yahudiyeh Ware
Origin and History of the Earth
Origin of Arithmetic Skills
Origin of Evil Spirits: The Reception of Genesis 6:1-4 in Early Jewish Literature
Origin of the Buddha Image
Origin of the Hexapoda
Origins of Mycenaean Civilisation
Origins of Pauline Pneumatology
Origins of Psychometry: Johan Jacob de Jaager, student of F.C. Donders, on reaction time and mental processes (1865)
Origins of the Anastasian Currency Reform
Origins of the Synagogue
Orogenic Belts and Geological Mapping
Orphic Voice: T.S. Elliot & the Mallarmean Quest for Meaning
A Century of Swedish Glassmaking
Ortelius Atlas Maps: An Illustrated Guide
Orthodoxy and Reform
Orthodoxy Awakens: The Belkin Era & Yeshiva University
Orthographic Codes and Code-Switching
Ostend Story: Early Tales of the Great Siege & the mediating Role of Henrick van Haestens
Our Fury is Burning: Local Practice &
Global Connections in the Dalit Movement

Our Lives as Database: Doing a Sociology of Ourselves:
Czech Social Transitions in Autobiographical Research Dialogues

Our Original Scenes: Freud’s Theory of Sexuality
Our Vision of Europe
Out of Crisis
Out of Minimalism: The Referential Cube
Out of the Ghetto
Out of the Mouths of Pots
Outland Use in Preindustrial Europe
Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism
Outlines of Sikh Thought, 2nd Revised Edition
Outlooks on Children & Media: Child Rights, Media Trends,
Media Research, Media Literacy, Child Participation, Declarations

Out-Patient Rehabilitation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Overfishing: The Icelandic Solution
Overseas Investments, Capital Gains and the Balance of Payments
Overview of Stability and Transition in External Aerodynamics
Overview of Turbulence Models for External Aerodynamics
Owls of Bulgaria: Our Companions in the Night
Ownership Reform and Corporate Governance


Painted Decoration on the Floors of Bronze Age
Structures on Crete and the Greek Mainland

Painting in the Holy Land in the 19th Century
Palaeolithic Living Sites in Upper & Middle Egypt
Palaeolithic Quarrying Sites in Upper & Middle Egypt
Palaeontology and Historical Geology
Paleogene Shallow Benthos of the Tethys, Volume 1
Paleogene Shallow Benthos of the Tethys, Volume 2
Papacy & the New World Order [In English & French]

Parable of the Wicked Tenants
Parallel Hardware Architectures for the Life Sciences
Parametric Estimates by the Monte Carlo Method
Paranoid Obstructions
Parental Leave Institutions in Eighteen Post-War Welfare States
Parsing Words
Particles on Surfaces 5&6
Particles on Surfaces 7: Detection, Adhesion & Removal
Particles on Surface 8: Detection, Adhesion & Removal
Passage to a New Wor(l)d:
Exile & Restoration in Mahmoud Darwish's Writings 1960-1995

Passage to China
Passing Power: An Examination of the Sources for the
History of Aram-Damascus in the Second Half of the Ninth Century B.C.

Passing the Open Windows: A Quantitative & Qualitative
Approach to Immediate Balance & Escalation of Protracted Conflicts

Passover Haggadah, 3rd Edition
Passover in Targum Pseudo-Jonathan Genesis
Past and the Future in the Present
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras: with the commentary of Vyasa & the gloss of Vachaspati Misra
Path to Good Health
Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease
Pathogenesis of Hemodynamic Changes during Raised Intracranial Pressure
Pathophysiological Basis of the Effects of Lung Volume Reduction Surgery
Pathophysiology of Calcification of Bioprosthetic Heart Valves
Paths to Adulthood: Freedom, Belonging and Temporalities in Mbunda Biographies from Western Zambia
Paths to Asian Medical Knowledge
Paths to Power and Patterns of Influence
Patient’s Interest First
Patients or Customers
Patterns of Destiny: Hindu Nadi Astrology
Patterns of Tool Use
Paul: One of the Prophets?
Paul and Apostasy
Paul and the Law
Paul and the Nations
Paul and the New Perspective:
Second Thoughts on the Origin of Paul's Gospel
Paul and the Rhetoric of Reconciliation
Paul as Benefactor
Paul Between Synagogue and State
Paul of Acts
Paul's Interlocutor in Romans 2:
Function & Identity in the Context of Ancient Epistolography

Paul's Language of Grace in its Graeco-Roman Context
Paul's Line of Thought in 2 Corinthians 4:16 - 5:10
Paul's Macedonian Associations
Paul's Offer of Leniency (2 Cor 10:1)
Populist Ideology & Rhetoric in a Pauline Letter Fragment

Paul's Use of Isaiah in Romans
Peace after War: On Conditions for Durable Inter- State Boundary Agreements
Peace Perspectives for Southeast Europe
Peace-Keeping in a Peace Process: The Case of Cambodia
Peace Register, 1993
Peak Sanctuaries and Sacred Caves in Minoan Crete
Pearl & Contemplative Writing
Peasant Production & Limits to Labour

Pedagogical Quality in Preschool
Pedagogical Mismanagement & Orthopedagogy
Pedestalled Offering Tables in the Aegean World
Pelletization in a Rotary Processor Using the Wet Granulation Technique
Peloponnesian Sanctuaries & Cults
Pentagram as a Medical Symbol: An iconological study
People of Tibet
Peopled Economies. Conversations with Stephen Gudeman
Peranakan Chinese of Kelantan:
A Study of the Culture, Language & Communication of an Assimilated Group in Malaysia

Peranakan Chinese Politics in Java 1917-1942
Perceptual Dynamics: Theoretical foundations
& philosophical implications of Gestalt psychology

Perennial Tradition of Neoplatonism
Performance of Tradition:
An Ethnography of Hira Gasy Popular Theatre in Madagascar

Perfume Industry of Mycenaean Pylos
Periplus of the Erythraean Sea
Peri-Tethys Memoir 6
Peroxisomal b-Oxidation
Peroxisomal ß-Oxidation of Unsaturated Fatty Acids
Peroxisomal Import of PTS1 Proteins
Peroxisomal Import of PTS2 Proteins
Peroxisome Biogenesis
Perperikon: A Civilization of the Rock People
Persian Orthography: Modification or Changeover? (1850-2000)
Persian Writing on Music: A Study of Persian Musical Literature from 1000 to 1500 AD
Persistence of Christian Realism
Persistent Organic Pollutants
Personal Finance in Singapore, 2nd Edition
Personal Narrative of a Journey from India to England [2 Vol. Set]
Personal Speech-Ethics in the Epistle of James
Perspectives in Social & Economic History of Early India 2nd Edition
Perspectives on Consciousness
Perspectives on Jurisprudence: Essays in Honor of Jes Bjarup
Persuading the Galatians: A Text-Centred Rhetorical Analysis of a Pauline Letter
Peshitta and the Versions
Pesticides: The Chemical Weapon that Kills Life
Peter of Auvergne: Questions on Aristotle's De Caelo.
A Critical Edition with an Interpretive Essay

Peter in the Gospels
Peter Martyr, A Reformer in Exile, 1542-1562
Petermann’s Maps: Carto-bibliography of the maps in
Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 1855-1945 [CD-ROM Included]

Petition and Response
Petroglyphs of Central Asia
Petrus Vladeraccus Tobias (1598)
Phanerzoic Geology of Northwest China
Phantasmic Anatomy of the Statues of Mathura

Phaistos Disc
Pharmaceutical Parallel Trade in the UK
Pharmacokinetics, Biodistribution and Mode of Action of Apomorphine
Pharmacy Regulation in Sweden: A New Institutional Economic Perspective
Phenomenal Crystals: Giant Quartz Crystals, Unique
Minerals in World Museums, Gem Treasures of Brazil

