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Coronet Books
A - Z Listing
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1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D³ and Its Analogues as Immunomodulators in Autoimmune
Type 1 Diabetes: Mechanisms of Actions and Preclinical Applications
3rd International Sakharov Conference on Physics, 2 volumes
5 Men & Ideas: Building National Identity
12p Translocations in Acute Leukaemia: Transforming Properties
of CIZ Fusions and Molecular Analysis of a Slag Fusion
21st Century Malaysia: Challenges & Strategies in Attaining Vision 2020
a-Oxidation of 3-Methyl-Branched Fatty Acids
a-Oxidation of 3-Methyl-Branched Fatty Acids: A Revised Pathway
Ab Aquilone
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi: Revivalist of an Intellectual Tradition
About Zion I Will Not Be Silent
Abraham Calov's Doctrine of Vocatio in its Systematic Context
Abstraction & Authority in Textbooks
Accepting the Yoke of Heaven: Commentary on the Weekly Torah Portion
Accountability for Crimes of the Past & the Challenges of Criminal Prosecutions
Accountants Without Standards
Accounting for Overheads
Achieving True Globalisation
Acid-Base Disorders
Acid-Base Interactions, Volume 2
Acoustical Perspective on Raga-Rasa Theory
Acquarossa Vol. I, Part 1
Acquarossa Vol. I, Part 2
Acquarossa Vol. II, Part 1
Acquarossa Vol. II, Part 2
Acquarossa Vol. III
Acquarossa Vol. IV
Acquarossa Vol. V, Part 1
Acquarossa Vol. VI, Part 1
Acquarossa Vol. VI, Part 2
Acquarossa Vol. VII
Acquiring Intercultural Communicative Competence From Textbooks
Acta Cypria, Part 1
Acta Cypria, Part 2
Acta Cypria, Part 3
Acta Hyperborea
Action and Mechanism of Action of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3
on the Proliferation and Differentiation of Malignant Cells
Activities in Space - Appropriation or Use?
Acts & the Isaianic New Exodus
Acute Compartment Syndrome, a Complication of Fractures
and Soft Tissue Injuries of the Extremities
Acute Glaucoma
Additions & Corrections to the World Catalogue
of Genus-Group Names of Geadephaga (Coleoptera)
Adequate Education Law for Modern Russia
Adhesion Aspects of Thin Films, Volume 1
Adhesion Measurement of Films and Coatings
Adhesion Measurement of Polymeric Coatings, Vol. 2
Adhesion of Porphyromonas Gingivalis and Periodontitis
Adhesive Joints: Formation, Characteristics & Testing, Vol 2.
Adi Granth: Or the Holy Scriptures of the Sikhs
Adolescents at Risk of Persistent Antisocial Behavior & Alcohol Problems
Adoption and the Care of Children
Adoption as Sons of God
Adoption: The Continuing Debate
ADP-Ribosylation, DNA Repair and Cancer
Adult Participation in Swedish Higher Education
Adults in Higher Education
Adults with Autism & Mental Retardation
Advanced Composite Materials and Structures
Advances in Amphibian Research in the Former Soviet Union, Vol. 3
Advances in Amphibian Research in the Former Soviet Union, Vol. 5
Advances in Molecular Toxicology
Advances in Protein Phosphates, Vol. 1
Advances in Protein Phosphates, Vol. 2
Advances in Protein Phosphates, Vol. 3
Advances in Protein Phosphates, Vol. 4
Advances in Protein Phosphates, Vol. 5
Advances in Protein Phosphates, Vol. 6
Advances in Protein Phosphates, Vol. 7
Advances in Protein Phosphates, Vol. 8
Advances in Protein Phosphates, Vol. 9
Advances in Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Advances in Solid Earth Sciences
Aegean and the East, The
Aegean Frescoes of Religious Character
Aegyptiaca From Late Bronze Age Cyprus
Aesthetics of Play
Aesthetics of the Popular Arts
Aesthetics of Vulnerability: The Sentimentum & the Novels of Graham Swift
African Focus, An
African National Congress Meets Eastern Europe
African Renaissance: Challenges, Solutions & the Road Ahead
After Consensus
After Poland
After the Fall of Darkness
AGA Gas Handbook
Against a Rising Tide: Racism, Europe & 1992
Against False Apologetics: Wilhelm Herrmann and Ernst Troeltsch in Conflict
Age and Days in Cyprus
Aging and Old Age Among Chinese in a Singapore Urban Neighborhood
Aging and Spatial Memory
Agrarian Economy of Sixteenth-Century Sweden
Agreement with Collective Nouns in English
Agriculture and Horticulture in Central Asia in the
Early Years of the Twentieth Century With an Excursus on Fishing
Agriculture in Ancient Greece
Agrippa I
Ahimsa: Buddhism & the Vegetarian Ideal
Ahmed Dogan & the Bulgarian Ethnic Model
Aid Dependence and Governance
Aid Dependence. Issues and indicators
Aid Relationship in Zambia, The
Aim of Laboratory Analyses of Ceramics in Archaeology
Air Power of the Kingdom of Bulgaria, 4 Vol. Set [English & Bulgarian]
Air Transport Liberalisation in the European Community 1987-1992
Akeydat Yitzchak, 3rd edition, 2 volumes
Commentary of Rabbi Yitzchak Arama on the Torah
Alasia Problems
Albanians in the Republic of Macedonia, 1945-1995
Albert Einstein, Bertrand Russell: Manifesto 50
Alberuni's India
Albinus, Alcinous, Arius Didymus
Albnius and the History of Middle Platonism
Album Vilmorin: The Vegetable Garden. Facsimile Folio Portfolio
Alcohol and Criminal Violence
Alcohol in Postwar Europe
Algebraic Calculation of the Rainbow
Allergic Contact Dermatitis to Ingredients Used in Topically
Applied Pharmaceutical Products and Cosmetics
Almost Homogeneous Functions
Along the Path of Music
Altruism, Society, Health Care
Alva Myrdal In International Affairs
Amazon Fish Parasites, 2nd edition. [In English & Spanish]
Amazonian Arachnida & Myriapoda:
Identification keys to all classes, orders, families,
some genera and lists of known terrestrial species
Ambassadors for Christ
Ambiguous Artefacts
America & the Bulgarians: Till the Constituent Assembly of 1879
American Business Law
America's Gulag: Full Spectrum Dominance Versus Universal Human Rights
America's Social Revolution
Among the Interculturalists
AMPA Receptor & ALS
Amphibians & Reptiles in Bulgaria
Amphibians of Belarus
Amphibians of the Caucasus
Amphibians of the Former Soviet Union
Amphibians of the Russian Far East: Advances in Amphibian Research, Vol. 8
Amphibiotic Insects of the Northeast of Asia
Amyloidogenesis and the Cholinergic System in Alzheimer's Disease:
From in Vitro Analysis to Transgenic Mice Models
Anabaptist Beginnings, 1523-1533
Analysis of Amyloid Precursor Protein in Cells and in Brain of
Transgenic Mice as the Biochemical Coorelate for Their Phenotype
Analysis of Imaging Spectrometer Data with Lake Environment Applications
Analysis of Systematic and Random Differences
Between Paired Ordinal Categorical Data
Analysis of the English Poetry of St. Thomas More
Analysis of the Panamax Bulkcarrier Chartermarket, 1989-1994,
in Relation to the Design Characteristics
Analysis of WNT/b-Catenin Signaling in Desmoid Tumors
Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, Vol. 4
Analytic Semigroup Approach to Convolution Volterra Equations
Analytical Bibliography of the Prehistory and the
Early Dynastic Period of Egypt and Northern Sudan
Analytical Chemistry of Minerals
Analytical Methods in Nonlinear Wave Theory
Analytical Study of Four Nikayas, 2nd Edition
Analyzing the Photochemotherapeutical Principle in the Treatment of Psoriasis
Anarchy Within
Anatomical Study of Lung Mechanics in Man
Anchorage of Imagination
Ancient Arcadia
Ancient Geography of India
Ancient Greek Cult Practice from the Archaeological Evidence
Ancient Greek Cult Practice From the Epigraphical Evidence
Ancient Greek Hero Cult
Ancient Indian Magic & Folklore
Ancient Indian Massage: Traditional Massage Techniques Based on the Ayurveda
Ancient Near Eastern Glyptic
Ancient Indian Ports
Ancient Rome and India
Ancient Sculptures in the Royal Museum
Ancient Stones
Ancient Synagogue: From Its Origins Until 200 C.E.
