Europe at Peace?
VIII Convention for European Nuclear Disarmament

Edited by Josep Palau
Foreword by Manuel Azcárate
December 1990
Spokesman Books[cover]
ISBN: 0-85124-518-8
300 pages
$67.50 hardcover

Contents: Foreword. Preface. Notes on the history and nature of the European peace movement. Part two: North-South: The global challenge for peace (7 papers). Part two: Regional conflicts (9 papers). Part three: Economy of peace (6 papers). Part four: Ecological crisis (2 papers). Part five: Europe: Disarmament or rearmament? (9 papers). Part six: Europe's future: 1992 and the removal of the wall (15 papers). Part seven: The culture of peace (8 papers). Part eight: conscientious objection (3 papers). Part nine: specific pacifist initiatives (6 papers). Part ten: General reflections: Perspectives of peace (7 papers). Part eleven: epilogue (4 papers). Appendices.

International Politics; History

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