Phenomenology and the Making of the World
Phenomenology & Lacan on Schizophrenia, After the Decade of the Brain
Philippine Foreign Policy Toward the U.S., 1972-1980
Philo on Jewish Identity and Culture
Philosophical Foundation of Bengal Vaisnavism
Philosophical Foundations of Hinduism
Philosophical Hermeneutics & Biblical Exegesis [In German & English]
Philosophy of Chemistry
Philosophy of Nikunja Vihari Banerjee
Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita: A Study Based on the
Evaluation of the Commentaries of Samkara, Ramanuja & Madhva

Philosophy of the Upanisads
Phlamoudhi Vounari: A Sanctuary Site in Cyprus
Photography in Bosnia & Herzegovina to 1918 [In English & Bosnian]
Photoinduced Charge Separation in Dye-Sensitized
Films of Smooth & Nanocrystalline TiO2

Physical Activities in Daily Life in Patients with COPD
Physical Adjustments in a Changing Landscape
Physical Foundations of the Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves Technique
Physician, Heal Thyself
Physicists in Parapsychology
Physics from Wholeness: Dynamical Totality as a Conceptual Foundation for Physical Theories
Physics of Gravitation & the Universe:
Volume I: Physics of Gravitation

Physics of Gravitation & the Universe:
Volume II: Fractals & Cosmological Large-Scale Structure

Physiological and Ethological Responses of Pigs During Simulation of Transport
Physiological Study of Presenilins and Baces, Two Proteases Involved in the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease
Phytocartographical Synthesis of the Czech Republic, Volume 3
Pictorial Pottery of Eleventh Century BC Cyprus
Picturing the New Testament: Studies in Ancient Visual Images
Piety & Politics: Nurcholish Madjid & His Interpretation of Islam in Modern Indonesia
Pigs' Meat
Pilgrim Press: A bibliographical & historical memorial of the books printed at Leyden by the Pilgrim Fathers
Pilot's Perception and Control of Aircraft Motions
Pioneers of the Research on the Insects of Dalmatia
Pious Sinner
Pivotal Catalogues in the Aeneid
Place Name Lewes
Plane of Uncreatedness

Planning & Implementing Health Interventions:
Extrapolating Theories of Health Education & Constructed Determinants of Risk Taking

Planning Singapore
Planning the Planners, How to Control the Recovery
Platonic Ideas & Concept Formation in Ancient & Medieval Thought
Plato’s Timaeus & the Foundations of Cosmology in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages & Renaissance

Playing with Fire: How do Computer Games Influence the Player
Plea to Economics Who Favour Liberty: Assist the Everyman
Pleistocene Fauna and Holocene Humans
Pneumoperitoneum is a Cofactor in Postoperative
Adhesion Formation after Laparoscopic Surgery

Poems for the Occassion
Poetry of Ancient Egypt
Polarity and Change in 1 Corinthians 15
Poles Apart: Eastern European Attitudes to Healthcare Reform

Polish Red Data Book of Animals, Second Edition
Political Correctness and Public Finance
Political Correctness and Social Work
Political Culture in Somalia: Tracing Paths to Peace & Conflict
Political Economy of European Integration
Political Economy of the Welfare State
Political Essays
Political Pedagogy of Technical Assistance
Political Representation & Participation in Transitional Democracies: Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania
Political Thinking of the Indonesian Chinese, 1900-1995
Politics, Diplomacy, Mass Media, 2nd Edition: English-Russian Dictionary of Active Use
Politics & Culture in the Age of Christina
Politics of Foreign Policy Change
Polyimides & Other High Temperature Polymers: Synthesis,
Characterization and Applications, Volume 1

Polyimides & Other High Temperature Polymers: Synthesis,
Characterization & Applications, Vol. 2

Polymer Surface Modification, Volume 2. Relevance to Adhesion
Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces
Polymeric Biomaterials. Part I: Polymer Implants
Polymers for Tissue Engineering
Poorest Countries and the Emerging International Financial Architecture
Poorly Visible Media in X-ray Tomography
Popper Versus Einstein: On the Philisophical Foundations of Physics
Population Biology of Ice-Associated Forms of Seals
and Their Role in the Northern Pacific Ecosystems

The Population of Peninsular Malaysia
Positioning the Bronze Age in Social Theory & Research Context
Positrons & Positronium for Polymer Thin Film Analysis
Possession & Exorcism in the New Testament & Early Christianity
A Potentially Reversible Model of Acute Liver Failure in the Pig
Portrait of a Dalai Lama
Positional Cloning of X-Linked Mental Retardation Genes

Post-Communist Transition: Some Lessons
Postembryonic Development & Polymorphism in Some Pseudoscorpions
from the Families Chthoniidae & Neobisiidae (Pseudoscorpions, Arachnida)

Poverty, 4th Edition
Poverty & Health in Different Contexts: Social Inequities in
Child Mortality in Mozambique & 19th Century Stockholm

Poverty in Burkina Faso: Representations & Realities
Poverty of Development Economics
Poverty of Multiculturalism
Power! Black workers, their unions and the struggle for freedom in South Africa
Power & Ownership: Swedish Left Party
Power of Character: Middle-Class Masculinities 1800-1900
Power of God in Paul's Letters
Power of Saving Wisdom
Power Politics & Peace Policies:
Intra-State Conflict Resolution in Southern Africa

Powerful Environments for Promoting Deep Conceptual & Strategic Learning

Practical Sanskrit Dictionary
Practice & Theory of Bolshevism
Prasada Madana of Sutradhara Mandana
Prayers of Jewish Women:
Studies of Patterns of Prayer in the Second Temple Period

Precambrian Geology and Metamorphic Petrology
Prediction of Bypass Transition With Differential Reynolds Stress Models
Prehistoric Cypriot Skulls
Prehistory of Central Anatolia I
Preliminary Evaluation of the B2000 Nonlinear Shell Element Q8N.SM
Predicting Social Maladjustment
Prenatal Growth Reduction and Postnatal Endocrinopathies
Preparatory Architectural Investigation in the
Restoration of Historical Buildings [In English & French]

Preparing Teachers to Meet Special Educational Needs in Russia
Prescribing the Price of Pharmaceuticals
Presence and Function of Scripture in Galatians 1 and 2
Presenilins & Nicastrin are Components of the y-Secretease
Complex Involved in APP & Notch Processing

Present-Day Kinematics at the Azores-Gibraltar
Plate Boundary as Derived from GPS Observations

Preserving the Legacy of German Jewry:
History of the Leo Baeck Institute 1955-2005

Pressure-Sensitive Formulation
Preterite & Past Participle Forms in English 1680-1790
Preventing Violent Conflicts: Past Record & Future Challenges
Principle of "Equality of Arms" in Criminal Procedure
Principles of Mechanical Engineering Design
Printing the Classical Text: Bibliotheca Humanistica & Reformatorica, Vol. LXII
Priorities for Russia's National Environmental Policy
Prison-House of Myth?
Private Households & Public Policies in 3rd-5th Century Jewish Palestine
Private Money
Private Place: Death in Prehistoric Greece
Privatisation in Indian Industry
Proactive Approach. Law Libraries
Probabilistic Methods in Discrete Mathematics
Probabilistic Methods in Discrete Mathematics:
Proceedings of the Fifth International Petrozavodsk Conference

Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
Probate Inventories: A new source for the historical study
of wealth, material culture & agricultural development

Problem of China
Problems in China’s Transitional Economy
Problems of Democracy in Latin America
Proceedings from the 8th Nordic Conference on English Studies
Proceedings of the 1996 National Sensor Conference
Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress
Proceedings of the 5th Nordic Ornithological Congress, 1985
Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Challenges in Higher Education & Research in the 21st Century
Proceedings of the Seventh International Colloquium on Differential Equations
Proceedings of the Eighth International Colloquium on Differential Equations
Proceedings of the Ninth International Colloquium on Differential Equations
Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium on Numerical Analysis
Processes of Speleogenesis: A Modeling Approach [Includes CD-ROM]
Processor Pipelines & Static Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis
Proclus et la Théologie Platonicienne
Production & Characterization of Recombinant Rat Proopiomelanocortin1-74
Production of h-mesons in Proton-Neutron Collisions
Productivity and Employee Ownership
Prof. G. Manev's Legacy in Contemporary Astronomy, Theoretical & Gravitational Physics
Professional Education for Social Change
Professors on the Parashah: Studies on the Weekly Torah Reading
Progesterone Induces Apoptosis in Eosinophilic Granulocytes & Induces
Tumour Necrosis Factor-Alpha / Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor

Progress in Gene Therapy
Progress in Studies on Myriapoda and Onychophora
Prolegomena to Any Future Historiography of Cultures & Civilizations, 2nd Edition
Prolonged Exile in Relative Isolation: Long-term Consequences
of Contrasting Refugee Policies in Tanzania

Promise, Protection, and Prosperity

Promote or Protect?: Perspectives on Media Literacy & Media Regulations
Promoter Analysis and Characterization of Novel Splice Variants of the Human
Phosphotyrosyl Phosphatase Activator Gene
Propaganda of Progress: The Case of Swedish Housing Exhibitions

Prose of the World: Flaubert and the Art of Making Things Visible
Prosopographia Militiarum Equestrium Quae Fuerunt Ab Augusto Ad Gallienum
Prospective Study of Risk Factors for Low Back Disorders in Occupational Settings
Prospography and Computer
Prospography of Ptolemaic Cyprus
Prostitution in Thailand
Protein Phosphatase-1 Binding Motifs

Protein-Bound Solute p-Cresol: Generation, Elimination
& Clinical Implications in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

Proteins, Cells & Materials
Proterozoic Glaucophane-Schist Belt and
Some Eclogites of North Yangtze Craton, Central China

Protestant Women Novelists & Irish Society 1879-1922
Protestantism Crossing the Seas
Protection of Coleoptera in the Baltic Sea Region
Prothesis and Ekphora in Greek Geometric Art
Protogeometric Style, The: The First Greek Style
Prounuciation Models
Provoked to Jealousy
Psalm 118 in the Gospel of John
Pseudepigraphy and Ethical Argument in the Pastoral Epistles
Pseudoscorpions of Serbia, Montenegro, & the Republic of Macedonia
Psychoanalysis, Phenomenological Anthropology and Religion
Psychology of Art Appreciation
Psychological and Medical Well-Being and Their Relation
in Adults With Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus

Psychomotor Functioning in Anorexia Nervosa
Psychosis: Phenomenological & Psychoanalytical Approaches
Psychosocial Factors and Metabolic Control in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
Public Choice: Models, Methods & Applications
Public Dissatisfaction & the Conflict Behavior of States
Public & Private Finances in the Late Middle Ages
Public Services Or Private Profit?
Public Space
Pure Selection:
The ethics of preimplantation genetic diagnosis & choosing children without abortion

Putney Plot?
Putting the Sparkle in the Knowledge Society
Pyrgouthi: A Rural Site in the Berbati Valley from the Early Iron Age to Late Antiquity


Qualitative Theory of Parabolic Equations, Volume One
Quantization, Gauge Theory & Strings (Two Volume Set)
Quantum Theory & Symmetries IV, Volume One
Quantum Theory & Symmetries IV, Volume Two
Quantum Vortices and Quantum Interference
Effects in Circuits of Small Tunnel Junctions

Quaternary Clastic Sediments of the Czech Republic:
Textures & Structures of the Main Genetic Types

Quaternary Geology
Queen Lovisa Ulrika Collection of Numismatic Literature
Quest for Law

Quintilian & the Law: The Art of Persuasion in Law & Politics
Qumran and the Essenes
Qusta Ibn Luqa on Numbness


Rabbi Haim David Halevy: Gentle Scholar & Courageous Thinker

Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik on Pesach, Sefirat Ha-omer & Shavu'ot
Rabbi Shlomo Goren: Torah Sage and General
Rabbinic Law in its Roman & Near Eastern Context
Rabindranath Tagore, Builders of Indian Philosophy Series
Radical Brethren
Radical Motherhood
Radical Reader: The Struggle for Change in England, 1381-1914
Rajas of Cochin, 1663-1720

Railtracks in the Sky: "New" Labour, Air Transport Deregulation and the Competitive Market
Ramadan in Java: The Joy & Jihad of Ritual Fasting
Random Forests
Rape & Religion in English Renaissance Literature
Rational Approach to Pedal Cyclist Head Protection
Reading Development & Reading Disability
Rearrangement of EWSR1 & TAF15 with the Transcription
Factor CIZ/NMP4 in Two Novel Recurrent Translocationst(12;17)
(p13;q11) & t(12;22)(p13;q12) in Acute Leukemia

Rebel With a Just Cause, Vol. 2
Recent Developments in the Later Prehistory of Cyprus
Recent Major Developments in CAE & Vibrations &
Audible Noise Analysis of Rotating Electrical Machines

Recent Studies in Indian Archaeology
Recent Topics in Mathematical & Computational Linguistics
Reception of Luke & Acts in the Period Before Irenaeus
Reconstruction of the Evolution of Chinese Populations
by the Study of Human Genome Diversity

Recurrent Education, Earnings and Well-Being
Recycling Translations: Extraction of Lexical Data from Parallel
Corpora & Their Application in Natural Language Processing

Red-Dressed Zionists
Red-Line Painter and the Workshop of the Acheloos Painter
Red Lustrous Wheel-Made Ware
Reduction of Some Differential Equations to Matrix Systems
Reflections From the Dead
Reflections on Asean: Selected Speeches of
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia

Reflections on Asia
Reflections on Phenomenography
Reflective Assent in Basic Care
Reforming EU Farm Policy: Lessons from New Zealand
Reforming Land-Use Planning
Reforms at the UN

Refugees and Development in Africa
Regime Change in Iran
Regional Cooperation & Conflict Management
Regional Integration and Economic Reform in Central America
Regionalised Modelling
Regular Extensions of Hermitian Operators
Regularization, Uniqueness and Existence of
Solutions of Volterra Equations of the First Kind

Regulating European Labour Markets
Regulating Financial Markets
Regulating Pensions
Regulating Utilities (1996)
Regulating Utilities (1997)
Regulating Utilities: Understanding the Issues
Regulation of Ca2+ Release from the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum in the Normal & Failing Heart
Regulation of Intracellular Ca2+-Release Channels By Ca2+ & Ca2+-Binding Proteins
Regulation of the Antibody Response to Pneumococcal Capsular Polysaccharides
Regulation Without the State... The Debate Continues
Rehabilitation in COPD Patients with Acute Exacerbations
Reinventing Civil Society
Relation Between Qualitative Changes in High- & Low-Density
Lipoproteins & Their (Anti)Atherogenic Potential in Obesity

'The Relative Merits of Goodness and Originality'
Relevance of Theology: Nathan Soderblom &
the Development of an Academic Discipline

Reliability Analysis in Mechanical Engineering Design
Religion and Rajput Women
Religion, Belief and Unbelief
Religion, Children’s Literature & Modernity in Western Europe 1755-2000

Religion, Development and African Identity
Religion of the Ancient Egyptians
Religion, Reality, & a Good Life: A Philosophical Approach to Religion
Religions in Transition
Religious Apologetics - Philosophical Argumentation
Religious Institutes in Western Europe in the 19th
& 20th Centuries [In English & French]

Religious Policy of the Mughal Emperors
Religious Resurgence: The Influence of the Russian
Orthodox Church as Reflected Through the Media

Reload Pattern Optimization by Application of
Heuristic Search and Perturbation Theoretical Methods

Remaking the Working Class?
Remarkable Story of Alfred Nobel & the Nobel Prize, 2nd Edition
Renaissance Refractions
Representation of Business in English Literature
Repression in Latin America
Re-Privatising Welfare
Reptiles of the Solomon Islands
Rereading the Mishnah: A New Approach to Ancient Jewish Texts
Rerooted in Jerusalem
Research on Early Man in Burma
Researcher, Traveller, Narrator: Studies in Pausanias’ Periegesis
Residual Thermal Stress Around Bonded Fibre
Metal Laminate Repair Patches on an Aircraft Fuselage