Ancillary Literature of the Atharva-Veda
Androgen Receptor-Interacting Proteins
& their Role in Androgen Regulated Transcription
Androgen-Induced Activation of Sterol Regulatory Element-Binding
Proteins (SREBPs) & Enhanced Lipogenesis in Tumor Cells
Angel Among Men: Impressions from the Life
of Rav Avraham Yitzchak Hakohen Kook zt"l
Angel Veneration and Christology
Angiogenesis & Bone
Anglo-Irish and Irish Literature
Anglo-Saxon & Later British Coins
Animal Experimental Study to Improve the Success Rate
of Oral Implants in Bone of Low Density
Animated Clay: Artistic Ceramics in the Bulgarian Lands
Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, or the Central
and Western Rajpoot States of India, 2 Vols.
Annotated Bibliography on Ibn Sina (1970-1989)
An Annotated List of the Birds of Hungary
Anomalies in Quantum Field Theory
Anonymous Skeptics
Antarctica: The Extreme South
Antedatings and Additions for the Oxford English Dictionary from the
Catalogue of Prints of Political and Personal Satire in the British Museum
Anthology of Bulgarian Folk Musicians, 3rd Edition
Anthromorphic Representations in Prehistoric Cyprus
Anti-Liberalism 2000
Antiquity & Humanity
Anti-Representational Response
Anticipating Behaviour in Supervisory Vehicle Control
Antwerp & the World: Richard Verstegan
& the International Culture of Catholic Reformation
Apocalypse Soon: The Spokesman, No. 86
Apocalypticism in the Mediterranean World and the Near East, 2nd Edition
Apology for Capitalism?
Apostasy and Reform in the Revelations of St. Birgitta 7
Apple World
Application of Chemical Vapour Deposition in Catalyst Design
Application of the Polymerase Chain Reaction to Forensic DNA Analysis in Belgium
Application of the Virtual Crack Closure Technique to Calculate Stress Intensity Factors
for Through Cracks With an Oblique Elliptical Crack Front
Applications of Mathematics in Engineering & Economics
Applications of Technical Devices in Archaeology
Applied Logic
Applying Sun Tzu's Art of War in Managing Your Children
Applying Sun Tzu's Art of War in Managing Your Marriage
Applying Sun Tzu's Art of War in Managing Your Money
Appointed Festivals of YHWH
Appointment in Cordoba: Defending Peace & Human Rights
Approaching English Language Research
Approaching Religion
Approaching the Culture of Toys in Swedish Child Care
Appropriating King Arthur
Approximation Methods for Solutions of Differential and Integral Equations
Approximation Theory: A Volume Dedicated to Borislav Bojanov
Aquinas and Problems of His Time
Aram as the Enemy Friend
Arbitrator's Mandate
Archaeological and Historical Aspects of West-European Societies
Archaeological Investigations in Southern Etruria
Archaeology & Natural Science, Volume 1
Archaeology & Natural Science, Volume 2
Archaeology of the Cultural Landscape
Archaeology: Artifacts and Artifiction
Archaeology from the Earth
Archaeology: More Artifacts and Artifiction
Archaic Economy and Modern Society
Archaic Greek Temenos
Architect Sigurd Lewerentz
Architectural Heritage of Himachal Pradesh
Architecture and Society in Hecatomnid Caria
Architecture Decorated with Architecture:
Later Medieval Temples of Karnataka, 1000 - 1300 AD
Arctic and Alpine Mycology, Volume 5
Argolid 800-600 BC
Aristotle in the Greek Gnomological Tradition
Aristotle's Animals in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Aristotle's Concept of Soul, Sleep and Dreams
Aristotle's Zoology & its Renaissance Commentators (1521-1601)
Armies of the Hasmonaeans and Herod
Arms for Oil
Around the Family: Song & Prayers for the Jewish Home. Pocket Edition
Around the Family Table [In English & Hebrew]
A Comprehensive "Bencher" & Companion for Shabbat & Festival
Meals & Other Family Occasions with Insights & Commentary
Art of Encouraging Invention
Art of Kathakali
Art of Sanskrit Poetry
Art of War in Medieval India
Art, Politics, & Cultural Identification in Sudan
Art, Reason and Tradition
Arte Militare E Architettura Nuragica
Arthropods in Baltic Amber [In German & English]
Artifacts & Artificial Science
Artificial Intelligence Applications to Traffic Engineering
Aryans Revisited
As It Is… An Ode to a Decade of Hidden Issues
Ascia Symbol on Latin Epitaphs
Asea Valley Survey
Asean Towards 2020
ASEAN Towards the 21st Century
Asean's Non-Interference Policy
Ashvaghosha: The Awakening of Faith, 2nd Edition
Asia-Pacific's Security Dilemma
Asian Economic Recovery
Asian Wisdom for Effective Management: From Lao Tzu to Miyamoto Musashi
Asine II, Fasc. 1
Asine II -- Results of the Excavations East of the Acropolis 1970-1974, Fasc. 1
Asine II -- Results of the Excavations East of the Acropolis 1970-1974, Fasc. 2
Asine II -- Results of the Excavations East of the Acropolis 1970-1974, Fasc. 3
Asine II -- Results of the Excavations East of the Acropolis 1970-1974, Fasc. 4-1
Asine II -- Results of the Excavations East of the Acropolis 1970-1974, Fasc. 4-2
Asine II -- Results of the Excavations East of the Acropolis 1970-1974, Fasc. 4-3
Asine II -- Results of the Excavations East of the Acropolis 1970-1974, Fasc. 6-2
Ask the Rabbi: Responsa on Modern Issues
Aspects of Ancient Egyptian Curses and Blessings
Aspects of Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium
Aspects of Macro-Sociological Methodology
Aspects of Morphological & Stylistic Variation of the Verb in Erotokritos
Aspects of Multilingualism
Aspects of Palynology & Palaeoecology
Aspects of the Epidemiology and Prevention of Suicide
Aspects of Women in Antiquity
Aspects on the Johannine Literature
Asrama System: The History & Hermeneutics of a Religious Institution
Assessment of Human Cerebral Ischemia Using
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Techniques
Assessment of Human Vertebral Strength
Assessment of Schoolchildren's Performance in Dance
Assessment of Twentieth-Century Historiography
Association of HLA Class II Antigens with Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
Association Studies Between HLA Class II, CD3 and CD4 Polymorphisms
and Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis and Schizophrenia
Astadhyayi of Panini, Vol. VI
Asteroids, Comets and Meteors, Vol. 3
Asymptotics in Statistics and Probability
At the Crossroads of Russian Modernism
Atlas: Birds of Moscow City & the Moscow Region
Atlas of Fossil Plant Anatomy in China
Atlas of Medical Parasitology
Atlas of Oriented Sectional and Surface Anatomy of the Living Person
Atlas of Orogenic Processes and Three-Dimension Litospheric
Framework of Qinling Orogenic Belt
Atlas of Selected Galaxies
Atlas of the Cerambycidae of Europe & the Mediterranean Area
Atlas of the Distribution of Reptiles in the Czech Republic [In Czech & English Languages]
Atlas of the Distribution of the Butterflies in Bulgaria
Atlas of the Geographic Distribution of the Arvicoline Rodents of the World
Atlas of the Helminth Parasites of Cichlid Fish of Mexico
Atlas of the Millipedes (Diplopoda) of Britain and Ireland
Atlas of the Reptiles of North Eurasia.
Taxonomic Diversity, Distribution, Conservation Status
Atomic Defects & Crystal Structure of Minerals, 2nd Edition
Atomistic Society in Shatin - Hong Kong Valley
Atoms and Molecules in Electric Fields
Attack and Other Papers
Attic Moses
Attitudes Towards Social Limits, Undersocialized Behavior,
and Self-Presentation in Young People
Attraction of Peyote
Auditory and Vestibular Organs of Marine Mammals
Augustinian Perspectives in the Renaissance
Aurelius Augustinus. De Musica Liber VI:
A Critical Edition with a Translation & an Introduction
Australasian Caliciales
Authentic Chinese Christianity: Preludes to its Development Authoritarianism, Democracy and Adjustment
Autoimmune Disease
Autonomous & the Passive Progressive in 20th-Century Irish
Autonomy & Conflict: Ethnoterritoriality & Separatism
in the South Caucasus - Cases in Georgia
Autonomy Coping and Defense in Small Work Groups
Availability & Sales of Alcohol: Experiences from Canada & the U.S.
Avatars of Modernity: Vasco da Gama's Discovery & Indian Identities in Perspective
Aviation Safety
Avicenna & His Heritage
Awkward Warrior
Ayia Paraskevi and Vasilia
Ayia Triadha Sarcophagus
Back From the Brink
Bad Breath
Balancing Rocks
Baltic Cities
Baltic Countries 1900-1914, 2 vols.
