Building Regulations in Europe
Part I: A Comparison of the Systems of
Building Control in Eight European Countries
By F.M. Meijer, et al.
February 2003
Delft University Press
ISBN: 90-407-2373-7
188 pages, 6 1/2" x 9 1/2"
$47.50 Paper Original
The protection of safety and health of their citizens is a major reason for governments to draw up regulations for the built environment. In the course of time other points of departure, such as utility, energy economy, sustainability and economic motives have come to play a part. For these subjects technical requirements are formulated and the procedures for checking building plans against the requirements and issuing the building permits have been laid down in laws. In search for ingredients for a uniform system of building control in Europe, Delft Technical University and the University of Liverpool carried out an international research project into the systems of technical requirements in the Netherlands, England, France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Belgium & Denmark resulted in two books: 'Building regulations in Europe. Part I, A comparison of the systems of building control in eight European countries'.
Housing & Urban Policy Studies No. 23
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