Resolving Disputes by Arbitration
Resource Scarcity and the Hmong Response
Resources & Relative Deprivation: Analysing Mechanisms Behind Income, Inequality & Ill-Health
Responsibility and Commitment
Restorative Justice for Juveniles
Rethinking Civilisation in a European Feminist Context:
History, Nature, Women in Elin Wagner’s Vackarklocka

Rethinking Defence and Foreign Policy
Rethinking Disability: The Emergence of New Definitions, Concepts & Communities
Rethinking Education in Ethiopia
Rethinking Higher Education
Rethinking the Judaism-Hellenism Dichotomy
Retreat of Reason:
Political Correctness & the Corruption of Public Debate in Modern Britain

Return Migration from Sweden 1968-1996
Revelation and Concealment of Christ
Revelation and Mystery in Ancient Judaism and Pauline Christianity
Revelation of Elchasai
Revelation Thought
Reverse of the Curse
Reversing Language Shift in the Far North
Review of Propeller Modelling Techniques Based on Euler Methods
Revision of the Genera Odontotrypes and Phelotrupes (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae)
Revision of the Genera of the Areolatae, Including the
Status of Timema & Agathemera (Insecta, Phasmatodea)

Revision of the Genus Cantacader Amyot et Serville, 1843
(Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cantacaderidae)

Revision of the Genus Yllenus Simon, 1868
Revision of the Goniadidae (Annelida, Polychaeta)
Revision of the tribe Aspidimorphini of the Oriental Region
Revolution and Evolution 1848 in German-Jewish History
Rgveda for the Layman
Rgvedic Deities and Their Iconic Forms
Rhetorical Criticism of the New Testament
Rhetorical Impact of the Semeia in the Gospel of John
Richard Mulcaster (c. 1513-1611)
and Educational Reform in the Renaissance

Riddle of Resurrection
Right to a Home
Right to Work
Right Ventricular Contractile Function
Riksdag in Focus
Rila Monastery, 2nd Ed.
Rise & Fall of New Sweden
Rise & Fall of the Submarine Threat: Threat Politics & Submarine Intrusions in Sweden 1980-2002
Rising Crime and the Dismembered Family
Risus Mediaevalis: Laughter in Medieval Literature & Art [In English & French]
Ritual and Symbol in Transitional Zaramo Society with Special Reference to Women
Ritual Architecture, Iconography and Practice in the Late Cypriot Bronze Age
Ritualistics: Based on Papers Read at the Symposium on
Ritualistics Held at Abo, Finland, on the July 31 - August 2, 2002

Road to Serfdom
Robot Modelling & Simulation
Robust and Adaptive Matching Procedure for Automatic Modelling of Terrain Relief
Robust Multivariable Control of Aerospace Systems
Robustness in Data Analysis: Criteria and Methods
Rock Sanctuaries of Mountain Thrace
Rock-Tombs of Caunus, The - Part 1
Rock-Tombs of Caunus, The - Part 2
Röekillorna Spring
Role and Development of Metallurgy in the Late Neolithic
and Early Bronze Age of Greece

Role of 1a,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 and the Vitamin D Receptor in the
Control of Proliferation and Differentiation of the Epidermal Keratinocyte

Role of Aromatization of Androgens in Oestrogens & of the Oestrogen
Receptors in the Development & Maintenance of the Male Skeleton

Role of Empirical Studies in Understanding & Supporting Engineering Design
Role of Nitric Oxide Synthase in the Regulation of Pulmonary Vascular Tone
Role of Positron Emission Tomography
Role of Power Exchanges for the Creation of a Single European
Electricity Market: Market Design & Market Regulation

Role of Religion in the Early Greek Polis
Role of the Plasminogen Activator/Plasmin Pathway in Bone Metabolism
Role of the Septuagint in Hebrews:
An Investigation of its Influence with Special Consideration
to the Use of Hab 2:3-4 in Heb 10:37-38
Roman & Late Roman City
Roman Cinerary Urns in Stockholm Collections
Roman Gold and the Development of the Early Germanic Kingdoms
Roman Imperial Money
Roman Surgical Instruments and Minor Objects in the University of Mississippi
Rome and the North
Roof Over Your Head
Rotocraft Responses to Atmospheric Turbulence
Round Trips to Heaven: Otherworldly Travelers in Early Judaism & Christianity
Rudolph Agricola: A Bibliography of printed works and translations
Rural Development Administration
Rural Non-Farm Employment in India
Russia & Europe in a Changing International Environment
Russian Orthodox Church & Its Role in Cultural Production
Russian-English / English-Russian Military Dictionary
Russian-English Dictionary of Geology, 2nd Stereotype Edition
Russian-English Dictionary of Physics, 3rd Edition
Russian-English Dictionary on Oil & Gas, 3rd Ed.
Russian-English Dictionary of Religious Terminology (with Definitions)
Russian-English Law Dictionary
Russian-English Polytechnic Dictionary, 7th ed.
Russian Reports


Sacrifice & Symbol: Biblical Selamim in a Ritual Perspective
SADCC - Beyond Transportation
Safety First: Did the Health and Safety Commission do its Job?
Sagalassos IV
Sagalassos V
Sage & Emperor:
Plutarch, Greek Intellectuals, & Roman Power in the Time of Trajan (98-117 AD)

Salivary & Mammary Gland Tumorigenesis in PLAG1 Transgenic Mice
Samaritan Scribes & Manuscripts
Sami Language at Home & at School

Samkhya Philosophy
Sancta Birgitta
Sancta Birgitta: Revelaciones Book VIII: Liber Celestis Imperatoris Ad Reges
San Giovenale, Vol. 1, Fasc. 5
San Giovenale, Vol. 2, Fasc. 2
San Giovenale, Vol. 2, Fasc. 4
San Giovenale, Vol. 3, Fasc. 3
San Giovenale, Vol. 6, Fasc. 4-5
Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates at Kourion
Sankhya Aphorisms of Kapila: with Extracts from Vijnanabhiksu's Commentary
Sanskrit Grammar
Sanskrit Reader
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, 2nd Edition
Satan in the Suburbs (By Bertrand Russell)
Saturniidae of America, 3 Vol. Set
Saul in Story & Tradition
Save the Cranes
Saving our Streams
Sboryanovo: Historical & Archaeological Reservation
Sboryanovo: The Sacred Land of the Getae
Scalable Scientific Stream Query Processing

Scandinavian Design Beyond the Myth
School Choice, Equity & Social Exclusion in Europe
Schools of Citizenship: Charity & Civic Virtue
Science & Engineering Libraries for the 21st Century
Scientific Explanation & Religious Belief
Scinde or The Unhappy Valley
Scintillation Properties of 6Li-Based Materials for Thermal-Neutron Detection
Scraps of Penal Theory
Script of Harappa & Mohenjodaro & Its Connection with Other Scripts
Scripta Minora 1994-1997
Sea Snake Toxinology
Seaport Economy
Searing Apparent Surfaces
Seaweeds of Singapore
Second Chance
Second Chances: Transforming Bitterness to Hope & the Story of Ruth
Second Language Acquisition & Usage
Secret Hydrographic Surveys in the Spratly Islands
Secretary in the Letters of Paul
Secrets of Ancient Corn Measures
Secularization and Social Integration
Securing Resources by Force: The Need for Raw Materials &
Military Intervention by Major Powers in Less Developed Countries

Seduction, Suggestion, Psychoanalysis
Sefer Yesira: Edition, Translation & Text-Critical Commentary [In English & Hebrew]
Selected Charters of Serbian Rulers (XII-XV Century)
Relating to the Territory of Kosovo & Metohia, Part I

Selected Statistical Methods
Selected Topics in Characteristic Functions
Self-Presentation & Social Identification:
The Rhetoric & Pragmatics of Letter Writing in Early Modern Times
Self-Management on Trial
Selma Lagerlöf Seen From Abroad
Semi-analytical Long-arc Satellite Orbit Computation &
the Estimation of Time-varying Gravity Parameters

Sentential Object Complements in Modern Standard Arabic
Septuagint Version of Isaiah & Cognate Studies
Serbian Crown [In English & Croatian]
Setting the Scene for Life
Settlement, Shieling & Landscape:
The Local History of a Forest Hamlet

