Expositiones Sequentiarum [In English & Latin]
Medieval Sequence Commentaries & Prologues. Editions with Introductions
Studia Latina Stockholmiensia, No. 53
By Erika Kihlman
September 2006
Stockholm University
Distrubuted by
ISBN: 9185445258
356 pages, Illustrated, 6 1/2 x 9 1/2"
$99.50 Paper Original
The sequence commentary emerged as a new btranch of medieval commentary literature in the 12th century. The sequence itself, sung in the Roman Mass, was a hugely influential genre--several thousands of sequence texts are known today--bu the fact that the Middle Ages also produced commentaries on this liturgical poetry has been hitherto practically unknown.
This present work is the first attenpt at a broader presentation of the sequence commentary genre. It makes available in modern edition seven previosuly unedited expositions on the sequence Ad celebres rex for the feast of St Michael. Introductions to each edition discuss the motifs interpreted, the commentary technique used and the sources drawn upon.
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