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Church Politics in Seventeenth-Century Rome
Cardinal Decio Azzolino, Queen Christina of Sweden, and the Squadrone Volante
By Marie-Louise Rodén
December 2000
Almqvist & Wiksell International
ISBN: 91-22-01838-7
327 Pages, Illustrated
$75.00 Cloth
This book highlights the career of Cardinal Decio Azzolino of Fermo, one of the most influential figures in the papal administration of his day. He was active within the Secretariat of State, eventually heading this department in the late 1660s. He was also the leader of a faction in the College of Cardinals which promoted the political neutrality of the Papacy. Queen Christina of Sweden was the royal patron of his faction. This biography traces the major phases of Azzolino's career while seeking to describe the role and influence of the Roman cardinals. Illustrated.
Religious history
Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Studies in History, No. 60