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Effects of Clearfelling, Slash Removal and
Prescribed Burning on Amounts of Plant
Nutrients in Biomass and SoilBy Nils Nykvist
December 2000
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
ISBN: 91-576-5983-4
43 pages, illustrated
$30.00 paper original
Contents: Introduction. Material and methods: site and stand, sampling in the old forests, treatment of the clearfelled areas, sampling, sampling times on the clearfelled plots, litterfall and throughfall, and chemical analyses. Results: old forest, effects of clearfelling, litterfall, throughfall, and residence times of organic carbon. Discussion: the old forest, effects of clearfelling, slafh removal, and prescribed burning, litterfall, throughfall, and residence times of organic carbon. Conclusions. References. Acknowledgements.
Environmental Science
Studia Forestalia Suecica, No. 210