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From Biblical Theology to Biblical Criticism
Old Testament Scholarship at Uppsala University, 1866-1922

By Rebecca G. S. Idestrom
November 2000
Almqvist & Wiksell International
ISBN: 9122-01864-6
265 Pages, Illustrated
$63.50 Paper Original


This book explores the developments in Old Testament scholarship in Sweden at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries by examining the lives and work of five biblical scholars at Uppsala University, during the period between 1866 and 1922. These theologians were O.F. Myrberg, W. Rudin, J.A. Ekman, F.A. Johansson and E. Stave. This study investigates their interpretation of various biblical texts and the approaches they adopted to interpret the Old Testament, and attempts to identify the influential factors which shaped their scholarship.

Coniectanea Biblica New Testament Series 47