Book of Hours of Johannete
Ravenelle & the Parisian Book
Illumination around 1400By Eva Lindqvist Sandgren
June 2002
Uppsala University Press
ISBN: 9155452078
167 pages, illustrated; 8.5" x 11.25"
$62.50 hardcover
This book aims to discern the production of one particular illuminator-the Ravenelle Painter-named after the book of hours in Uppsala that bears the owner's name. The study of the extant work of a single artist can by itself be a significant task to undertake, but given that many players participated in medieval book production, there is reason to widen the perspective in certain areas.
Since several illuminators often contributed to the same work, it is even relevant to study the closest circle of illuminator-colleagues. Therefore, the author discusses certain elements of the conditions of book production in Paris circa 1400, which aid in ascertaining the collaboration between an artist and his nearest associates. This study will cover a defined oeuvre of the Ravenelle Painter, his professional milieu, and certain aspects of the working conditions of contemporary illuminators.
Art History
Figura Nova Series, No. 28
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