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Dynamics in Classical and Complex Fluids Studied by Neutron Scattering

By Barry Mos
December 2000
Delft University Press
ISBN: 90-407-2123-4
145 pages, illustrated
$54.00 paper original


This Ph.D. thesis discusses the dynamics of two extremes in fluids: classical monoatomic argon liquids and liquid polymer electrolytes. Contents include: The binary collision term of argon. Brillouin scattering in liquid argon. Theory of polymers. Experimental techniques and earlier experimental results on polymers and polymer electrolytes. Measurements on PEO-LiI and PEO-NaI. Conclusion. Three appendixes: The intermediate incoherent scattering function according to Rouse. Sample preparation, sample chambers and sample characterization. MD simulation on PEO and PEO-NaI.
