Die Freude im Lukasevangelium
Wissenchaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neun Testament 2. Vol. 322
By Anke Inselmann
June 2012
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed by
ISBN: 9783161503139
491 pages
$179.50 Paper original
The Gospel of Luke promises a "great joy". This affect is the leitmotif in any other early Christian testimony. Many intratextual references show that the author pursues a reflective approach. Anke Inselmann will examine how an understanding of the joy in the course of the narrative unfolds and defined. Based on a historical-critical and literary analysis of ancient and modern theories of emotion psychology emotion are involved in the exegesis. It is clear that the Gospel of Luke wants to teach with different models for the control of emotions. The author aims for a joy that is stable, controlled and cognitively connected with the immediate consequences of behavior. It is not subject to the philosophical ways, but also ordinary people attributed to the Christian community. Lukas This promotes an attractive environment for his Christianity, which is characterized by joy.
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