Die heiligen Propheten eure Apostel und ich
[In German]

By Martin G. Ruf
February 2011
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9783161505928
702 pages
$197.50 Paper original

Of all New Testament writings, the Second Letter of Peter bears the most explicit witness to the varied literary activity of Early Christianity and most expressly reflects on its use of Scripture as prophecy. The present work applies itself to this metatextual character of the Second Letter of Peter in a comprehensive study on the whole of its text comprising direct metatextual remarks as well as implicit statements on other writings. The main question is: Which place does the Second Letter of Peter attribute to the writings of his textual world and where does he locate himself within this world? As a result, it will appear that on the one hand, Second Peter sees himself as a piece of auxiliary literature hinting at and explaining how to read the authoritative writings, while on the other hand he strives to be ranged among them.


Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 2 / No. 300


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