Dawn of the Written Vernacular in Western Europe
[In English & French]
Edited By Michele Goyens & Werner Verbeke
October 2003
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 90-5867-286-7
498 pages, Illustrated, 6 1/2" x 9 1/2"
$115.00 Paper Original
Contents include: The Latin Language as a Standard and its Relation to the Vernacular, "Latin and the Vernaculars in the Charters of the Low Countries" by Godfried Croenen, The Dawn of the Vernacular Languages, "Standardization and Linguistic Norms in the Vernacular Languages" by Marijke der Wal, "Linguistic Interpretation of Spelling Variation and Spelling Conventions on the Basis of Charters in Middle Dutch and Old French: Methodological Aspects and Three Illustrations" by Pieter Van Reenen & Maaike Mulder, "A Sociophilological Approach to the Earliest Romance Texts" by Roger Wright, Variation and Standardization in the Romance Area, The Linguistic Situation on the British Islands, "The Status and Development of the Vernacular in Early Medieval Ireland" by Doris Edel, "Anglo-Norman: Past and Future" by Anthony Hunt, Variation and Standardization in the Germanic Area, "Geographical Differentiation in the Dutch Language Area during the Middle Ages" by Jacques Van Keymeulen, and Closing Statements.
Language Studies
Mediaevalia Lovaniensia Series I / Studia XXXIII
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