Facts or Fiction as
Evidence in Court

A Witness Psychological Analysis of a
Swedish Legal Case of Alleged Cutting-up
Murder & Child Sexual Abuse

By Astrid Holgerson and Brigit Hellbom
Sept. 1998
Almqvist & Wiksell
ISBN: 91-22-01777-1
161 p.
$57.50 Paper Original

The aim of this report of a witness psychological analysis of a cutting-up trial in Sweden is to identify factual sources of errors that can emerge when Law and Psychology meet in individual legal cases. This is of particular importance when oral testimony - often contradictory - is of conclusive significance in the fact-finding.

In these cases, the triers of fact do not only have to evaluate the statements made by the actual parties involved in the trial. They must also try out the reliability and validity of the psychological experts' statements. Do the experts have knowledge that is valid and relevant for this specific individual case and can the validity of the experts' judgements be tested by the Court?

European Studies
Series: Stockholm Studies in Educational Psychology

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