Design of Multimodal Transport Networks
A Hierarchical Approach
By Rob van Nes
December 2002
Delft University Press
ISBN: 90-407-2314-1
301 pages, Illustrated, 6 ½ x 9 ½"
$74.00 paper original
This doctoral dissertation investigates the consequences of multimodal traveling for designing multimodal transport networks. It describes the characteristics of multimodal travel today and assesses its future potential. The analysis focuses on the way transport networks are organized in hierarchical network structures and determines the main mechanisms leading to these hierarchical network structures. Furthermore, an analysis is made of the role in a multimodal transport system of transport services other than private transport or public transport. The results provide new insights into the mechanisms determining hierarchical transport network structures. They show the potential impact of multimodal transport especially on the capacity requirements for public transport, and they show the possible roles of the various transport services that may be a part of a multimodal transport system.
TRAIL-Thesis Series, Vol. 5
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