Seven Swedes
Seventeenth-Century Orange-Nassau Library
Severnyi Sbornik
Sex, State and Society
Sexual Symbolism and Merkava Speculation in Medieval Germany
Shakespeare's Early Comedies
Shallow-water Holothuroidea (Echinodermata) from Kenya & Pemba Island, Tanzania
Shamanic Performances on the Urban Scene
Shamanic Shadows:
One Hundred Generations of Undead Subversion in Southern Scandinavia, 7,000 - 4,000 BC
Shanghai Taotai
Shaping the Democratic Order
Shaping Urban Identity in Late Medieval Europe
Sharers in Divine Nature
Sharia Issue & Christian-Muslim Relations in Contemporary Nigeria
Shell in Vampyropoda (Cephalopoda): Morphology, Functional Role & Evolution
Shi ur Qomah
Shield and Sword
Shney Luchot Habrit on the Written Torah, 2nd ed., 3 vol.
Ships, Innovation & Social Change
Shop Stewards' Guide to the Use of Company Information
Shop Stewards' Guide to Work Organisation
Short Essays on Theoretical Biology
Short Grammar of Bulgarian for English
Speaking Learners, 2nd Revised Edition

Short Millennium?
Should Britain Join the Euro?
Should Developing Countries Have Central Banks?
Should Health Screening Be Private?
Should Pharmeceutical Prices Be Regulated?
Should We Have Faith in Central Banks?
Should We Stay or Should We Go?: Two Views on Britain & the EU
Shoulder Bust in Sicily and South and Central Italy
Shunters at Work
Sicilian Architectural Terracottas
Sick Business: Counterfeit Medicines & Organized Crime

Signaling Pathways in the Control of Apoptosis by UVB or Hypericin
Signet Hebrew-English, English-Hebrew Dictionary
Silanes & Other Coupling Agents, Volume 2
Silencing the Queen:
The Literary Histories of Shelamzion & Other Jewish Women

Silent Submission: Formation of Foreign Policy of Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania
Silent Word
Silver in the Viking Age
Simple Justice
Simulation of Volume Changes in Hardening Cement-Based Materials
Sindhis of Malaysia: A Sociolinguistic Study
Singapore Financial & Business Sourcebook, 2nd Edition
Singapore Financial Sourcebook
Singapore Legal System
Singapore Real Property Guide, 4th Edition
Single Molecule Experiments on DNA with Novel Silicon Nanostructures
Size Effect in Tensile Fracture of Concrete and Rock

Skramle: The True Story of a Deserted Medieval Farmstead
Short Grammar of Bulgarian for English
Speaking Learners, 2nd Revised Edition

Slaughtered Camel: Coping with Fictitious Descent
Among the Hubeer of Southern Somalia

Slavery Metaphors in Early Judaism & Pauline Christianity
Slaves of the Lord: The Path of the Tamil Saints
Slavonic Translation of the Apocryphal Infancy Gospel of Thomas
Slow-Release Delivery of
Antimicrobials as Adjunct to Standard Periodontal Therapy

Small Acts of Kindness: Striving for Derech Eretz in Everyday Life
Small Parameter Method in Multidimensional Inverse Problems
Small RHO GTPases & F-Actin Cytoskeleton during Mammalian Cell Swelling
Smashing Terrorism in the Malayan Emergency (1948-1960)
Social Charter and the Single European Market
Social Construction of Nationalism
Social Control & Socialization
Social Costs of Business Enterprise, 3rd edition
Social Democrats
Social Europe We Need
Social Protection, Globalised
Social Policy & Health Insurance in South Korea & Taiwan
Social Structure of the Rabbinic Movement in Roman Palestine
Socialism and Parliamentary Democracy
Socialism and the Environment
Socialism, Participation and Agricultural Development
in Post-Revolutionary Ethiopia

Socialist Enterprise
Society and Ideology in India
Society, Towns and Masculinity
Sociological Encyclopedic English-Russian Dictionary
Sociology and Religions
Sofia Guide Book
Software Techniques for Distributed Shared Memory

Solidarity for Survival
Solidarity: Poland's independent trade union
Son of Man
Song of Songs & Christology in the Early Church 381-451
Sons and Lovers
Source-book of Indian Archaeology, Vol. III
South China Karst, Volume I
Southeast Asia in the New Century: An Asian Perspective
Southeast Asian Management
Soviet Relations With ASEAN 1967-1968
Soy & Health 2000
Soy & Health 2002
Space-Time Multiuser Receivers for Wideband Code Division Multiple Access
Spaces, Gaps, Borders:
Volume II: Linguistics & TEFL

Spatial Data Infrastructure & Policy Development in Europe & the United States
Speak Truth to Power
Speaker, The Commons, and Democracy
Special Topics in Leaf Beetle Biology
Species Aid: Organizational Sensemaking
in a Preservation Project in Albania

Spectral Analysis of Individual Realization LDA Data
Spectrum of Chinese Culture: All About Chinese Heritage,
Marriage, Parentage… And Other Fascinating Knowledge

Speleological Atlas of Serbia
Spiders of Australia: An Introduction to their Classification, Biology & Distribution
Spiders of Serbia
Spiders of Tuva, South Siberia
Spinal Fractures: Treatment Options & Development
of a Vertebral Replacement Implant

Spindle Whorls
Spirit's Relation to the Risen Lord in Paul
Spiritual Awakenings: Illuminations on Shabbat & the Holidays
Spirituality of Erasmus of Rotterdam
Splendid Ceremonies
Spoils of Jerusalem on the Arch of Titus
Spreading the News
Sri Lanka: Serendipity under Siege
Stockholm Exhibition 1930
Stability & Change in Nordic Labour Law
Stakeholder Welfare
Stakeholding and Its Critics
Star Wars Starts Wars
State and Minorities
State Intervention in Industry
State Intervention in Industry, 2nd Edition
State of State
State Responsibility And International Liability of States For Lawful Acts
States in Armed Conflict 1994
States in Armed Conflict 1995
States in Armed Conflict 1996
States in Armed Conflict 1997
States in Armed Conflict 1998
States in Armed Conflict 1999
States in Armed Conflict 2000
States in Armed Conflict 2001
States in Armed Conflict 2002
Static Problems of Hydoelasticity
Stationary and Propagative Instabilities in Metals
Statistical Analysis of Train Traffic
Statistical Surveillance: Optimal Decision Times in Economics
Status of Multilateral Export Control Regimes

Steady Flameless Light: The Phenomenology of Realness in Dorothy
Canfield Fisher's The Brimming Cup, Her Son's Wife & Rough Hewn

Steps Towards European Nuclear Disarmament
S(t)imulating a Social Psychology: G.H. Mead & the Reality of the Social Object
Stirring Life: Women's Paths & Places among the Kasena of Northern Ghana
Stochastic Resonance & Noise-Assisted Signal Transfer
Stockholm: Seen By Five Centuries of Artists
Stockholm Exhibition 1930
Stone Anchors in Antiquity
Stories of Old
Story as History - History as Story
Story of Sukkot
Strangelove Doctrine: Spokesman No. 80
Strategic Illusion
Strategic Planning & Urban Projects
Strategic Relationship Management
Straw Wars: Full Spectrum Sycophancy
Streams in Literary History
Strength Properties of Metakaolin-Blended Paste, Mortar & Concrete
Strindberg and Fiction
Structural & Functional Characterisation of Sds22
Structural & Functional Repercussions of Loss of Function & Clinical Mutants of Presenilin
Structural Dependence of Rotation Capacity of
Plastic Hinges in RC Beams and Slabs

Structural Geology and Geomechanics
Structural Reliability using Finite Element Methods
Structure & Dynamics of Lithium in Anatase TiO2:
Study of Interstitial Li-ion Intercalation in Anatase TiO2 at the Atomic Level

Structure and Meaning in the Fourth Gospel
Structure/Function Analysis of the Amino-
Terminal Domain of the Androgen Receptor

