Enabling Interaction & Quality:
Beyond the Hanseatic League
8th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems

Edited by Anne G.S.Asserson & Eduard J. Simons
September 2006
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 905867536X
248 pages, Illustrated, 6 1/4 x 9 1/2"
$72.50 Paper Original

The EuroCRIS Conference of May 2006 in Bergen, Norway, marked the 15th anniversary of the EuroCRIS organization. The contributions to this conference, collected in this proceedings book, illustrate the tremendous evolution, driven by the revolutionary ICT-developments of the 90’s, which has taken place in these 15 years concerning research information in general and research information systems (CRIS) in particular.

Whereas at the start of EuroCRIS in 1991 the few at the time existing current research information systems still were a matter of rather static terminal-mainframe configurations, aimed at and mainly used by local research administrators for administrative report purposes, today these systems, now in place in almost every European country, have evolved into interactive multifunctional and multi-user applications, internationally accessible and of an ever growing significance and importance for researchers and the research community as such.


Maximizing Research Impact Through Institutional and National Open-Access Self-Archiving Mandates
Stevan Harnad, Canada/UK

From CRIS to CRIS: Integration and Interoperability
Stefan Hornbostel, Germany


The Use of Research Funding Databases for Research Assessment Information Systems
Daniel Bovelet, Germany

Enabling Interaction and Quality in a Distributed Data DRIS
D. Scott Brandt, James L. Mullins, Michael Witt, USA

Experience With a System for the Acquisition and Bibliometric Evaluation of Publications Based on an ASP approach
Thomas Gansland, Esther Schnet, Elke Williamson, Hans-Ulrich Prokosch, Germany

IWETO a Research Information Clearinghouse
Geert Van Grootel, Belgium

CRISs as a Management Tool: Experiences and Perspectives at the German Research Foundation
Juergen Guedler, Germany

Leveraging the Institutional Research Repository: harnessing the drive for quality assessment
Jessie M.N. Hey, Leslie A. Carr, Pauline Simpson, UK

Research Information in the UK: why no CRIS?
Neil Jacobs, UK

CRIS: Central Relating Information System
Keith G Jeffery, UK, Anne Asserson, Norway

Supporting the Research Process with a CRIS
Keith G Jeffery, UK, Anne Asserson, Norway

IST World: European RTD Information and Service Portal
Brigitte Jörg, Germany, Jure Ferlez, Slovenia, Edward Grabcewski, UK, Mitja Jermol, Slovenia

Coordinating IST research and development across Europe: the CISTRANA outlook
Simon Lambert, UK

Getting the knowledge to the agent – the Rough Sets approach
Sérgio Tenreiro de Magalhães, Leonel Duarte dos Santos, Luís Amaral, Portugal

HARVEX : Integrating multiple academic information resources into a researcher’s profiling tool
Mark Oskam, Ed Simons, Hans Schoonbrood, Wilfred Mijnhardt, The Netherlands

Towards CERIF-ScienTI cooperation and interoperability
Roberto C.S. Pacheco, Vinícius Medina Kern, José Francisco Salm Jr., Abel Laerte Packer, Renato Murasaki, Brasil, Luís Amaral, Portugal, Leonel Duarte dos Santos, Portugal, Alberto R. Cabezas Bullemore, Chile

Using a Virtual Research Environment to present CRIS grouped to support the real researchers’ research lifecycle
Derek Mark Sergeant, UK

How and why is the NORA project adding value to the institutional repositories established in Norway?
Elin Stangeland, Marianne Moe, Norway


On the way from research information to research management systems – what are the needs for universities?
Wolfgang Adamczak, Stefan Gradmann, Joachim Plumbaum, Germany

Enriching CRISs through new services for OA repositories
Raf Dekeyser, The Netherlands, David Prosser, UK

Change Management and the Research and Innovation Knowledge flow
Jan Poort, Rolf Steinmann, Switserland, Geert Van Grootel, Belgium


NARCIS: Integrating CRIS, OAI and web crawling
Elly Dijk, Arjan Hogenaar, Chris Baars, The Netherlands

IST World: European Research Area Information and Service Portal
Brigitte Joerg, Germany, Mitja Jermol, Slovenia

The CISTRANA IST Research Portal
Simon Lambert, UK

The Incentive of Using New Application Technologies In Research Information Systems
Joachim Plumbaum, Germany

HunCRIS – the Hungarian National Research Registry
Adam Tichy-Racs, Hungary

Frida – Research documentation system

Information Technology

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