Baltic Countries Under Occupation
Baltic Democracy at the Crossroads
Baltic in International Relations Between the Two World Wars
Baltic Sea Region Environmental Protection
Band Director's Handbook:
A Guide for College & Secondary School Music Directors in Southeast Asia
Banners of Belonging: The Politics of Indigenous Identity in Bolivia & Guatemala
Baptism and Resurrection
Baptist Traditions & Q
Bar Kokhba War Reconsidered: New Perspectives
on the Second Jewish Revolt against Rome
Barbarian Philosophy
Baroque Dreams: Art & Vision in Sweden in the Era of Greatness
Basic Chinese For Everyone
Basic Japanese Vocabulary: An Explanation of Usage
Basic Principles of Indian Philosophy of Language
Basin Analysis and Global Sedimentary Geology
Bastiat's 'The Law'
Battle of the Granicus
Battle Stalin Lost
ß-Catenin Target Genes in Desmoid Tumors
Becoming Jinja: The Production of Space and Making of Place in an African Industrial Town
Becoming Swedish-American
Bees of the Family Halictidae (Excluding Sphecodes) of Poland
Before Beveridge
Beginners Read Aloud:
High versus Low Linguistic Levels in Swedish Beginner's Oral Reading
Behavior Therapy
Behavioural Research for Transport Policy
Being Religious and Living Through the Eyes
Belarus Remembers [In Belarusian, English, Russian, German]
Belarusian Exotics [In Belarusian & English]
Belgian Archaeology in a European Setting, Vol. 1
Belgian Archaeology in a European Setting, Vol. 2
Belgian National Income During the Interwar Period: Reconstruction of the Database
Belgium & the Holy See From Gregory XVI to Pius IX
Belonging to Others
Beloved Communities
Bending the Kuznets Curve: Wrenching & Levelling Forces
during Agricultural Transformation in Taiwan & Chile
Benedictine Culture, 750-1050
Benefit Dependency
Bengal Under Akbar and Jahangir
Berbati, Vol. 2
Berbati Limnes Archaeological Survey
Bernoulli Society, U.S.S.R., 2 vols.
Better Off Out? New Edition
Between Facts & Norms: An Ethical Analysis of the Relationship between Empirical
& Normative Approaches in Bioethics with a Focus on Carrier Testing in Minors
Between Peace and Justice
Between Rome & Babylon: Studies in Jewish Leadership and Society
Between Technology & Humanity:
The Impact of Technology on Health Care Ethics
Between Water and Heaven
Beyond Conflict & Reduction
Beyond Degrees
Beyond Empiricism on Criterea for Educational Research
Beyond Taijiquan: Supremacy of the Tai-Chi Mind
Beyond the Controversy
Beyond the Noise of Time:
Readings of Marina Tsvetaeva's Memories of Childhood
Beyond Universities
Beyond Wage Slavery
Bhakti and the Bhakti Movement
Bhartrihari's Satakatrayam, New Edition
Bhilsa Topes or Buddhist Monuments of Central India
Bible and Medieval Culture
Bible in the Works of Thomas More
Bible Reading in Sweden
Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations on Hong Kong
Bibliography of Keys to European Insects (1996-2000)
Bibliography of Memory
Bibliography of Scholarship on Plautus
Bibliography to the Classical Tradition in English Literature
Bilateral Shipping & Trade: Swedish-Finnish Experiences in the Post-War Period
Binding Force of Treaties Under International Law
Biochemical Characterization & Validation of the Yeast Saccharomyces
Cerevisiae as Model System for the Function of Human Protein Tau
Biochemical & Immuno-Histochemical Analysis of APP-Processing
& Amyloid Pathology in Single & Multiple Transgenic Mice as Models for Alzheimer's Disease
Biochemical, Molecular and Functional Properties of the
Ca2+ Homeostasis in Renal Cells in Culture
Biocompatibilisation of Coronary Artery Stents
Biodegradation & Durability of Materials under the Effect of Microorganisms
Biodegradation of Xenobiotics
Biodiversity & Ecological Status Along the Northern Coast of the Sea of Okhotsk
Biodiversity and Evolution of Glacial Water Ecosystems in the Rila Mountains
Biodiversity Conservation in Asean
Biodiversity Conservation in Russia
Biodiversity of Eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria & Greece)
Biodiversity of Shabla Lake System
Biodiversity of the Caucasus Ecoregion
Biodiversity of the Srebarna Biosphere Reserve
Biogeochemical Exploration for Mineral Deposits
Biogeochemical Migration of Technogenic Radionuclides in Forrest Ecosystems
Biological Psychiatry
Biology and Evolution of Social Insects
Biology of Vanda Miss Joaquim
Biomes of Brazil: An Illustrated Natural History
Biopharmaceutical Relevance of Human
Nasal Primary Cell Culture Systems
Biophysical Environmental of Singapore
Biosphere Reserves in Poland
Biosystematics in the Nordic Flora
Biotic Type Antioxidants
Bipolar Transistors for Use in Monolithic Bandgap References
and Temperature Transducers
Birds of Azerbaijan
Birka V
The Birth, The Life & the Death of Firms
Birth of Religion Among the Balanta of Guinea-Bissau
Birth of the Ballad
Birth Report Genre in the Hebrew Bible
Birthright and the Blessing
Bitter Bread
Black International
Black Market Exchange Rates
Blair Revelation: Deliverance for whom?
Blasphemy and Exaltation in Judaism and the Final Examination of Jesus
Blessing for the Nations & the Curse of the Law
Blindness & the Multi-Sensorial City
Blocks on the Road to Instructional Design Prescriptions
Blowing Her Own Trumpet
Body and Space
Boeotian and West Greek Tombstones
Bombay in Transition
Bonds and Boundaries in Northern Ghana and Southern Burkina Faso
Bone Mineral Measurements by Photon Absorptiometry
Book of Giants From Qumran
Book of Hours of Johannete Ravenelle
& the Parisian Book Illumination around 1400
Book of Ser Marco Polo
Books on Military Architecture Printed in Venice
Bookshop of the World
Boreal Forest of Canada & Russia
Boris Pasternak
Born from Above
Brain-Mind Problem
Bread for the People
Breaking Down the Barriers: Why Europe Needs More Free Trade
Bridewealth, Women and Land
Bridge of Words
Brief History of the Czech Lands to 2004
Bright Lights Grow Fainter:
Livelihoods, Migration & a Small Town in Zimbabwe
Britain and Sweden
Britain in Crisis
Britain in the 21st Century
Britain's Relative Economic Performance 1870-1999
British as Rulers, The
British Economic Opinion
British Imperialism and Afghanistan's Struggle for Independence 1914-1921
Brittle-Ductile Deformation Behaviour in the Middle Crust
Broadband Communication
Broadcasting & Convergence: New Articulations of the Public Service Remit
Bronze Age Aegean Seals in Their Middle Phase (ca. 1700-1550 BC)
Bronze Age Anthropomorphic Figurines in the Cesnola Collection
at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Bronze Age Ashlar Masonry in the Eastern Mediterranean
Bronze Age Metalwork in Southern Sweden
Bronze Age Necropolis at Ayia Paraskevi (Nicosia)
Bronze Age Population Fluctuations in the Argolid From
the Evidence of Mycenaean Tombs
Bronze Age Pottery From the Kastro at Paros
Bronze Age White Painted I Ware in Cyprus
Bronzework of Mainland Greece From C. 2600 BC to C. 1450 BC
Broyd Papers
Bruc Ealles Well: Archaeological Essays Concerning
the Peoples of North-West Europe in the First Millenium AD
Buckingham at 25
Buddha & the Gospel of Buddhism
Buddhacarita or Acts of the Buddha
Buddha's Ancient Path
Buddhism: A Religion of Salvation
Buddhism Among Tamils in Pre-Colonial Tamilakam & Ilam, 2 Volumes
Buddhism & Buddhist Literature in Early Indian Epigraphy
Buddhism in Chinese Culture
Buddhism in Perspective
Buddhism: Its Essence and Development
Buddhist and Freudian Psychology
Buddhist Art in India, Ceylon, and Java
Buddhist Divinities
Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar & Dictionary, 2 Volume Set
Buddhist India
Buddhist Records of the Western World
Buddhist Texts Through the Ages
Buddhist Thought in India
Buddhist Woman's Path to Enlightenment
Building a World Class Construction Industry
Building Maintenance Technology in Tropical Climates
Building Technological Capabilities of Local