Structure of Matter, Structure of Mind: Man’s Place in Nature, Reconsidered

Structure of the Lithosphere and Deep Processses
Structure of Pindar's Epinician Odes
Structure-Function Relationship & Modulation of the T-type Calcium Channel a1G
Structure-Function Relationship of K+ Ion Channel Toxins
Struggle for Scripture and Covenant
Studies in Aegean Chronology
Studies in Demetrius on Style
Studies in Early Buddhist Architecture of India
Studies in Ephesians
Studies in Hinduism
Studies in Inflationary Dynamics
Studies in Jewish Manuscripts
Studies in Persian Period History & Historiography
Studies in the Jewish Background of Christianity
Studies in the Treasure Records of Artemis Brauronia Found in Athens
Studies of Greek Pottery in the Black Sea Area
Studies on Quality of Life: A Methodological & Psychiatric
Approach to the Definition & Measurement of the Good Life

Studies on the Dream in Greek Literature
Studies on the Ecology & Conservation of Butterflies in Europe:
Volume 1: General Concepts & Case Studies

Studies on the Ecology & Conservation of Butterflies in Europe:
Volume 2: Species Ecology along a European Gradient: Maculinea Butterflies as a Model

Studies on the Haggadah from the teachings of Nechama Leibowitz
Studies on the Surveillance of Univariate and Multivariate Processes
Study of Gastro-intestinal Motility in Infants and Children Using 13C Breath Tests
Study of Hata' & Hatta't in Leviticus 4-5
Study of Religions in Africa
Study of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator
(CFTR) Protein in Human and Mouse Vas Deferens

Study of the Endocrine & Metabolic Dysfunction & Assessment of Hormonal Interventions
in a Novel In Vivo Experimental Model of Critical Illness
Study of the Evolution of the Malay Language
Study of the Mechanisms Involved in the Pathogenesis of
Foreign-Body Infections Caused by Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci

Study of the Myenteric Plexus in Neuropathy
Study of the Relation between the Metabolic Syndrome,
Coronary Atherosclerosis & Heart Failure in a Mouse Model

Study of Time in Indian Philosophy
Subgeometric Pottery From Southern Etruria
Successful Mergers & Acquisitions with Benelux Companies
Sufi Saints of the Indian Subcontinent

Sufism and the Quest for Spiritual Fulfilment in D.H. Lawrence's The Rainbow
Suicidal Behaviour in the Asia-Pacific Region
Suicide Bombers: The Spokesman, No. 87
Sulfidation Behaviour of Co and Mo in Y-Type Zeolite
Sultanate Architecture of Pre-Mughal India
Sulu Zone 1768-1898
Sun Tzu's Business & Management Series, 6 Vols.
Support for Crime Victims in a Comparative Perspective
Surangama Sutra (Leng Yen Ching)
Surface Contamination & Cleaning, Vol. 1
Surgical & Prognostic Aspects of Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma
Surplus Majority Government
Sustainability Enigma
Survey of Greek and Latin Inscriptions on Stone in Swedish Collections
Survey of Rock-Cut Chamber Tombs in Caria: Part 2 Central Caria
Survival Guide to Acute Medicine
Surviving in the City
Sweden & Poland Entering the EU: Comparative
Patterns of Adaptive Organization & Cognition

Sweden and the European Union
Sweden as Seen Through Her Crafts
Sweden's Relations with Nazism, Nazi Germany & the Holocaust
Swedes in the Twin Cities:
Immigrant Life & Minnesota's Urban Frontier
Swedish Alcohol Discourse
Swedish Dimensional Adjectives
Swedish Excavations at Sinda, Cyprus:
Excavations Conducted by Arne Furumark 1947-1948

Swedish Experiment
Swedish Lichenology
Swedish School Leavers' Oral Proficiency in English
Swedish West Coast: Through the Artist’s Eye
Swedish-Polish Modernism: Literature, Language & Culture
Synagogue of Ancient Ostia and the Jews of Rome
Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Application of Zeolite Titanium Beta
Syriac Apocalypse of Daniel
System & Repertoire in Sakata Medicine
Systema Naturae, 1735
Systematic Bibliography of Saltatorial Orthoptera from Linnaean
Times to the End of the 20th Century (About 1750 to 2000)

Systematic List of the Extant Ground Beetles of the World,
2nd edition

Systems in Contact, Systems in Motion


Tactile Pictures
Take Notes: People & Places on Banknotes of Israel, 2nd Ed.
Talmud Yerushalmi & Graeco-Roman Culture III
Talmudic Reasoning
Talmud Yerushalmi in Graeco-Roman Culture, Vol. I
Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture, Vol. II
Tao of Talking: The Speaker’s Tenets Towards Charisma

Tapeworms of the Genus Proteocephalus Weinland, 1858
(Cestoda: Proteocephalidae), Parasites of Fishes in Europe

Tatar & Chuvash Code-Copies in Mari

Tatian's Oratio Ad Graecos:
Rhetoric & Philosophy/Theology

Tax Law
Taxonomic Review on the Serica (s. str.) MacLeay, 1819 Species of Asian Mainland (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Sericini)
Tax Policy and the Impending Economic and Monetary Union
Taxes, Benefits and Family Life
Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Buellia Species with Pluriseptate Spores
Taxonomy of Fridericia (Oligochaeta, Enchytraeidae)
Teacher Education in England and Wales
Teachers & Teaching
Teaching English to Students from China
Teaching Language Learning
Teaching Right and Wrong
Technique & Design in the History of Printing: 26 Essays

Techniques and Assumptions in Jewish Exegesis Before 70 CE
Technological Competition and Trade in the Experimentally Organized Economy
Technology Assessment of Automated Vehicle Guidance
Tectonic Structure of Postojnska Jama Cave System
Tehiyyat Ha-Metim
Tel Dan Inscription A Critical Investigations of
Recent Research on Its Palaeography & Philology

Tell El Ajjul
Telling Forms [In English & Russian]:
30 Essays in Honour of Peter Alberg Jensen

Temple Gateways in South India
Temple-Boys, Part 1
Temples For Protestants
Temples of Bikkavolu
Ten Pearls From the Crown of Bulgaria
Ten Years of Rebuilding Capitalism: Czech Society After 1989
Tenets of Stoicism Assembled and Systematized From the Works of L.A. Seneca
Tense and Aspect in Caesar's Narrative
Tensor Product Representations & Special Functions
Terrestrial Paleoecology & Global Change
Terrorism & Sustainable Development
Test Point Insertion to Improve BIST Performance, & to Reduce ATPG Test Time & Data Volume
Testament Grec d'Abraham
Testing the Market
Text and Concept in Leviticus 1:1-9
Texts & Events: Cultural Narratives of Britain & the United States
Text and Context in the Thematisation on Postwar Development
Textbook of Surgery of the Gallbladder &
Extrahepatic Bile Ducts [In English & Macedonian]

Text-Centered New Testament Studies
Text in Education and Society
Text of 2 Chronicles 1-16: A Critical Edition with Textual Commentary
Textual Tradition of Strabo's Geography
Theatre of Recollection
Theft of Nations: Returning to Gold
Theios Aner and the Markan Miracle Traditions
Theodicy and Predestination in Pauline Soteriology
Theodore Beza's Doctrine of Predestination
Theodore Metochites on Ancient Authors
& Philosophy [In English & Greek]

Theology & Ethics in 1 Peter:
Paraenetic Strategies for Christian Character Formation

"There's a bad time coming"
Thermal-neutron Detection Based on the Gas Electron Multiplier
These are the Times: A Life of Thomas Paine
They Call For Us: Strategies for Securing Autonomy Among
the Paliyans, Hunter-Gatherers of the Palni Hills, South India

They've Had a Good Innings: Can the NHS Cope with an Ageing Population
Think Globally, Act Locally
Thinking Smart: You Are How You Think
Third Way to the Servile State
Third Way . . . Where to?
Thirteen Essays on Medieval Artefacts
Thirty Years of Buddhist Studies
Thomas Basson, 1555-1613
Thought Experiments in Philosophy
Thoughts To Ponder
Thoughts to Ponder, No. 2.
Daring Observations about the Jewish Tradition

