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Charge Transport in Polydiacetylenes
By Romano J.O.M. Hoofman
December 2000
Delft University Press
ISBN: 90-407-2118-1
152 pages, illustrated
$54.00 paper originalOUT OF PRINT
This Ph.D. thesis presents results of charge transport studies in polydiacetylene crystals and polydiacetylenes in solution. Contents include: Conjugated Polymers and their Applications. Structural and Conductive Properties of Polydiacetylenes: A literature overview. Time-Resolved Microwave Conductivity Technique. Radiation-induced In-situ Polymerization of Diacetylenes. Charge Carrier Mobility and Decay in Polydiacetylenes. Anisotropic Charge Transport in Polydiacetylene Single Crystals. Photoconductivity of Isolated Polydiacetylene Chains in Solution. Polymers