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Biodiversity of Shabla Lake System

Edited by V.G. Golemansky & W.T. Naidenov
December 1998
Academic Publishing House
ISBN: 954-436-545-9
147 pages, illustrated
$54.50 paper original

A collection of papers based on original investigation of a well-known wetland based in Northeastern Bulgaria, a territory being under protection of international importance in the sense of the Ramsar Convention. Contains data on several animal groups, in first line invertebrates, richly illustrated by tables, graphs and maps.

Contents: Preface * The Shabla lake system * Water chemistry of the coastal lakes Shabla and Ezerets (Northeastern Bulgaria) during the period 1992-1994 * Phytocoenological investigations of the Shabla-Ezerets water basin * Struktur und Horizontalverbreitung des Zooplanktons in zwei Kuestenseen am Schwarzen Meer in Nordostbulgarien (Shabla-See und Ezerez-See). * Testate amoebe (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) of the coastal lakes Shabla and Ezerets with a description of Pentagonia shablensis sp.n. * The zoobenthos from the lakes Shabla and Ezerets * Alteration of the ichtiophauna * On the role of zooplankton in the feeding of some numerous fish species * On the trophic state and some relations between phytoplankton * The birds of the Shabla and Ezerets * Perspectives for control and administration.


Biology; Ecology