Bilateral Shipping & Trade
Swedish-Finnish Experiences in the Post-War Period
By Lars Fredrik Andersson
Umea Studies in Economic History, No. 33
December 2005
Almqvist & Wiksell
ISBN: 9173058742
180 pages, 6 ½”x 9 ½”
$167.50 Paper OriginalOUT OF PRINT
This thesis explores the bilateral shipping and trade between Finland and Sweden during the post-war period. It comprises five articles and one introductory chapter for which the common point of departure is the growth and transformation of bilateral trade and shipping. The first two articles analyze the structural change of bilateral trade from a national and regional perspective. The three following articles provide an overview and analysis of the ferry shipping.
By integrating the perspective in these articles in the introductory chapter and by providing a long historical record, the change of economic relations between Finland and Sweden in the post-war period is discerned. The main conclusion of this thesis is that the convergence of incomes and economic structure had a significant impact on bilateral trade and ferry shipping. In addition the process of economic integration, technological advances together with specific policies issued on shipping also contributed to strengthen the economic ties between Finland and Sweden.
Economic History
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