Designing Space-Time Codes Using Orthogonal Designs
A Student's Textbook
By Girish Ganesan
November 2002
Uppsala University Press
ISBN: 91-554-5369-4
151 pages, Illustrated, 6 1/2" x 9 1/2"
$44.00 Paper Original
This thesis deals with coding schemes for systems with multiple transmit antennas. The problem of finding optimal transmission schemes for the case when the transmitter known the channel and the case when the transmitter does not know the channel is considered. Also considered is the case when some partial feedback is possible from the transmitter to the receiver. Contents of this doctoral dissertation include: utilizing space-time diversity for wireless communications, space-time diversity using orthogonal and amicable orthogonal designs, achieving optimum coded diversity with scalar codes, differential detection based on space-time block codes, orthogonal space-time block codes with feedback, constructing space-time trellis codes using orthogonal designs.
Electrical Engineering
Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science & Technology, No. 41
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