Dialogue in Pursuit of Development

By Jan Olsson & Lennart Wohlgemuth
December 2003
Almqvist & Wiksell International
ISBN: 91-7496-309-0
328 pages, Illustrated, 6 ½" x 9 ½"
$77.50 Paper Original


Dialogue is often considered to be the hub of international relations, not the least in development co-operation. However, it is extremely difficult to achieve dialogue, in its true sense, between partners in development. Its efficiency is severely constrained due to the asymmetry in financial and human resources and knowledge. Dialogue in development co-operation is in that respect not an interaction between equals. How to overcome such constraints is a challenge for all actors involved and the main line of inquiry in this study. More than twenty practitioners with long experience of working with development co-operation present personal reflections and ideas about the concept and process of dialogue.

Expert Group on Development Issues 2003:2

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