Auto Parts Firms Under Contrasting Industrial Policies:
A Comparative Study of Malaysia & Thailand 1960-2000
Building the Nation Back Up
Bulgaria [In English & Bulgarian]
Bulgaria, 2nd Revised & Expanded Edition
Bulgaria: An Illustrated Histrory
Bulgaria: Guide Book, 2nd Revised Edition
Bulgaria & the Vatican
Bulgaria Guide Book, 2nd Edition
Bulgaria: History Retold in Brief
Bulgaria: Known & Unknown
Bulgaria Collection: The Unique Bulgarian Nature, Churches,
Monasteries, Wall-Paintings, Icons, Towns, Architecture
Bulgaria in the European Cartographic Concepts until XIX Century
Bulgarian: Beyond the First Steps
Bulgarian Antarctic Research
Bulgarian Antarctic Research: Life Sciences, Volume 3
Bulgarian Antarctic Research: Life Sciences, Volume 4
Bulgarian Antarctic Research: Life Sciences, Volume 5
Bulgarian Church Woodcarving, 14th-19th Century
Bulgarian Coins Catalog [In English & Bulgarian]
Bulgarian Cuisine
Bulgarian-English Dictionary (Gaberoff Publishers)
Bulgarian Folk Costumes
Bulgarian Folk Music
Bulgarian Language in Practice [In English & Bulgarian]
Bulgarian Opera Myth: The Three Bassos, The Three Sopranos
Bulgarian Parliament & Bulgarian Statehood
Bulgarian-English Dictionary
Bulgarians: Civilizers of the Slavs
Bulgarians: The First Europeans
Bulgarians & the Americans [In English & Bulgarian]
Bureaucratic Restructure in Reforming China
Business Dictionary: English-Croatian
Butterflies Fauna Sinica: Lycaenidae
[In English & Chinese]
Butterflies (Hesperioidea & Papilionoidea) of
North Asia (Asian Part of Russia) in Nature, Vol. 1
Butterflies of Eastern Europe, Urals & Caucasus
Butterflies of Kyrgyzstan: (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera)
Butterflies of Ladak: (N.-W. India) (Lepidoptera, Rhodpalocera)
Butterflies of Russia: Classification, Genitalia, Keys for Identification
Butterflies of Tajikistan
Butterflies of the Czech Republic [2 Volume Set]
Butterflies of the World Vols, 1-12 & 14
Butterflies of the World: Part 13: Parnassius Apollo. Plates
Butterflies of the World, Part 15: Nymphalidae VI, Euriphene
Butterflies of the World: Part 16: Nymphalidae VII, Pseudacraea
Butterflies of the World: Part 17: Papilionidae IX,
Papilionidae of the Philippine Islands
Butterflies of the World: Part 18: Nymphalidae VIII, Lexias
Butterflies of the World: Part 19: Kurt Rumbucher
& Oliver Schaffler: Papilionidae X: Troides III
Butterflies of the World:
Baronia, Euryades, Protographium, Neographium, Eurytides
Butterflies of the World: Part 20: Nymphalidae IX, Amathusiini of the Philippine Islands
Butterflies of the World: Part 21: Papilionidae XI, Troides Hubner, 1819, Part 4
Butterflies of the World, Part 22: Nymphalidae X, Charaxes I
Butterflies of Transbaikal Siberia
Butterflies of Turkmenistan
Butterflies of Uzbekistan
Butterflies of Vietnam: Volume 1: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae
By the Water: Archaeological Perspectives
on Human Strategies Around the Baltic Sea
Byron: East & West, Proceedings of the 24th International Byron Conference
Byzantine History Vol. I
Byzantine History Vol. II 610-867
Byzantine Military Unrest
Byzantium and Islam in Scandinavia
Cahier "M": A Brief Morphology of Electric Sound
Calendar and Hunting Mosaics of the Villa of the Falconer in Argos
Calibration and 3D Reconstruction for Multicamera
Marker Based Motion Measurement
Calukya Architecture, 3 Volume Set:
Medieval Temples of Nothern Karnataka built during the
rule of the Calukya of Kalyana & Thereafter, AD 1000-1300
Cambodia's Economic Development
Campaign of Pharaoh Shoshenq I into Palestine
Can a Consequentialist Be a Real Friend? (Who Cares?)
Can De-Industrialization Seriously Damage Your Wealth?
Can Malaysia Transit into the K-Economy?
Cancer Risk Assessment at the Workplace
Capacity Building, Institutional Crisis, and the Issue of Recurrent Costs
Capital Control & the Malaysian Economy
Capital Controls: A 'Cure' Worse Than the Problem?
Capital Formation in Belgium, 1900-1995
Capitalism, Morality & Markets
Capricious Earth: Models & Modelling of Geologic Process & Objects
Captain of Our Salvation
Captive Local State
Captive Party: How Labour Was Taken Over by Capital
Carabidae of Switzerland
Cardioselective Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene Transfer to Target Myocardial Ischemia
Carlebach Haggadah
Carta Bible Atlas, 4th Edition
Carta’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem
Carthage [In Swedish & English]
Carthage: Results of the Swedish Excavations 1979-1983. Volume 1. A Roman Bath
Carvaka - Lokayata
Case Against War, 2nd Ed: The Essential Legal
Inquiries, Opinions & Judgments Concerning War In Iraq
Case of Nikolai Bukharin
Case to Answer: A First Report on the Potential Impeachment of the Prime
Minister for High Crimes and Misdemeanours in Relation to the Invasion of Iraq
Casebook European Family Law
Cassava Production and Marketing in Zaire
Castella Maris Baltici II
Catalogue & Key to the Centipedes (Chilopoda) of Bulgaria
Catalogue of Books Printed in the XVth Century Now in the British Library
Catalogue of Ceutorhynchinae of the World, with a Key to Genera
Catalogue of Rove Beetles
Catalogue of Spiders of the Czech Republic
Catalogue of the Archival Collections
Catalogue of the Braconid Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
Isolated from Various Phytophagous Insect Hosts in Bulgaria
Catalogue of the Carabidae of the Iberian Peninsula [In Spanish & English]
Catalogue of the Coins in the Prince of
Wales Museum of Western India Bombay
Catalogue of the Fauna of Bialowieza Primeval Forest
Catalogue of the Ground-Beetles of the Republic of Moldova
(Insecta, Coleoptera: Carabidae)
Catalogue of the Jewel Beetles of Bulgaria (Coleoptera: Buprestidae)
Catalogue of the Jumping Spiders of Northern Asia
(Arachnida, Araneae, Salticidae)
Catalogue of the Malaysian Chrysomelidae (Insecta: Coleoptera)
Catalogue of the Weevils (Coleptera, Curculionoidea) and
Their Host Plants in the Republic of Moldova
Catalogus Faunae Bulgaricae 5: Diptera: Fannidae, Muscidae & Stomoxydidae
Catheter Sleeve
Caveolins & Lipid Rafts
Cave Rocky Relief and its Speleogenetical Significance
Caves and Speleology in Bulgaria
Celebrations of Death and Divinity in the Bronze Age Argolid
Celestina: An Annotated edition of the First Dutch Translation (Antwerp, 1550)
Celestine Priory at Leuven: From Monastery to Library
Cell & Cell Division
Cell Surface Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans as
Co-receptors for Fibroblast Growth Facto
Central Philosophy of Buddhism: A Study of Madhyamika System
Central Places in the Migration & Merovingian Periods
Centrality - Regionality: The Social Structure of Southern Sweden during the Iron Age
Ceramic Icon in Medieval Bulgaria
Ceramics in Context
Cercopid Spittle Bugs of the New World: (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Cercopidae)
Chaitanya Movement
Challenge: A New System of Values for Malaysia
Challenges of Native Americans Studies
Challenges to the Nation-State in Africa
Chance & Providence: Discourses on the Inner Meaning of Purim
Change in Ecology and Biodiversity After a Nuclear Disaster in the Southern Urals
Changing Fortunes of Economic Liberalism, 2nd Edition
Changing Genders in Intercultural Perspectives
Changing Identities: Language Variation on Czech Television
Changing Phases of Malaysian Economy
Changing schools/ Changing Practices
Changing the Game: Consociational Theory &
Ethnic Quotas in Cyprus & New Zealand
Chaos, Management and Economics
Chaotic Hydrodynamics of Fluidized Beds
Chaotic Hydrodynamics of Large and Small Circulating Fluidized Beds
Characterization of the Glypican Receptor Receptor Function
Characterization of the Presenilin 1-Telencephalin
Interaction & Implications for Alzheimer's Disease
Charge Transport in Polydiacetylenes
Charles August Lindberg Sr.
