Development of Hindu Iconography
The Vedas, the Upanisads & the Bhagavadgita:
A Reinterpretation & Critical Appraisal

By Jitendra Nath Banerjea
September 2002
Reprinted from the second and enlarged 1956 Edition
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers
ISBN: 81-215-0069-9
738 pages, Illustrated, 6 1/2" x 9 3/4"
$77.50 hardcover

Hindu Iconography reflects fully the Hindu mind in its religious and social aspects. Its study enables one to understand the mysterious India in the varied facets of her life and culture. Iconography means not merely the mechanical description and identification of an image, but also a study of the various processes, mental and social, which lead to the growth of a cult or of a particular iconic type.

The present book by a reputed Indian specialist views the subject of the Hindu Iconography from the evolutionary standpoint and can claim to be a pioneer and authoritative work in this respect. The author has carefully marshaled all kinds of data - literary, epigraphic, numismatic, glyphic and sculptural - and presents his materials and different problems in a systematic manner so as to build up a logical and coherent picture of Hindu Iconography in its wide and varied scope.

A special feature of the book lies in a discussion of early iconographic types even before the systematization of this branch of knowledge in the ancient Hindu texts. First published in 1941, the present edition has been completely revised and enlarged so as to serve as the most authoritative guide and reference work on this interesting subject.

Hinduism, Archaeology

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