Carvaka - Lokayata
An Anthology of Source Materials & Some Recent Studies
By Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya & M.K. Gangopadhyaya
August 2006
Munshiram Manoharlal - Indian Council of Philosophical Research
ISBN: 8185636117
558 pages, 5 3/4 x 8 3/4"
$49.50 Hardcover
The ancient Indian materialistic thought system known as Carvaka or Lokayata formed a most impressive intellectual and doctrinal sect outside the Vedic fold. It stood its ground, despite persecution from orthodoxy, and left a powerful impress on the corpus of Indian lietarture from the Vedas to the Upanisads and later.
In this anthology, virtually all of the available materials on Carvaka and Lokayata have been methodically arranged. The material is divided into three sections, the first providing the text from traditional sources; the second being devoted to modern studies on the system; and the thrid offering a
critical survey. The English rendering closely follows the original text.
History of Thought
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