Food Insecurity & Coping Strategies
in Semiarid Areas
The Case of Mvumi Central Tanzania

By Emma T. Liwenga
July 2003
Almqvist & Wiksell International
ISBN: 91-22-02009-8
186 pages, 6 1/2" x 9 1/2"
$59.50 Paper Original

How can the food crisis Africa drylands be challenged? Concern over sustainable livelihoods in Africa dryland areas is an issue that has received a considerable amount of attention from researchers and policy makers alike. In the face of food crisis it is common for literature to focus on issues labeled as "coping". Drylands are described in terms of what they lack, rather than in terms of the potentials they have. This study examines the potential of dryland resources in the semiarid areas of Central Tanzania. The food situation is examined from a historical perspective and special attention is focused on the role of local knowledge. Coping strategies are analyzed by taking into account the socio-economic differences that exist among households to mobilize labor is a crucial factor in determining their respective abilities to control seasonality. The scope varies for different wealth groups to develop more pro-active livelihood strategies from immediate coping strategies. Furthermore, the different land-based strategies are assessed from economic, social and environmental perspectives.

African Studies; Sociology
Stockholm Studies in Human Geography No. 11

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