Economic & Social Changes
in Czech Society After 1989
An Alternative View

By Lubomir Mlcoch, et al.
Charles University in Prague, The Karolinum Press
October 2000
ISBN: 80-246-0103-6
279 pages, Illustrated, 5 ½" x 8 ¼"
$127.50 Hardcover

Contents include: Restructuring of Property Rights: An Institutional View, The cultural roots of institutions: the Czech "real socialism," "The institutional evolution of the Czech privatization," "A misunderstood and abused liberalism," The Czech style of capitalism, The post-sovereign Czech state at a point of unfinished transition, Literature, Modernization Theory and the Czech Experience, The role of modernization aspect in recent Czech history, Theoretical framework of the study, the Macrostructural indicators of modernization, Research and development, Education, Ten Years of Transformation in the Czech Way: Transformation, Inequality and Integration, Czech transformation strategy and the "mainstream economics," Economic development during transformation: from the "Czech miracle" to a new social and economic crisis?, External economic relations of the Czech Republic, State budget and public sector, Earnings and incomes distribution, Conclusion.


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