Generalized Nets Modelling
of Biotechnological Process
By Anthony Shannon, et al.
December 2004
Marin Drinov Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
ISBN: 9543220395
132 pages, Illustrated, 5 ½" x 8"
$79.50 Paper Original
The purpose of this book is to apply Generalized Nets (GNs) for modeling of biotechnological processes. Biotechnological processes attract an increasing interest, being at the heart of both classical industrial activities and some new applications, such as those related to the environment, pharmacy, and so on.
In terms of mathematical modeling, biotechnological processes are characterized by a complicated structure of organization and interdependent characteristics, which determine their non-linearity and non-stationary properties. These processes are known to be very complex and modeling may be a rather time consuming thus a costly task.
Biotechnology; Math
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