Excavations on the Acropolis of Midea:
Results of the Greek-Swedish Excavations, Vol. I
The Excavations on the Lower Terraces, 1985-1991

By Gisela Walberg
December 1998
Paul Åströms Förlag
ISBN: 91-7916-039-5
364 pages (book 1: text) + 145 pages (book 2: plates), illustrated
$139.50 hardcover two-book set

This volume presents the results of the 1985-1991 excavations on the Lower terraces of the Acropolis of Midea, one of the central Bronze Age sites of the Argolid. The excavations have helped to establish human presence and a sequence of settlements at the site from the Final Neolithic to the Byzantine period. These findings are documented by detailed descriptions of each trench and stratum.

While the Neolithic and Early Helladic finds are sporadic, the Middle Helladic (MH) material suggests that Midea was a large and important site in MH II, and, even more so, in MH III-LH I. The material from the Lower Terraces includes a few Archaic vessels and many Roman and Byzantine finds, indicating that the area was resettled in the Roman period and abandoned in the late 6th century, possibly in connection with the Slavic invasion. The volume also contains appendices by specialists on the zoological remains, the botanical remains, froth-flotation and on the lead finds.

Skrifter Utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen No. 4o, XLIX:I

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