Charles Murray and the Underclass
Charters of Foundation & Early Documents of the Universities of the Coimbra Group, 2nd Revised Edition
Chechenya: Political & Geographic Portrait
Checklist of Eumolpinae, Chrysomelinae, Alticinae, Hispinae & Cassidinae
(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Republic of Macedonia
Checklist of Lepidoptera of the Czech & Slovak Republics (Insecta Lepidoptera)
Checklist of the Metazoan Parasites of Fishes of the
Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic (1873-2000)
Chemical Physics of Nanostructured Semiconductors
Chemical Prospecting in the Malaysian Forest
Chemistry & Chemical Techniques in India
Chemistry in the Freeboard of a Coal-Fired Presssurized Fluidized Bed Combustor
Cherished Moments: Engaging with the Past in a Swedish Parish
Child Language Development in Singapore and Malaysia
Child Mortality During the Demographic Transition
Child-Parent Relationship in the New Testament & its Environment
Children & Media
Multidiscipilinary Approaches
Children and Media
Image, Education, Participation
Children and Media Violence
Children & Youth at Risk & Urban Education
Children in the New Media Landscape
Children of Maria
Children, Young People & Media Globalisation
Children's Way of Handling and Experiencing Numbers
Children's World of Learning 1480-1880, 3 volumes
China After the Fifteenth Party Congress
China After the Ninth National People’s Congress
China and the ASEAN States
China & the Bomb
China: Two Decades of Reform and Change
China Business Guide 2006
China Foreign Enterprise Directory, 2nd Edition
China's Economy and the Asian Financial Crisis / No. 4
China's Emerging New Economy: The Internet & E-Commerce
China’s New Oil Development Strategy Taking Shape
China's Political Economy
China's Regional Economic Disparities Since 1978
China's WTO Accession and the Impact on Its Large Manufacturing Enterprises
Chinese Adaptation and Diversity
Chinese Dilemma
Chinese Dimensions: Their Roots, Mindset & Psyche
Chinese Economy in Transition
Chinese Foreign Investment Laws
Chinese Plant Symbolisms: A Guide to the Symbolic Value of Plants in Chinese Culture
Chinese Tea Culture: The Origin of Tea Drinking
Chinese Temple Architecture in Singapore
Choice, Contract, Consent
Choice of Corals
Christ as Example
Christ, Plato, Hermes Trismegistus
Christian Art in Bulgaria
Christian Concept of History in the Chronicle of Sulpicius Severus
Christian Democracy in the European Union (1945-1995)
Christian Democratic Parties in Europe Since the End of the Cold War
Christian Mission in China in the Verbiest Era
Christology of the Fourth Gospel: Its Unity and Disunity in the Light of John 6
Christopher Plantin's Books of Hours
Chronique Du Toumet-Ortos [In English & French]
Chronic Myocardial Hibernation in Sheep
Chronic Reversible Myocardial Dysfunction: Clinical and Experimental Studies
Chronicles: News of the Past, 4th Edition [3 Volume Set]
Church and Law in the Balkan Peninsula During the Ottoman Rule
Church and Racial Hostility
Church Paintings of Gottfried Hendtzschel in Norway -
Past & Future Conservation [CD-ROM Included]: Part I & II
Church Politics in Seventeenth-Century Rome
Circulatory Effects of Brain Death
City and the Forest
City of Hope: Jerusalem From Biblical to Modern Times
Civil Procedure in Sweden
Civil Society & David Blunkett: Lawyers vs. Politicians
Civilizations of Nomadic & Sedentary Peoples of Central Asia [In English & Russian]
Class and Social Organization in Finland, Sweden and Norway
Classic Law of India
Classical Music of North India, Volume 1: The First Years of Study
Classrooms for Distance Teaching and Learning: A Blueprint
Cleanthes’ Hymn to Zeus: Text, Translation & Commentary
Client Participation in Community Residential Facilities in Mental Health Care
Climate Change
Clipped Microvascular Anastomosis
Clocks, DBMs & States in Timed Systems
Close Reading New Media: Analyzing Electronic Literature
Coefficient Inverse Problems for Parabolic Type Equations and Their Application
Coins of India, Volume I
Coins of the Indian Sultanates
Coins of the Sikhs, 2nd Edition
Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae
Coleoptera of "Evolution Canyon" Lower
Nahal Oren, Mount Carmel, Israel
Collaborative Strategies & Multi-organizational Partnerships
Collateral Damage or Unlawful Killings? The Amnesty International Report
Collective Identities in an Era of Transformation
Collective Reinterpretation in the Psalms: A Study of the Redaction History of the Psalter
Collusion & Resistance: Women Writing in English
Colonisation & Settlement of Cyprus: Investigations at Kissonerga-
Mylouthkia 1976-1996. Lemba Archaeological Project, Cyprus Volume III.1
Colour Guide to Dangerous Animals in the Asia-Pacific Region
Combating Social Exclusion Through Education
Commentary on Ovid Metamorphoses II
Commentary on the Apocalypse of St. John
Commercial Arbitration Under Chinese Law
Commodity Futures and International Market Stabilization
Common French Expressions & Idioms
Common Ownership
Communicating Justice Providing Legitimacy:
The Legal Practices of Swedish Administrative
Courts in Cases Regarding Sickness Cash Benefit
Communication, Life, Mega-Evolution
Communicative Competence in Persons with Profound Mental Retardation
Community & State in the Japanese Farm Village
Community, Law & Mission in Matthew's Gospel
Community Under Attack
Community Without Politics
Compact Constraints for Verification of Well Quasi-Ordered Programs
Companion to North Indian Classical Music
Companion to Samaritan Studies
Company Law: Scandinavian Studies in Law, Vol. 45
Comparative Etymological Studies in the Western Neo-Syriac (Turoyo) Lexicon
Comparative Planetology, Geological Education and History of Geosciences
Comparative Studies on Alcohol-related Problems in Postwar Western Europe
Compatibility of International and National Environmental Law
Competition Regulation the British Way
Competitiveness of the Singapore Economy
Complete English-Hebrew Dictionary, New Enlarged Edition [3 Volume Set]
Complete Hebrew-English Dictionary, New Enlarged Edition [2 Volume Set]
Complex Analysis and Differential Equations
Complex Motion Processing in the Human Cerebral
Cortex as Studied by Functional Imaging
Composite Type Equations and Inverse Problems
Comprehensive English-Russian Automotive Dictionary
Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary of Religious Terminology
Comprehensive English-Russian Scientific & Technical Dictionary [2 Volume Set]
Comprehensive History of Assam
Comprehensive Persian-English Dictionary
Comprehensive Russian-English Medical Dictionary, 3rd Edition
Computer Aided Text-Reconstruction and Transcription
Concept of Grace in the Radical Reformation
Concept of Russia: Patterns for Political
Development in the Russian Federation
Concept of Theft in Classical Hindu Law
Conceptions of Afterlife in Jewish Inscriptions
Concise Flora of Singapore
Concord and Peace
Condemning the Use of Force in the Gulf Crisis, 2nd Edition
Confessions of a Terrorist
Conflict and Cooperation in Managing Maritime Space in Semi-enclosed Seas
Conflict Resolution Theories in Practice:
Case of Bosnia & Lebanon Examined
Conflict Prevention: Methodology for Knowing the Unknown
Conflict Prevention through Development Co-operation
Conformal Symmetries & Constrained Critical Phenomena
Confucianism in Chinese Culture
Conodonts From the Guinutan Formation (Llanvirnian)
in Hubei and Hunan Provinces, South-central China
Conscience in Philo & Paul: A Conceptual History of the Synoida Word Group
Consequences and Management of Capital Inflows: Lessons for Sub-Saharan Africa
Conservation and the Countryside
Conservation Information System
Conservative Government's Economic Record, The: An End of Term Report
Conservator Urbis Suae
Consolidating Legal Reform in Central & Eastern Europe
Conspicuous Compassion: Why Sometimes it Really is Cruel to be Kind
Constantin Meunier: A Dialogue with Allan Sekula
Constitutionalism in Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania: A Study in Comparative Constitutional Law
Construction Industry
Construction of an Identity Discourse: Oriya Literature & the Jagannath Cult (1866-1936)
Consuls, Corsairs, & Commerce: The Swedish Consular Service & Long-Distance Shipping, 1720-1815
Contact Angle, Wettability & Adhesion, Vol. 2
Contact Angle, Wettability & Adhesion, Vol. 3
Containers, Containerships & Quay Cranes
Contemporary American Society, 5th Edition
Contemporary English-Russian Dictionary [CD-ROM Included]
Contemporary Lithospheric Motion in Seismic Geology
Contemporary Russian-English Law Dictionary
Contesting the Frontiers: Media & Dimensions of Identity
Context-Dependency of Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone
System Genes in Relation to Left Ventricular Structure
Continuity for Centuries: A Ceremonial Building & Its Context at Uppakra, Southern Sweden
Contra Iudaeos
Contraction in British Newspapers in the Late 20th Century
Contribution of British Writers Between 1560 and 1830
to the Interpretation of Revelation 13.16-18
Contributions to Circumpolar Studies
Contributions to Lichen Taxonomy & Biogeography
Contributions to Systematics & Biology of Beetles:
Papers Celebrating the 80th Birthday of Igor Konstantinovich Lopatin
Contributions to the Geology of Belgium & Northwest Europe
Contributions Towards a Dictionary of English Book Collectors
Controlling Weapons of Mass Destruction
Control of the External Environment of Buildings in Tropical Climates
Control of Nitrogen Removal in Activated Sludge Processes
Convention on the Rights of the Child, 3rd Edition
Converging World Views: The European Expansion &
Early-Nineteenth-Century Anglo-Swedish Contacts
Conversation with Harris & Seldon
Cooperatives Revisited
Co-Operatives That Work
Co-ordination, Co-operation, and Competition
Copper and Bronze Working in Early Through Middle Bronze Age Cyprus
Copper Production and Divine Protection
Coram Deo
Core & Periphery in Late Medieval Urban Society
Corporate Governance
Corporate Strategies to Internationalise the Cost of Capital
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 2
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 3
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 5
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 6
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 7
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 8
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 10
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 11
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 12
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 13
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 14
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 16
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 20
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 21
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 22
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 23
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 24
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities 25
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities, No. 26
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities, No. 27
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities, No. 28
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities, No. 29
Corpus of Cypriot Artefacts of the Early Bronze Age, Part I
Corpus of Cypriot Artefacts of the Early Bronze Age, Part II
Corpus of Cypriote Artefacts of the Early Bronze Age, Part III:1
Correspondance D'Erasme
Corrosion of Charity
Cosmic Christology in Paul & the Pauline School
Cost Too Far: An Analysis of the Net Economic
Costs and Benefits for the UK of EU Membership
Cost-effective Design & Operation of Variable Speed Wind Turbines:
Closing the Gap between the Control Engineering & the Wind Engineering Community
Countering Civil Rights
Crane: The Bird of Hope
Creating Bodies: Childbirth Practices in Pre-Modern Karelia
Creating Creation
Creating Spaces for Action
Creating Theatrical Dreams: A Taoist Approach to Molander's,
Bergman's & Wilson's Productions of Strindberg's A Dream Play
Creation & Christology
Creation & Composition: The Contribution of the Bavli Redactors (Stammaim) to the Aggada
Creation & Re-Creation in Jewish Thought
Crediting Marvels in Seamus Heaney's Seeing Things
Crime & Civil Society: Can We Become a More Law-Abiding People?
