Combating Social Exclusion
Through Education
Edited By Guido Walraven, Carl Persons, et al.
December 2000
ISBN: 90-441-1062-4
399 pages, illustrated
$57.50 paper original
Social exclusion is not a recent phenomenon: it can be traced back through ages of human history. It took until the building of post-1945 welfare states, however, to find a place in more systematic government policies. Education was acclaimed as a means of involving and including youngsters and adults in society.
In the last two decades researchers have discussed what was called 'modern poverty,' poverty and social exclusion within the richest countries of the world. More recently, the debate on the balance between state and market was intensified. Civil society has been brought in the discussion as well, and at some point a 'third way' emerged as a new solution.
This book aims to make a contribution to the current discussion on the role of the state and other actors in combating social exclusion through education. The authors try to bridge the gaps between research, policy and practice. They do so by evaluating policies designed to combat social exclusion and specific educational programs designed to achieve that same aim, and to identify what might be called 'best practices.'
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