Thousand Thousands Served Him
Thracians [In English & Bulgarian]
Threatened Animals of Bulgaria
Threat Imminence Approach to Human Fear Responding
Threat to the Peace
Thrombosis: Fundamental & Clinical Aspects
Through Bosnian Eyes: The Political Memoirs of a Bosnian Serb
Tibet Past and Present
Tibetan & Buddhist Studies, 2 volumes
Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation

Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines

Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa
Tiger Beetles of Africa, Volume 1
Tiger Beetles of Africa, Volume 2
Tiger Beetles of Madagascar, Vol. 2:
A Monograph of the Genus Physodeutera (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae)

Tiger Moths of the Former Soviet Union (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Arctiidae)
Tilling Nature Harvesting Culture
Till the Break of Day
Time of Unrememberable Being
Time, The Refreshing River
Timor: Twenty Years On
Tired of Weeping

To Chicago & Back
To Each Their Own Letter: Structure, Themes, & Rhetorical
Strategies in the Letters of Ignatius of Antioch

To Have & To Hold: Continuity & Change in Property
Rights Institutions Governing Water Resources Among the
Meru of Tanzania & the BaKgatla in Botswana; 1925-2000

To Make Do in the City: Social Identities & Cultural
Transformations among Aymara Speakers in La Paz

To Play With Fire
To Study & To Teach: The Methodology of Nechama Leibowitz
Tobacco, Arms and Politics
Tom Mann's Social and Economic Writings
Tomboys, Belles, & Other Ladies: The Female Body-Subject in
Selected Works by Katherine Anne Porter & Carson McCullers

Tomorrow is Another Country:
What is Wrong with the UK's Asylum Policy?

Topics in the Theory of Gibbs Semigroups
Topology of Sound Forms & Music
Torah Commentary: Midrash Rabbeinu Bachya 2nd Edition 7 Volume Set
Torah Lights: Genesis Confronts Life, Love & Family
Torah Lights, Volume II: Exodus Defines the Birth of a Nation
Torah of the Mothers
Tort Liability and Insurance
Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) of Europe, Volume 1
Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) of Europe, Volume 2
Total Immersion: A Mikvah Anthology, 2nd Edition
Towards a Learning Organisation: Reviewing Technologies for Company Training
Towards a More Equal Society
Towards a New Bretton Woods
Towards a New Socialism
Towards a Semantics of Linguistic Time
Towards an Endoscopic Intra-Uterine Treatment for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Towards an Understanding of the Nature
& Processes of Management Accounting Change

Towards Normality? Acculturation & Modern German Jewry
Towards On-Line Logistics: the LinC Interaction Modeling Language
Towards Universal Law
Toxicologic, Pharmacodynamic and Kinetic Studies Following
Spinal Administration of µ Opioid, GabaB and a2 Adrenergic Agonists

Tracking Swedish-American English:
A Longitudinal Study of Linguistic Variation & Identity

Tracking Wild Boar & Hunters: Osteology of Wild Boar in Mesolithic South Scandinavia
Trade, Politics & Plunder: The Marathas at Cambay c. AD 1725-1825
Trade and Production in Premonetary Greece
Trade and Society
Trade and Transcendence in the Bronze Age Levant
Trade Myths and Gender Reality
Trade Policy and Economic Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa
Trade Union Strategy in the Common Market
Trade Unions in China
Tradition and Modern Society
Traditional Bulgarian Calendar: Illustrated Encyclopedia
Traditions & Celebrations for the Bat Mitzvah
Traditions as Rhetorical Proof
Tragedy of Liberty
Tragic Paradox
Transcendence and Negation
Transcendental Idealism & the Organism: Essays on Kant
Transformation of an Immigrant Society
Transformation of Nature in Art
Transformation of the Egyptian Tawret Into the Minoan Genius
Transformation of the Swedish Welfare System: Fact or Fiction?
Transforming CEOs
Transforming East European Law
Transforming Female Identities
Transition of Self-Management Socialism into Parliamentary
Dictatorship & Economical Protectorate [In English & Bosnian]

Transition: Rethinking the Transition
Transition Towards Post-Deng China
Translation Techniques in Two Syro-Arabic Versions of Ruth
Transnational Evaluation of the E.C.H.O Project
Transnational Relations in the Baltic Sea Region
Transparent Conductive Tin Doped Indium Oxide
Transplant Coronary Artery Disease: The Nemesis of Heart Transplantation
Transport Crisis in Britain
Transport Policy
Transportation Modelling for Tomorrow
Travels & Adventures in the Province of Assam
Travels and Researches in Crete
Travels in the Himalayan Provinces of Hindustan & the Panjab
Treasures of Belarusian Nature
Treasures of Bulgaria
Treasures of Christian Art in Bulgaria
Treasuries at Delphi: An Architectural Study
Trends in Dutch Teacher Education
Trial of Slobodan Milosevic
Trial of St. Paul
Trichinelloid Nematodes
Tribute to Peter Bauer: Including a Conversation with
Peter Bauer & Tributes by John Blundell, et al.

Trika Saivism of Kashmir
Triple Fool
Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos, Volume 22
Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos, Vol. 23:
Memoires du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Tome 191

Tropical Deforestation
Tropical Rain Forest
Trouble in Store?
Troubled Transitions: Social Variation & Long-
Term Trends in Health & Mortality in Estonia

Truth & Tradition in Chinese Buddhism
T.R.V. Murti, Builders of Indian Philosophy Series
Tsarina of the Mountains, Kurmanjan, & Her Times
Tur On the Torah, 4 Vol. Set: Commentary on the Torah
Turkistan [2 Volumes]
Turning to Europe: A New Swedish Industrial Relations Regime in the 1990s
Tuzuk-I-Jahangiri: or Memoirs of Jahangir
Twilight of the Early Helladics
Two Battles & Two Bills: Marathon & the Athenian Fleet
Two Cypriot Bronze Age Sites at Kafkallia (Dhali)
Two Nations: British and German Jews in Comparative Perspective
Two Wings of Wisdom
Tyrant in Aristotle’s Politics


Ubi est unitas? [In Latin & English]
The Latin Letters from Johannes Annorelius, a Swedish Catholic Convert, to his Brother

The Ubiquitous Signal Processing
Ultrasonography in the Assessment of Ovarian
and Tamoxifen-Associated Endometrial Pathology

Uncertain Trumpet:
A History of Church of England School Education to AD 2001
Uncertainty Analysis Applied to Numerical
Models of River Bed Morphology

Under Construction
Under One Roof
Underside of Malaysian History
Understanding Babel: An Essay in Intercomprehending Analysis
Understanding Chinese Consumers
Understanding Economic Growth
Understanding Globalisation
Understanding Hinduism
Understanding the Process of Economic Change
Underwater Investigations at Roman Minturnae, Part 1
Unemployment: Risks and Reactions
Unemployment: The Scourge of Nations
Unending Metamorphoses
Unequal But Fair?
Unhealthy Decade
Unification of Bulgaria 1885: A Photo History
Uniform Approximations by Trigonometric Polynomials
‘Unique Cherub’ Circle
Uniqueness Questions in Reconstruction of Multidimensional
Objects from Tomography-Type Projection Data

United Nations and Foreign Military Interventions
United States of America and Macedonia 1834-1945
Universe of Acharya Sushil Muni: The Philosophy of the World Religion
Unknown Sorokin: His Life in Russia & the Essay on Suicide
Unleash Your Potential, And Take Charge of Your Life
Unnecessary War
Until it is Fulfilled
Up the Hill Backwards
Upscaling of Flow in Porous Media from a Tracer Perspective
Urban Crafts & Craftsmen in Medieval India
Urban Culture in Northern India During the Eighteenth Century
Urban Politics
Urban Transformation of Medieval Rome, 312-1420
Urbanization in China’s Lower Yangzi Delta
US/EU Merger Control
Use and Abuse of Female Sexual Imagery in the Book of Hosea
Use & Abuse of Sacred Places in Late Medieval Towns
Use & Adaptation of Precedents in Architectural Design
Use of Lactose Ureide Labelled with Stable Isotopes in the Study
of Small Intestinal Transit and Colonic Metabolism
Use of Zechariah in Revelation
Utility Regulation
Utopias of Nation: Local Mass Killing in Bosnia & Herzegovina, 1941-42

