Complex Motion Processing
in the Human Cerebral Cortex
as Studied by Functional Imaging
By Hendrik Peuskens
September 2004
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 9058674053
132 pages, Illustrated, 6 ¼" x 9 ½"
$125.00 Paper Original
This is a Ph.D. dissertation. Perceiving motion is a vital part of visual perception. From an evolutional point of view, motion detection was essential for survival of individuals in a continuously changing environment in which prey and predator struggle to stay on top. In most animals relying on their visual system however, motion processing ability has evolved from a simple detection tool to a fine-tuned instrument involved in recognizing actions and objects, in reconstructing the visual space and in guiding eye movements, self-motion and grasping. As such, complex motion is a pervasive feature of normal, everyday life visual perception.
Contents include: Introduction, Human brain regions involved in heading estimation, Human superior temporal sulcus motion region processes actions portrayed in biological motion stimuli, Extracting 3D form from motion: differences in human and monkey parietal cortex, Attention to 3D shape, 3D motion and texture in 3D structure from motion displays, Conclusions and perspectives.
Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia No. 324
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