Globalisation & Its Impact on Asia
Sharing Knowledge, Ideas & Information
Edited By Michael Yeoh, et al.
December 2003
Pelanduk Publications
ISBN: 967-978-876-8
207 pages, 5 ½" x 8 ½"
$29.50 Paper Original
Globalization, if properly interpreted and practiced, can result in a more equitable world order where wealth is more even distributed among the rich and the poor. Badly implemented, it can destroy the poor and by extension stifle the growth of the rich. For globalization to work there must be sharing of knowledge, ideas and information among Asian countries.
This book comprises detailed research papers undertaken by various experts on globalization and its impact on Asia. It researches into how Malaysia is progressing towards becoming a knowledge-based society, how leadership and values are being developed, how national competitiveness can be further enhanced, resulting from globalization and AFTA, as well as the emergence and critical role of China as both a threat and an opportunity.
Contents include: Coping with the Changing Competitive Landscape, Sustaining Economic Recovery, Meeting the Challenges of Globalization - Exporting and Promoting Malaysian Education overseas, Asean-China Free Trade Area: Charting a New Era of Regional Cooperation in East Asia and Southeast Asia, Asia in Transition, Asian Values, Malaysian Style - Imperatives for Building Cross-Cultural Partnerships in Malaysia, Corporate Leadership in Malaysia's Future, Emergence of China and Implications for Malaysia, How Globalization Impact on China's Relations with Southeast Asia, The Impact of Globalization on Malaysia, Agro-based SME's: Need for Concerted Efforts, Rationale for Developing Countries to Nurture National Champions Through State Support.
Economics; Politics
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