Guide to the Butterflies of the
Palearctic Region, 4th edition
By G.C. Bozano
December 2002
Omnes Artes
ISBN: 88-87989-03-6
71 pages, Illustrated, 8 1/4" x 11 3/4"
$115.00 Paper Original
The fourth volume of this book covers additional 56 species of Satyrinae belonging to the Subtribes Melanargiina and Coenonymphina. The new material from previously little known areas, together with today's taxonomists' view that restricts the subspecific rank to taxa with well defined and constant diagnostic morphological features, have induced a number of changes in the previous taxonomic arrangements, including sinking into synonymy of some old taxa. Although one of the main purposes of this book is to make clearer and to simplify the previous taxonomic arrangements, made heavy by too many confusing taxa, the introduction of a new subspecies of Melanargia asiatica has become necessary in order to identify a population showing clear and constant peculiar morphological features. The book has maintained the same set up and structure of the first three volumes.

Satyrinae part III
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