Full Employment
Edited By Michael B. Brown et al.
ISBN: 0-85124-218-9
144 p. 5 7/8 x 8 ¼"
$23.50 Paper Original
Is Britain going to have to put up with some two million people permanently on the dole? What has happened to the universal postwar consensus, that full employment was an indispensable priority? How can the wasted energies and talents of the unemployed be channeled to produce the goods and services that we so badly need?
Economists Michael Barratt Brown, Francis Cripps, Stuart Holland, John Hughes and Frank Wilkinson make a careful examination of our present malaise. They are joined by poverty researchers and lobbyists Frank Field and Peter Townsend, who look at the dire effects of large-scale unemployment. This book will be a major weapon in the hands of those who are campaigning for a return to full employment.
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