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Conversion, Can We Really Disarm (ENDpapers Twenty)

Edited By Michael Barratt Brown
November 1989
ISBN: 0-85124-516-1
120 pages, 5 7/8 x 8 ¼"
$19.95 paper original

The ideas and proposals contained in this first collection of papers arising from the joint working party on Arms Conversion of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation and the Soviet Peace Committee received a first airing at the European Nuclear Disarmament Convention in Vitoria, Spain in July 1989. One workshop at the convention was devoted specifically to their consideration and in two other workshops they were the main theme of discussion. It soon became clear that the problems of arms conversion occupied a central place in the thinking of peace activists from many countries. Experiences of arms conversion projects were reported from France, India, Italy, Hungary, West Germany, Span, Sweden, the United States, as well as from the United Kingdom and the USSR.

Spokesman No. 58