Bulgarians: Civilizers of the Slavs

By Bojidar Dimitrov
Translated by Marjorie Hall Pojarlieva
December 1995
Borina Publishing House
ISBN: 954-500-033-3
107 pages, illustrated
$44.50 paper original

For years on end Europe had only one canonically recognized patron saint - Saint Benedict. In 1979 Pope John Paul II proclaimed the creators of the Slavonic alphabet, the Bulgarians Cyril and Methodius, to be also patron saints of Europe.

This came as the greatest symbolic recognition of the Bulgarian people's contributions to the buildup of European civilization, contributions which are outlined in this richly-illustrated text.

Contents include: Introduction. The Slav. The Bulgarians. Khan Asparuh - in search of a new homeland. The establishment of the Bulgarian state. The evangelization of Bulgaria. The Old Bulgarian Script. What the Slavs read in the Middle Ages. Historical Sources.


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