Crime Prevention the Sun Tzu Way
Crisis, Covenant & Creativity: Jewish Thoughts for a Complex World
Crisis in Korea
Critical Evaluation of Strategies for a Successful Termination of
Cardiopulmonary Bypass During Cardiac Surgery
Criticism and Ideology
Critique of Epistemological Reason
Croatia's Undersea World
Crocker Range: National Park Sabah, Vol. 1: Natural Ecosystem & Species Components
Crocker Range: National Park Sabah, Vol. 2: Socio-Cultural & Human Dimension
Cromwell & Communism: Socialism & Democracy in the Great English Revolution
Crone Library: Books on the Art of Navigation left by Dr. Ernst Crone to the
Scheepvaart Museum in 1975 and Books on the same subject acquired by the Museum previously
Crop Loan System and Overdues
Cross-Cultural Window on Consumer Behavior
Crossroads in Africa
Crust-Mantle Thermal Structures and Tectonothermal Evolution of the Tibetan Plateau
Crux of Election: Paul’s Critique of the Jewish Confidence in the Election of Israel
Crystal Habits of Minerals
C.S. Peirce Categories to Constantinople
Cuirass Tomb and Other Finds at Dendra, The, Part I
Cuirass Tomb and Other Finds at Dendra, The, Part II
Culex Pipiens Pipiens Mosquitoes
Cults of Apollo at Sparta
Cults, Myths, Oracles, and Politics in Ancient Greece
Cultura Baltica
Cultural & Historical Reserves in Bulgaria [In English & Bulgarian]
Cultural Contestations: Meditating Identities in a Changing Malaysian Society
Cultural Property Risk Analysis: Development & Application
to Preventive Conservation at the Canadian Museum of Nature
Culture, Religion & Spirituality in Coping
Cultural Rhythms in Emotions, Narratives & Dance
Culture Unbound
Current Developments in European Integration: Financial Services / Transport Policy
Current Situation in Cuba
Current State of Business Disciplines, 6 volumes
Current State of Economic Science, 5 volumes
Cutaneous Clues to Systemic Diseases
Cutting Edge of Socialism
Cutting the Costs of Crime
Cyberlaw & Its Implications
Cypriote Antiquities in the Medelhavsmuseet, Stockholm
Cypriote Archaeology in Göteborg
Cypriote Bronze Age Pottery Found in Egyp
Cypriote Pottery in New Zealand Collections
Cypriote Ships From the Bronze Age to C. 500 BC
Cypro-Aegean Relations in the Early Iron Age
Cypro-Geometric Pottery
Cytoplasmic Interaction of the Syndecans
Dairy Development Through Co-Operative
Dance, Music, Art and Religion
Dark Age Pottery of Messenia
Dark Lantern
Dark Times: Torture
Dasam Granth: The Second Scripture of the Sikhs
David Nyvall and the Shape of an Immigrant Church
Dawn of Indian Civilization Up to 600 BC
Dawn of the Written Vernacular in Western Europe [In English & French]
Day Care and Children's Development
Dead Sea New Jerusalem Text
Dealing with Flood Risk: Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Seminar
on the Regional Implications of Modern Flood Management
Dealing with Integration
Dealing With Integration, Volume 2
Dear Commissioner
Death in the Eastern Mediterranean (50 - 600 A.D.)
Death of Jesus
Death Rituals in South-East Scandinavia AD 800-1000: Decolonizing the Viking Age, Vol.2
Debating Pensions: Self-interest, Citizenship & the Common Good
Decentralization & Democratic Governance:
Experiences from India, Bolivia & South Africa
Deciphering the Meaning of Revealed Law
Decolonizing the Viking Age, Volume 1
Deeds and Misdeeds in Classical Art and Antiquities
Deep Seismic Studies In the Western Part of The Baltic Shield
Deep-Water Traction Current Deposits
Defending Malaysia: Facing the 21st Century
Deflationism: A Use-Theoretic Analysis of the Truth-Predicate
Deliciae Fictiles
Delphi and Olympia
Demand, Segmentation, & Rationing in the Rural Credit Markets of Puri, India
Democracy and Deep-Rooted Conflict
Democracy and Leadership
Democracy in Burkina Faso
Democracy in Guatemala
Democracy in Romania
Democracy in the Mines
Democracy, Legitimacy & the European Union
Democracy Reconsidered: The Prospects of its Theory and Practice
during Internationalisation – Britain, France, Sweden, and the EU
Democratic Governance in the Transition from
Yugoslav Self-Management to a Market Economy
Democratic Peace-Building and Conflict Prevention
Democratic Values and the Currency
Demographic Analysis of East Africa
Demonology and Witchcraft
Denationalisation of Money
Dentofacial Growth and Growth Hormone Treatment in
Short Children Born Small for Gestational Age
Depleted Uranium: Deadly, Dangerous & Indiscriminate
Derhetorizing Paul
Descent to the Chariot, The
Description of Ancient Greece
Descriptive Grammar of Dakkhini
Design & Characterization of a Chromosomal Vector for Transgenesis in Higher Eukaryotes
Design & Experimental Evaluation of Allergen-Derived Peptides
for Specific Immunotherapy of Allergic Diseases
Design Procedure & Predictive Models for Solution Crystallisation Processes
Designing Space-Time Codes Using Orthogonal Designs
Destroyer & the Lamb: The Relationship between Angelomorphic
and Lamb Christology in the Book of Revelation
Destruction of the Palace at Knossos
Destructive Preservation
Detection of Hepatitis C Virus-Core & Envelope (E2) Proteins in the Liver
Detente and Socialist Democracy
Deuteronomy & the Meaning of 'Monotheism'
Development and Evaluation of Controlled Release
Nasal Drug Delivery Systems of Apomorphine
Development and Evaluation of Solid Dispersions of the Antiviral Thiocarboxanilide UC-781
Development & Potentials of Ecotourism on Balkan Peninsula [3 Volume Set]
Development in the Early Buddhist Concept of Kamma/Karma
Development of Greek & the New Testament:
Morphology, Syntax, Phonology, & Textual Transmission
Development of Hindu Iconography
Development of Roof Revetment in the Peloponnese
Development Patterns in the Commonwealth Caribbean
Developmental Dynamics of Virgin Forest Reserves
in the Czech Republic, Volume 1 [with Map Inserts]
Developmental Neuropathology in Etiology and Pathogenesis of Human Malformations
Dialogue for Democratic Development
Dialogue in Pursuit of Development
Diaries of Rabbi Ha'im Yosef David Azulai
Diary of Travels & Adventures in Upper India, 2 Volumes
Diaspora & Identity: The Sociology of Culture in Southeast Asia
Dictionary of Basic Biblical Hebrew: Hebrew - English
Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms: with Sanskrit and English Equivalents & a Sanskrit-Pali Index
Dictionary of Foreign Words & Phrases
Dictionary of Hinduism:
Its Mythology, Folklore & Development 1500 BC - AD 1500
Dictionary of Medicinal Plants [Latin, English, German, Russian]
Dictionary of Old and Middle Chinese
Dictionary of Oriental Philosophy
Dictionary of the Pali Language
Diet of John the Baptist: "Locusts and Wild Honey" in Synoptic and Patristic Interpretation
Dietary Imbalances, Metabolism and Disease
Differential Diagnosis in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Dignity Beyond Death: The Jewish Preparation for Burial
Dilemma of Democracy
Dilemmas of Exile
Dimensions of Love: Jewish Foundations of Love & Marriage
Diminished Responsibility
Dionysos in Etruria. The Ivy Leaf Group
Diplopods of Serbia, Montenegro, & the Republic of Macedonia
Directory of Personal Names in the Indian History from the Earliest to 1947
Disabled People: Citizenship & Social Work
Disarming the New World Disorder
Discrete Alternating Current Regulators and Stabilizers
Displaced by Development
Displaced Literature: Images of Time and Space in Latvian
Novels Depicting the First Years of the Latvian Postwar Exile
Displacements of Deconstruction: The Deconstruction
of Metaphysics of Presence, Meaning, Subject & Method
Dissenting Opinion of Judge Ad Hoc Kreca in Genocide Case
Distance Education and the Training of Primary School Teachers in Tanzania
Distributed Problem-Based Learning: Studies of a Pedagogical Model in Practice
Distribution & Phytocoenology of Selected Woody Species of North Korea (D.P.R.K.)
