Durga Rahasya
A Key to the Eternal FeminineBy Som Ranchan
November 2001
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Ltd
ISBN: 81-215-1035-X
102 pages
$29.50 hardcover
This book offers an interpretation of Durga via the intricate symbolism of the three stories interspersed with lauds and the two characters Suratha and Samdhi involved in the Druga process, recipients of it through sage Medhas. The interpretation given in the Introduction and five brief chapters is followed by an innovative transcreation of the Durga text.Contents: Preface. Introduction. Creative Principle. World-Principle. The Tale of Transofmration. Stotrams. Walpurgisnacht. Transcreation. Index.
Hinduism; Folklore
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