Utrecht Psalter in Medieval Art: Picturing the Psalms of David
Utterance of America
UVB-Response in Human Skin & Its Modulation
By the Proto- Oncogenic AKT Signaling Pathway


Vadi into Vanniyalatto: Transformation of Images of the Lankan Vaddo
Valley of Roses & Thracian Rulers
Values & Development in Southeast Asia
Values and Lifestyles of Singaporeans
Value of Information Based Design of Control Software
Vaisvism, Sivism & Minor Religious Systems
Varanasi Rediscovered
Variation in Sodium-Regulating Genes in Relation to Blood
Pressure & Associated Phenotypes in Caucasians & Chinese

The Vascular Plants of the Russian Arctic & Adjacent Territories
Vascular Plants of Ukraine
Vasilike Ware
Vasilikos Valley Project I
Vasilikos Valley Project 3
Vasilikos Valley Project 6, Vol. I
Vasilikos Valley Project 7: Excavations at Kalavasos-Tenta, Volume II
Vasilikos Valley Project 8: Excavations at Kalavasos - Ayious
Vasilikos Valley Project 9: The Field Survey of the Vasilikos Valley, Volume 1.
Vastu-Sastra, Volume II
Vedanta-Parijata-Saurabha of Nimbarka
& Vedanta-Kaustubha of Srinivasa [3 Volumes]

Vedic Mythology

Vedic Vision of Consciousness & Reality:
History of Science, Philosophy & Culture in Indian Civilization, Vol. XII, Part 3

Vendel Period Bracteates on Gotland
Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in Surgical Patients: Focus on Pathogenesis, Diagnosis & Prevention
Ventricular Support With Miniature Rotary Blood Pumps
Verb Complementation in English
Versions of Exile Morality
Very Nice Work If You Can Get It
Victim-Offender Mediation in Europe
Victim Policies and Criminal Justice on the Road to Restorative Justice
Victorian Governess Novel
Vintage Tabla Repertory [Includes 2 Audio CDs]
Violence, Power, and Justice
Virtual Context: Investigating the Characteristics & Opportunities of Digital
Visualization Media for Situated Approaches to Architectural Design in an Urban Environment

Virtual Observatory:
Plate Content Digitization, Archive Mining & Image Sequence Processing

Virtual Reality: Select Issues & Applications
Vision for a New Asia: 7 Asian Leaders Speak on Economics, Trade & Terrorism
Visions of the Past
Visions of a Compassionate World
Visual Dictionary: English-Hebrew
Voices: Modernity & its Discontents
Voices: Psychoanalysis
Volterra Equations and Inverse Problems
Volume-Regulated Anion Channels
Von Post Collection of Cypriote Late Byzantine Glazed Pottery
Voter Turnout from 1945 to 1997
Vulnerable Youth in Residential Care, 2 Parts


Wage and Productivity Trends in India
Wage Formation, Labour Market Institutions & Economic Transformation in Sweden 1860-2000
Walking the Tight Rope:
Informal Livelihoods & Social Networks in a West African City

Wanderings of a Pilgrim
Wanderstudent 2000
War and Peace in the Gulf
War is Peace
War of Words: From Lod to Twin Towers
War or Peace in the Middle East?
War on Terror Runs Amok
Warrior Saints in Old Bulgarian Art: Legends & Reality
Water Beetles of China, Vol. III
Water Carriers in Hades
Water Conduits in the Kathmandu Valley
Waterbirds of Bourgas Wetlands:
Results and Evaluation of the Monthly Waterbird Monitoring 1996 - 2002

Way of the Lord: Essays in Old Testament Theology
Ways of the Sages and the Way of the World
Ways that Never Parted: Jews & Christians in Late Antiquity & the Early Middle Ages
Welfare Reform
Welfare Titans: How Lloyd George & Gordon Brown Compare & Other Essays on Welfare Reform
Wells, Meres and Pools
'West', Islam & Islamism
West, Islam & Islamism, 2nd Ed.
Western Cyprus: Connections
Western Himalaya & Tibet

Western Impressions of Nature and Landscape in Southeast Asia
Wetlands in Russia, Volume 1
Wetlands in Russia, Volume 2
What Determines Housing Investment?
What Price Civil Justice?
What Progress on International Financial Reform? And: Counter-Cyclical
Prudential & Captial Account Regulations in Developing Countries

Whatever Happened to the Peace Dividend?
What's Ahead for Malaysia?: Contemporary Challenges & Emerging Trends
What's in a Word?
What's in Your Food?: Your Healthy Lifestyle Guide
Wheatears of Palearctic: Ecology, Behaviour & Evolution of the Genus
When People Matter
When Women Unite:
The Making of the Anti-Liquor Movement in Andhra Pradesh, India

Where Have All the Structures Gone?
Doing Gender in Organizations. Examples from Finland, Norway & Sweden

Whither Multiculturalism?: A Politics of Dissensus
Who is Who Among Bosniacs
WHO, What and Why?
Who's Who in Tanakh: The Complete Biographical Dictionary from Aaron to Zurishaddai
Whose Acts of Peter? Text & Historical Context of the Actus Vercellenses

Whose Learning Is It Anyway?
Developing Learner Autonomy through Task-Based Language Learning

Why Ration Health Care?
Why Schoolchildren Can't Read
Why Yesterday Tells of Tomorrow
Wild in Woods
Wild Landscapes
William Parkins 1558-1602, English Puritanist:
His Pioneer Works on Casuistry

Win Without Fighting: Learn from Sun Tzu how to Handle Difficult
Persons, Resolve Conflicts and Enjoy Great Interpersonal Relationships

Windows on the House of Islam
Winds of Change: Malaysia's Socioeconomic Transition
from Dr. Mahathir Mohamad to Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

Winning the War on Drugs
Wintermoths (Lepidoptera Geometridae) in
Oak Forests in Siberia [English & Serbian]

Wisdom From All My Teachers:
Challenges & Initiatives in Contemporary Torah Education

The Wishing Tree
Wislawa Szymborska
Witnesses in Islamic Law of Evidence
Women & Economic Justice
Women & Work: Challenges in Industrializing Nations
Women in Educational Policy-Making
Women in Japan & Sweden
Women in Parliament
Women, Men & Angels
Women's Political Voice in Asean
Word Order in Arabic
Work in Progress: Migration, Integration & the European Labour Market
Work in Voluntary Welfare Organizations:
A Sociological Study of Voluntary Welfare Organizations in Sweden

Workers' Control: Another World is Possible:
Arguments from the Institute for Workers' Control

Work-Ins, Sit-Ins, and Industrial Democracy
Working in Underground Offices
World Catalogue of Coccinellidae
World Catalogue of Families and Genera of Curculionoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera)
World Catalogue of the Cassidinae
World Catalogue of the Genus Carabus L.
World Heritage Sites in Sweden
World of Ancient Magic
World of the Early Etruscans
World Turned Rightside Up: New Trading Agenda for the Age of Globalisation
World-View of Prehistoric Man
Writer's Sense of the Past
Writings on Architecture Civil & Military: 1460-1640
WTO as a Conceptual Framework for Globalisation


YHWH at Patmos: Rev 1:4 in its Hellenistic and Early Jewish Setting
Young People & Gendered Media Messages
Young People, Soap Operas & Reality TV
Young Person's Guide to the Global Crisis and the Alternative
Youngsters Between Freedom & Social Limits
You're Learning all the Time
You’re What You Eat: Your Healthy Lifestyle Guide
Your Cradle Is Green:
The Islamic Foundation & the Call to Islam in Children's Literature

Youth Voter Participation
Yponomeutoid Moths of Israel
Yugoslav Tragedy


Zakro Master and His Place in Prehistory
Zen & Japanese Buddhism

Zoogeography of Bulgaria Bibliography [In Bulgarian & English]
Zoologia Neocaledonica 5: Systematique et Endemisme en Nouvellu-Caledonie