Distributional Atlas and Catalogue of the Leaf Beetles of Bulgaria (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Diversified Future
Diversity in Pre-Exilic Hebrew
Divine Judgement and Divine Benevolence
Divine Providence in Philo of Alexandria
Divine Revelation and Divine Titles in Pentateuchal Targumim
Do We Need Mass Immigration?:
The Economic, Demographic, Environmental, Social & Developmental
Arguments Against Large-Scale Net Immigration to Britain
Docto Peregrino
Doctors in the East: Where West Meets East
Doctrine of Liberation in Indian Religion
Dodonæus in Japan
Does Advertising Increase Smoking?
Does Schooling Make Sense?: A Household Perspective on the Returns
to Schooling for Self-Employed, Farmers & Employees in Egypt
Does the Past Have a Future?
Does the West Know Best?
Dolssor Conina
Domain Structure & Function of Nucleotide Pyrophosphatases/ Phosphodiesterases (NPPs)
Domenico Bollani, Bishop of Brescia
Domestic Environment & Lifestyle Determinants of Asthma in Palestinian Children
Domination or Dialogue?
Down to Earth
Down to Earth II
Dr. Johnson's Printer
Drapery Production in the Late Medieval Low Countries
Drug Eluting Stents: Anti-Inflammatory Approach
to Prevent Restenosis After Stent Implantation
Duodenal Calcium Absorption & Steroid Hormones
Durga Rahasya
Dutch Diamond?
Dutch Language Press in America
Dutch Printer's Devices 15th-17th Century
Dutch-American Bibliography 1693-1794
Dynamic Detective
Dynamics of European Nuclear Disarmament
Dynamics of Parenting
Dynamo or Dynamite: Cambodia's Future in Asean
Early Bronze Age 2 in the Aegean
Early Bronze Age Burial Habits in the Cyclades
Early Buddhism & its Origins
Early Christian Authors on Samaritans & Samaritanism
Early Christians in Ephesus from Paul to Ignatius
Early Greek Cult Practice
Early Helladic Architecture and Urbanization
Early History of the Swedish Avifauna:
A Review of the Subfossil Record & Early Written Sources
Early Minoan Tombs of Lebena, Southern Crete
Early Pottery in Greece
Early Prehistoric Burials in Cyprus
Early Printed Editions of Aeschylus (1518-1664)
Early Rome IV
Early Rome V
Early Rome VI
Early Sanctuary of Athena Alea at Tegea
East African Bugs
East Pediment of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia
EC State Aid Rules Applied to Taxes
Echoing Texts: George Chapman's Conspiracy & Tragedy of Charles Duke of Byron
Ecofeminism & Environmental Ethics: An Analysis of Ecofeminist Ethical Theory
Ecological Aspects of Polymer Flame Retardancy
Ecological Specificity of Amphibian Populations:
Advances in Amphibian Research in the Former Soviet Union, Vol. 7
Ecology of the City of Sofia: Species & Communities in an Urban Environment
Economic & Social Changes in Czech Society After 1989
Economic Con-Game: Development: Fact or Fiction
Economic Crises in Malaysia
Economic Development of Burma
Economic Fallacies Exposed
Economic Growth, Energy Consumption
& CO2 Emissions in Sweden 1800-2000
Economic History of the Balkan Counties
Economic Interests vs. Political Interventions
Economic Nationalism and Industrial Growth State and Industry in Estonia 1934-39
Economic Science Before the Challenges of the XXI Century, [2 Volume Set]
Economics & Law: Russian-English Dictionary
Economics of Cult in the Ancient Greek World
Economics of Information Technology & the Media
Economics of Interfirm Networks
Economics of the Caribbean
Economics of Transport
Economy, Geography, and Provincial History in Later Roman Palestine
Edicts of Asoka
Education for Citizenship
Education for Peace
Education in Multicultural Societies: Perspectives on Education in Malaysia
Education, Labor Force Participation & Changing Fertility Patterns:
A Study of Women & Socioeconomic Change in Twentieth Century Sweden
Education Without the State
Eduction Concept of Earth's Expansion: Main Grounds,
Space-Geodetic and Paleomagnetic Evidence, Metallogenic Consequences
Educational Research in Europe
Effect of Calcium Channel Blockers on the Incidence of Restenosis after
Coronary Balloon Angioplasty & on the Progression of Coronary Artery Disease
Effect of Tamoxifen on the Uterus in Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Patients
Effect of Testosterone on Craniofacial Growth in the Human and the Rat
Effective Staff Development
Effects of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 & Analogues on UVB-Irradiated Human Keratinocytes
Effects of Clearfelling, Slash Removal and Prescribed Burning
on Amounts of Plant Nutrients in Biomass and Soil
Effects of Cytokines & Intestinal Inflammation on Enteric
Neuronal Behavior & Neurotransmitter Release
Effects of Exercise Training & Acute Exacerbations on Muscle
Function in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Effects of Left Ventricular Dysfunction on Respiratory
and Limb Muscles in Different Animal Models
Effects of Melanocortins and N-Terminal Proopiomelanocortin
on Cardiovascular Function and Autonomic Dynamics
Effects of Planned Change on Estonian Morphology
Efficient Implementation of Concurrent Programming Languages
Efficient Partitioning of Dynamic Structured Grid Hierarchies
Egyptian Historical Inscriptions of the Nineteenth Dynasty
Egyptian Historical Inscriptions of the Twentieth Dynasty
Elateridae of the Czech and Slovak Republics
Elder Care Policies in China
Election Law of Bosnia & Herzegovina [In English & Bosnian]
\ Electrochromism in Nickel-Based Oxides
Electromagnetic Wave Diffraction by Conducting Screens:
Pseudodifferential Operators in Diffraction Problems
Electrophysiological Studies of CFTR Function
Element -Stow in the History of English
Elements of the Theory of Inverse Problems
Elephants and Ivory
Eleven-Headed Avalokitesvara
Eleventh Hour for Europe
Emancipation's Dead-End Roads?
Studies in the Formation and Development of the
Hungarian Model for Agriculture and Gender
Embodied Rituals & Ritualized Bodies [Includes CD ROM]:
Tracing Ritual Practices in Late Mesolithic Burials
Embracing Change
Empire No More! …the Lion and Wolf Shall Cease
Empire Resounds
Employees & the Law
Employment Tribunals: Their Growth & the Case for Radical Reform
Employment, Unemployment, Marginalization
Enabling Interaction & Quality: Beyond the Hanseatic League
Encounter with Buddhism: A Study of the Evolution of Buddhist Thought
Encyclopedia Judaica, 2nd edition, 2006, 22 volume set
Encyclopedia of Indian Archaeology
End of Macro-Economics
Endohelminth Fauna of Barbel, Barbus barbus (L.),
Under Ecological Conditions of the Danube Basin in Central Europe
Energy and Mineral Resources for the 21st Century:
Geology of Mineral Deposits and Mineral Economics
End to Welfare Rights
Ending Dependency
Endoscopic Feto-Placental Surgery: From Animal Experiments
to Early Human Applications
Engineering Geology
England & the Need for Nations, 2nd edition
England vs. Scotland: Does More Money Mean Better Health?
