From Huts to Houses
Transformations of Ancient SocietiesEdited by J. Rasmus Brandt & Lars Karlsson
September 2001
Paul Åströms Förlag
ISBN: 91-7042-163-3
461 pages
$148.00 paper original
This volume contains 43 of the 43 announced papers and 11 posters presented at an international conference in Rome in 1997. In a cross-cultural context, the papers examine various aspects of transformation processes connected with architectural changes, covering themes such as building types and development, building function, building technology, and finance and organization.
Within this framework, the investigations span a long era, extending from the Mesolithic period to modern times, including experimental reconstructions of ancient dwellings. (9 papers in Italian, 1 paper in German, and 1 paper in French. Extensively illustrated with drawings and black & white photographs.)
[In English, Italian, German, & French]Ancient History
Acta ad archaeologiam et atrium historiam pertine 4o, XIII
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