Established & Emerging Business Genres
The True Story of a Deserted Medieval Farmstead
By Aud Solbjorg Skulstad
December 2002
Norwegian Academic Press
ISBN: 82-7634-179-9
243 pages, Illustrated, 6 3/4" x 9 1/2"
$107.00 Paper Original
The book examines rhetorical movement and textual patterns of annual and environmental reports issued by British companies. Underlying the choice of material is the assumption that there are important differences between established (annual reports) and emerging genres (environmental reports) in terms of both actual textual practices and the approaches required by genre analysts. The choice of material may also increase our understanding of genre emergence and generic change. The book will be important reading for all those directly involved in teaching English for Specific Purposes and in the analysis of language in the professions.
Business; Sociology
Studia Humanitatis Bergensia No. 15
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