English Complex Prepositions of the Type in Spite
of & Analogous Sequences [In English & Czech]
English for Sale: A Study of the Language of Advertising
English in Spoken Swedish
English-Bulgarian Dictionary
English-Bulgarian Dictionary (Colibri Publisher)
English-Bulgarian Dictionary [2 Volume Set]
English-Bulgarian Dictionary, Millennium Edition
English-Bulgarian Dictionary of English Idioms
English-Bulgarian Military Dictionary
English-Bulgarian Study Dictionary
English-Russian & Russian-English Automobile Dictionary, 5th Ed.
English-Russian & Russian-English Dictionary of Forestry & Forest Industries
English-Russian & Russian-English Dictionary of Viticulture, Wine & Spirits
English-Russian & Russian English Medical Dictionary
English-Russian Dictionary of Abbreviations in Computer Technologies
English-Russian Dictionary of Abbreviations in Telecommunications
English-Russian Dictionary of Advertising & Marketing
English-Russian Dictionary of Chemistry & Chemical Technology
English-Russian Dictionary of Economics & Law
English-Russian Dictionary of Electrical & Power Engineering, 4th Ed.
English-Russian Dictionary of Energy, 2 Volumes
English-Russian Dictionary of Food Industry, 5th Edition
English-Russian Dictionary of Geology
English-Russian Dictionary of Optics
English-Russian Dictionary of Patents & Trademarks, 4th Revised & Enlarged Edition
English-Russian Dictionary of Petroleum Chemistry & Processing
English-Russian Dictionary of Politics
English-Russian Dictionary of Psychology, 3rd Edition
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English-Russian Dictionary on Aircraft Equipment & Onboard Systems [2 Volume Set]
English-Russian Dictionary on Computer Systems & Information Technologies
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English-Russian Law Dictionary
English-Russian Medical Dictionary
English-Russian Metallurgical Dictionary, 4th Edition
English-Serbian & Serbian-English Dictionary
English-Serbian & Serbian-English Dictionary & Grammar
English-Serbian & Serbian-English Dictionary of Economics
English-Serbian Illustrated Dictionary
English-Serb - Serbian-English Diplomatic Dictionary
Enhancing Health Among Drug Users in Prison
Enhancing Work Resumption of Patients on Sub-Acute Sickness Absence
Enlightening the Listener
Enmity in Cornith
Enoch-Metatron Tradition: Texts & Studies in Ancient Judaism, No. 107
Entering the Kingdom of Heaven
Entertaining on the Jewish Holidays
EnviroMT - A New Controlled Source/Radio Magnetotelluric System
Environment & Conflict: Analysing the Developing World
Environment of the Kyrgyz Republic: Statistical Compendium
Environmental Education
Environmental Geology
Environmental Management in Southeast Asia
Environmental Regulation of Fetal Mineralization
Environmental Trap: The Ganges River Diversion,
Bangladeshi Migration & Conflicts in India
Envisioning American Women
Ephemeroptera of South America
Aquatic Biodiversity of Latin America, Volume 2
Epidemic Versus Sporadic MRSA: Relative Importance in an
Endemic Situation and Relationship to Nasal Adherence
Epidemiological Study of Possible Health Effects Due to Passive Asbestos Exposure
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& Ecology: A Case Study from Slovenia (Europe)
Epistle of Barnabas
Epistle of Barnabas & Deuteronomic Tradition:
Polemics, Paraenesis, & the Legacy of the Golden-Calf Incident
Epithelial & Stromal Cultures of the Human Prostrate
Epochs & Styles: Selected Writings on the New Testament,
Greek Language & Greek Culture in the Post-Classical Era
Equal Opportunity or More Opportunity?
Equality Lost: Essays in Torah Commentary, Halacha, & Jewish Thought
Erasmus and His Catholic Critics
Erasmus Grandescens
Erasmus in the Nederlands to 1617
Ergodic Theorems and Related Problems
Erik XIV: Oratio de Iniusto Bello Regis Daniae
anno 1563 contra Regem Sueciae Ericum 14 Gesto
Eros, Logos, and (Fictional) Masculinity
Erotic Pathos, Rhetorical Pleasure
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Erotopaegnion, a trifling book of love, of Girolamo Angeriano
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Eschatology in the Greek Psalter
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Essay on Thomas Reid's Philosophy of Science
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Essays in Zen Buddhism: Second Series
Essays in Zen Buddhism: Third Series
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Etienne Fourmont (1683-1745)
Oriental & Chinese Languages in Eighteenth-Century France
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A Study on Genetic, Hormonal & Ethnic Factors
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Europe's Welfare Burden: The Case for Reform
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Evaluation of a Preventative Program in Young Children
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Evaluation of Information in Longitudinal Data
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Evocatio Deorum
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Evolution of Early Karst Aquifiers
Evolution of Ethiopian Absolutism
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Evolution of Karst: From Prekarst to Cessation
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Evolution of Shrews
Evolution of the Amphibian Skull: Advances in Amphibian Research in the Former Soviet Union, Vol. 9
Excavations at Aigion -- 1970
Excavations at Helgo XV: Weapon Investigations, Helgo and the Swedish Hinterland
Excavations at Helgo XVI: Exotic and Sacral Finds from Helgo
Excavations at Kalopsidha and Ayios Iakovos in Cyprus
Excavations on the Acropolis of Midea:
Results of the Greek-Swedish Excavations, Vol. I
Exchange of Cotton
Excluding for Inclusion? Negotiating School Careers & Identities in Pupil Welfare Settings in the Swedish School
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Exegetical Writings
Expecting Miracles: Finding Meaning & Spirituality in Pregnancy Through Judaism
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Circulation Boiling Water Reactor Dynamics
Experimental Evaluation of the Host Immune Response to
Xenogenic Bio-Derived Collagen Grafts in Rodent Models
Experimental Investigation of the Pulmonary
Toxicity of Polyvinyl Chloride Particles
Experimental Research on Radiofrequency Tissue Ablation
as an Alternative in Cancer Therapy
Experimental Studies of Neutron Emission Induced by Heavy-Ion Scattering
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Central Nervous System of Transgenic Mice
Expression of the Alpha-2-Macroglobulin Receptor System
and the Amyloid Precursor Protein Family
in Embryos and in Adult Brain of Wild Type and Transgenic Mice
Expressions of Future in Present-Day English: A Corpus-based Approach
Expressions of Politeness and Gratitude: Towards a General Theory
Extending the Tracks
Extinctive Prescription and Applicable Law in Interstate Arbitration
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy in Chronic Achilles & Patellar Tendinopathy
Eyes to See: Recovering Ethical Torah Principles Lost in the Holocaust
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in Leiden, 1603-1657. A Bibliography of his Publications. With CD-ROM
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Faith, Obedience, and Perseverance
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Family (1998)
Family Policy, Family Changes: Sweden, Italy & Britain Compared
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Fascinating Insects: Some Aspects of Insect Life
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Female Reader at the Round Table
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Fire in Our Hearts
Fire Resistant & Thermally Stable Materials Derived from Chlorinated Polyethylene
First International Congress on Adhesion Science and Technology
First Results of 1999 Total Eclipse Observations
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Commission for Ethnological Food Research
Food Insecurity & Coping Strategies in Semiarid Areas
Food Offered to Idols in Roman Corinth
Food, Poverty & Power
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For Games or For Gods?: An Investigation of Minoan Cup-Holes
Forces by Which We Live: Religion & Religious Experience
from the Perspective of a Pragmatic Philosophical Anthropology
Forces of Tradition, The Vol. 1
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Form, Function, and Historical Significance of the
Rabbinic Story in Yerushalmi Neziqin
Formation of the Early Church
Forms of Knowledge & Sensibility: Ernst Cassirer & the Human Sciences
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Hegemony of Syracuse, 405-211 BC
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Framing a Vision of the World
François de Rougemont, S.J., Missionary in Ch'ang-shu (Chiang-nan)
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Full Employment - A European Appeal
Full Employment for Europe
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Function and Regulation of Nucleotide
Pyrophosphates/Phosphodiesterases in Rat Liver
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Function of the "Minoan Villa"
Functional Anatomy of Visual Processing in the Cerebral Cortex of the Macaque
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies of
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Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Animal Cell Cultivation
Fundamentals of Electroweak Theory
Funerary Portraiture of Roman Palestine
Fur and Freedom
Future of Cultural Studies
Future of Orthodontics
Future of Technology
Future of the European Union in the Light of the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference