Design Philosophy of Concrete
Linings for Tunnels in Soft Soils

By Cornelis Blom
December 2002
Delft University Press
ISBN: 90-407-2366-4
212 pages, Illustrated, 6 ½ x 9 ½"
$74.00 paper original


Contents of this Doctoral Dissertation include: Jack force introduction in the lining, Objective of the masonry layout of the segmented lining, Quality loss by cracking, Tolerances of the sizes of the segments, The objective to clarify the assembly of the lining, Deformations due to rotation in longitudinal joints, coupled rings and elastic soil continuum, the Non-linear rotational stiffness of the longitudinal joints, Strategy for calculating with non-linearity in longitudinal joints, Segmented lining models in soil, Comparison of full-scale tests with analytical solutions, Measurements and calculations of assembling stresses at the BRT and the SHT, Observation of the assembly of the lining, Examples of the additional damage mechanisms, and Design Philosophy.

Civil Engineering

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