Consequences of the Chernobyl Catastrophe:
Environmental Health

Edited by V.M. Zakharov and E.Yu.Krysanov
December 1996
Center for Russian Environmental Policy
ISBN: 5-88587-020-9
160 pages, illustrated
$68.00 paper original

Contents: Chernobyl and environmental health. The problem of assessing the consequences of the Chernboyl catastrophe for the environmental health. General description of the studied area. Methodology of assessing health of the environment. Assessment of environmental health at sites with different levels of radioactive pollution. Changes in the environmental health under radioactive influence. Other approaches to assessing the consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe: Radioactive pollution and radiation state in western regions of Bryansk Oblast. Genetic consequences of radioactive pollution of the environment caused by the Chernobyl accident for plants' populations. Genetic monitoring of populations of house mice from regions polluted by radionuclides. Parasitological study of rodents. References. Contributors.

Environmental Science

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