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Development and Evaluation of Solid Dispersions
of the Antiviral Thiocarboxanilide UC-781By Festo Rwihura Damian
December 2001
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 90-5867-174-7
146 pages, illustrated
$63.50 paper original
Contents: General Introduction to HIV Therapy and Solid Dispersions. HIV therapy: general aspects. Approaches to improve the dissolution properties of insoluble compounds. Solid dispersions. References. Aim and objectives of the study. Thermal stability of UC-781 and stability of its glass. Physiochemical characterization of solid dispersions prepared by the melting method. Physiochemical characterization of solid dispersions prepared by the solvent method. Physical stability of solid dispersions. Stability of UC-781, in intestinal mucosal homogenates of the rat, rabbit, and pig. General conclusions and future prospects. Summary. Samenvatting.Medical Science; Pathology
Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia, No. 246